Cherry Audio 发布集合了多款经典型号为一身的拉杆风琴插件 Blue3

Cherry Audio 再次将经典变为插件,这次的新品 Blue3 是一款拉杆风琴插件,
Blue3 绝不仅仅是对著名风琴 B3 的致敬,它还包括了多款其它经典型号!


Blue3 is a meticulously modeled — not sampled — virtual instrument
that replicates the most famous tonewheel organs in the world: the B-3, C-3, A-100, L-100, CV, and M-3 models.
With 31 tonewheel sets accurately capturing variations between vintage instruments,
91 modeled tonewheels with phase synchronization, and authentically emulated scanner vibrato/chorus,
Blue3 delivers the iconic, soulful sounds associated with nearly a century of blues, gospel, rock, and jazz classics.​

Blue3 是一款精心建模(而非采样)的虚拟乐器,
可复制世界上最著名的拉杆风琴:B-3、C-3、A-100、L-100、CV 和 M-3 等型号。
凭借 31 组拉杆,可准确捕捉老式乐器之间的变化,
91 个具有相位同步的建模拉杆,以及真实模拟的扫动颤音/合唱,
Blue3 可提供上世纪经典的蓝调、灵魂、摇滚和爵士乐相关的标志性声音。


Cherry Audio's Blue3 features a new, beautifully designed user interface
with Main, Edit, Cabinet, and Perform sections.
And it goes beyond the traditional B3 sound by adding three studio-quality stompbox-style effects:
Tape Echo Delay, Reverb with Spring, Plate, and Hall, and a Seven-band Graphic EQ.​

Cherry Audio 的 Blue3 具有一个设计精美的全新用户界面,
它通过加入三种录音室级别的踏板效果器,超越了传统的 B3 声音:


Blue3 offers full polyphony for upper, lower, and pedal manuals,
a customizable keyboard split function,
and handy drawbar utilities including Copy, Swap, Reset, and Randomize.
Tones can be further refined with settings for condition, key click, percussion, and multiple overdrive options.​

Blue3 为上键盘、下键盘和踏板键盘提供完整复音数,


The Cabinet page provides six speaker options and adjustable rotary speed with acceleration and deceleration.
The microphone simulation includes spread and distance controls, four mic selections,
and click-and-drag placement in an updated UI.​



With MIDI mapping and a rich library of over 200 presets covering classic to modern tones,
Blue3 is the ultimate package for both stage and studio.​

通过 MIDI 映射和丰富的声音库(包含 200 多个预设,包括从经典到现代的声音),
Blue3 是演出和工作室的终极套装。


Blue3 Tonewheel Organ is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.
macOS 10.13 or above. macOS 13 Ventura supported. 64-bit required.
Native Apple M1 or greater processor support, including Ultra. 3.4 GHz Quad-Core or M1 CPU with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows 7 or above (including Windows 11), 64-bit required. 3.4 GHz Quad-Core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Hard disk space: 182 MB​

Blue3 Tonewheel Organ 提供 AU、VST、VST3、AAX 和独立运行格式。
macOS 10.13 或更高版本。支持 macOS 13 Ventura。需要 64 位。
原生 Apple M1 或更高版本的处理器支持,包括 Ultra。建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核或 M1 CPU 和 8GB 内存。
Windows 7 或更高版本(包括 Windows 11),需要 64 位。建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核计算机和 8GB 内存。
需要占用 182M 硬盘空间。


Blue3 正常价格 49 美元,没有首发促销。