红塔山再晋级!MeldaProduction 发布 V17 版本更新,音色库也带来大更新!

红塔山 MeldaProduction 最近将所有产品升级到了 V17 版本,更新了一个下载管理器。
这一次升级重点照顾了其旗舰级音源平台 MSoundFactory,这标志着他们要往音源方向发力了!

MeldaProduction v17.jpg

Introducing V17
The celebration of our 16th anniversary may seem to be over.
However, we have one more present for our users and for ourselves too.
We're here with version 17 of all our plugins.​

介绍 V17
Melda 16 周年庆典似乎已经结束。
但是,Melda 还有一份礼物送给 Melda 的用户和自己。
Melda 推出了所有插件的 V17 版本。
Introducing MPluginManager
The most important thing in version 17 is the improvement of your comfort.
Therefore, we created MPluginManager, which takes care of all your installations and licensing.
It will keep your plugins updated, and will help you to install or repair anything without downloading unnecessary data.
From now on, you will be able to manage your licenses and subscriptions from one place. (Get it in the Downloads section)​

介绍 MPluginManager
V17 版本中最重要的是提高了用户的舒适度。
因此,Melda 创建了 MPluginManager,它可以处理你的所有安装和许可。
New instruments to play with
Our universal modular virtual instrument, MSoundFactory, gained several new cool addons.
You may check Cyberpunk Bass, Trap Bass, Cyclicity, Ethereal Keys,
Alchemist Whoosh, and Organic Scape. All of them are,
of course, free for the license owners.​

Melda 的通用模块化虚拟乐器 MSoundFactory 获得了几个新的酷炫插件。
你可以查看 Cyberpunk Bass、Trap Bass、Cyclicity、Ethereal Keys、
Alchemist Whoosh 和 Organic Scape。


Other notable updates
We worked hard to improve the efficiency of the core
and updated the compatibility of all our plugins (including the free ones) to meet current standards.
Some plugins like MTurboDelay gained a lot of new presets.​

Melda 努力提高核心效率,
一些插件(如 MTurboDelay)获得了很多新预设。
Start your trial version again!
Even if you have installed previous versions, you can start your 15-day trial version again.
Get MPluginManager and dive into our plugins now.​

即使你已经安装了以前的版本,也可以重新开始 15 天试用版。
立即获取 MPluginManager 并深入了解 Melda 的插件。
Free-for-life updates
Of course, upgrading to version 17 of our plugins is free for all existing users, as always.​

当然,一如既往,所有 Melda 插件的正版用户都可以免费升级到最新的 V17 版本。

V17 介绍性促销
为了庆祝 V17 版本的发布,在 9 月 1 日前,MeldaProduction 提供如下促销:

MeldaProduction V17 发布促销.png

V17 的发布意味着 MeldaProduction 开始向软音源方向发力,其标志的 MSoundFactory 在未来将会迎来力推!
从本人已知的内部消息来看,MeldaProduction 马上就会迎来一款新的重磅音色库(鉴于保密协议我无法现在透露),
所有购买过 MSoundFactory 和 MSoundFactory LE 的用户将会免费获得,所以这次促销我也力荐大家购买 MSoundFactory LE,
只需要 299 元,就可以访问 MSoundFactory 平台的所有音色库,相对完整版的 MSoundFactory 来说,
MSoundFactory LE 只是没有进一步编辑底层采样逻辑的功能,对于一般用户来说也不是必须,但性价比爆炸!