森林王国 Forest Kingdom 3 是 Best Service 推出的重量级配乐音色库,深受作曲家的喜爱。
几个月前,Engine Audio 新引擎面世,大家都在期待这些老的 ENGINE 音色库更新,现在轮到它了!
老用户现在可以免费下载 Engine Audio 引擎和新的 Forest Kingdom 3 的音色库,新用户买现在也在打折!

几个月前,Engine Audio 新引擎面世,大家都在期待这些老的 ENGINE 音色库更新,现在轮到它了!
老用户现在可以免费下载 Engine Audio 引擎和新的 Forest Kingdom 3 的音色库,新用户买现在也在打折!
Forest Kingdom 3, one of our most popular libraries, is now available for the new Engine Player.
Over the last few weeks and months, we have gone to tremendous lengths to further improve the performance of the library.
In addition, every control, every sample, every MIDI file and the user interface has been reviewed,
optimized and adapted for Engine Player by the Engine Audio team.
Forest Kingdom 3 是大家最受欢迎的音色库之一,现在可用于新的 Engine Player 引擎。
在过去的几周和几个月里,Engine Audio 竭尽全力进一步提高音色库的性能。
此外,Engine Audio 团队审查、优化和调整了每个参数、每个采样、
每个 MIDI 文件和用户界面以适应 Engine Player。

Forest Kingdom 3 by Engine Audio gives you an extensive collection of over 400 instruments,
including flutes, harps, percussion and unique mythical creatures.
With more than 20,000 individual samples and 300 multi-track grooves,
Forest Kingdom 3 offers a versatile selection for composers and sound designers.
Engine Audio 的 Forest Kingdom 3 提供了超过 400 种全面的乐器,
Forest Kingdom 3 拥有超过 20000 个独立采样和 300 个多轨律动,

The advanced Engine Player technology guarantees dynamic articulations and excellent sound quality,
supported by a revamped, user-friendly interface for maximum creative freedom and control.
先进的 Engine Player 技术可确保动态技巧和出色的音质,

Whether it's music or atmospheric sounds for films, documentaries, games, or new-age music,
Forest Kingdom 3 is the perfect tool for all composers and sound designers.
Forest Kingdom 3 都是所有作曲家和声音设计师的超级工具。

30 wind instruments (including 10 beautiful Native American flutes)
90 ethnic percussion instruments
Mythical creatures and shamanic voices
210 fascinating soundscapes
300 inspiring and editable performance MIDI grooves
Requires Engine Player Version 1.0.4
(All Forest Kingdom I + II instruments are fully included in Forest Kingdom 3)
30 种管乐器(包括 10 种优美的美洲原住民长笛)
90 种民族打击乐器
210 种迷人的音景
300 种令人振奋且可编辑的 MIDI 演奏节奏
需要 Engine Player 1.0.4 版本
(Forest Kingdom I + II 的所有音色均完全包含在 Forest Kingdom 3 中)
新买森林王国 3 正常价格 259 欧元,6 月 27 日之前闪惠促销 179 欧元,
对于已经拥有森林王国 1/2 的老用户升级原价 99 欧元,闪惠 69 欧元,
对于已经拥有森林王国 3 的用户更新是免费的。