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MIR 3D ROOMPACK 是用于 Vienna MIR Pro 3D 软件的卷积 IR,

Receive one free MIR 3D RoomPack
when you order Vienna MIR Pro 3D (24) or Vienna MIR Pro 3D (upgrade or new purchase)!
Add one or more MIR 3D RoomPacks to your basket in the same order,
and the most expensive RoomPack in your basket will be free of charge!
(You won’t receive a second free RoomPack when you upgrade from Vienna MIR Pro 3D (24) to Vienna MIR Pro 3D.)
If you have already registered all six previously available MIR RoomPacks,
MIR 3D RoomPacks 1 - 6 will be free of charge and added to your basket automatically.​

免费获得 MIR 3D RoomPack 的方法:
订购维也纳 MIR Pro 3D (24) 或维也纳 MIR Pro 3D (升级版或新购买)!
在同一订单中,在购物车中添加一个或多个 MIR 3D RoomPack,
则最贵的 RoomPack 将免费!
(从 Vienna MIR Pro 3D (24) 升级到 Vienna MIR Pro 3D 时,不会收到第二个免费的 RoomPack)。
如已注册之前所有六个可用的 MIR RoomPack,
MIR 3D RoomPacks 1 - 6 将自动免费添加到购物车中。
MIR 3D RoomPack 1 “Vienna Konzerthaus”(14.7 GB)
The Vienna Konzerthaus, one of the world’s preeminent concert buildings,
enjoys undisputed acclaim for its unique acoustics.
MIR 3D RoomPack 1 includes a staggering 11,000 impulse responses from four halls,
plus its grand foyer, that have been recorded exclusively for Vienna MIR Pro 3D.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 1 “Vienna Konzerthaus”(14.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 1 包含四个大厅的 11000 个脉冲响应,
这些都是专为 Vienna MIR Pro 3D 录制的。
MIR 3D RoomPack 2 “Studios and Stages”(10.6 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 2 includes more than 24,000 individual impulse responses for Vienna MIR Pro.
It offers the famed Teldex recording hall in Berlin,
three recording studios of the “ORF Funkhaus”,
the public radio broadcasting building of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) in Vienna,
as well as two rooms of Recording Studio Weiler,
an Austrian high-end recording facility
(formerly known as “Little America” of legendary producer Peter Wolf).​

MIR 3D RoomPack 2 "Studios and Stages"(10.6 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 2 包含 24000 多个 Vienna MIR Pro 的独立脉冲响应。
它提供了柏林著名的 Teldex 录制大厅,
ORF Funkhaus "的三间录音棚,
(前身是传奇制作人 Peter Wolf 的 Little America)。
MIR 3D RoomPack 3 “Mystic Spaces”(9.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 3 offers more than 4,200 impulse responses
of exceptional churches for Vienna MIR Pro 3D.
The outstanding acoustics of the “Steinhofkirche”,
one of Vienna’s famous Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) landmarks
as well as the Late Gothic pilgrimage church “Maria Strassengel“
provide the perfect ambience for epic, sacred or meditative compositions.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 3 “Mystic Spaces”(9.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 3 提供 4200 多个脉冲响应,
专为 Vienna MIR Pro 3D 带来各种特殊的教堂之声。
包括 “Steinhofkirche” 出色的声学效果,
以及晚期哥特式朝圣教堂 “Maria Strassengel”。
MIR 3D RoomPack 4 “The Sage Gateshead”(9.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 4 is dedicated to “The Sage Gateshead”,
UK’s landmark building in the northeast of England.
Its two large concert spaces and the Rock Foundation Hall (a smaller performance and rehearsal hall)
have been captured with more than 14,000 impulse responses for Vienna MIR Pro 3D.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 4 "The Sage Gateshead"(9.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 4 专注于 The Sage Gateshead,
为 Vienna MIR Pro 3D 采集了超过 14000 个脉冲响应。
MIR 3D RoomPack 5 “Pernegg Monastery”(7.0 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 5 features the outstanding acoustics of the late gothic monastery church
in Pernegg, Austria, that was built in the early 1500s.
Nearly 5,000 impulse responses have been recorded from four different microphone positions,
ready-to-use for Vienna MIR Pro 3D.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 5 “Pernegg Monastery”(7.0 GB)
其建于 15 世纪初的奥地利佩尔内格。
从四个不同的麦克风位置记录了近 5000 个脉冲响应,
可随时用于维也纳 MIR Pro 3D 使用。
MIR 3D RoomPack 6 “Synchron Stage Vienna”(13.0 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 6 includes 6,000 Impulse Responses of our revitalized Synchron Stage Vienna.
This 540 m2 (5,813 sq.ft.) scoring stage is large enough
to accommodate a 130 piece orchestra and stands out with its excellent acoustics.
Since its official opening in summer 2016, Synchron Stage Vienna hosted film music recordings
for international clients and composers such as Hans Zimmer, Rupert Gregson-Williams,
Lorne Balfe, Mychael Danna, Steven Price, Laura Karpman, Bear McCreary, John Paesano and countless others.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 6 "Synchron Stage Vienna"(13.0 GB)
包含 6000 个焕然一新的维也纳同步舞台脉冲响应。
540 平方米(5,813 平方英尺)的配乐舞台非常大,
足以容纳 130 人的管弦乐队,并以其出色的声学效果脱颖而出。
自 2016 年夏季启用以来,该地已为国际客户和作曲家举办了各种电影音乐录制活动,
如 Hans Zimmer、Rupert Gregson-Williams、
Lorne Balfe、Mychael Danna、Steven Price、Laura Karpman、Bear McCreary、John Paesano 等。
MIR 3D RoomPack 7 “Grosses Festspielhaus Salzburg”(9.7 GB)
MIR 3D RoomPack 7 captures this significant venue of the Salzburg Festival,
one of the world’s most eminent festivals of music and drama,
using an unprecedented amount of 6,400 impulse responses.
The nearby Karl Böhm Hall serves not only as a foyer but also hosts all sorts of prestigious events.
We like to refer to this magnificent hall as the world’s largest reverb chamber in 3D.​

MIR 3D RoomPack 7 "Grosses Festspielhaus Salzburg"(9.7 GB)
采样了前所未有的 6400 个脉冲响应。
这座宏伟的大厅可被称之为世界上最大的 3D 混响室。


正常价格 745 欧元,在x月x日前首发促销 x 欧元,
