名震业内的四巨头 Spectrasonics 产品虽然入场门票不便宜,但是入场之后福利不会断。
最近,Spectrasonics 为键盘四巨头 Keyscape 加入新的毛毡钢琴音色,让 Keyscape 拥有了新的可能性!

最近,Spectrasonics 为键盘四巨头 Keyscape 加入新的毛毡钢琴音色,让 Keyscape 拥有了新的可能性!
Free update adds #1 most requested sound from Keyscape users
To celebrate International Piano Day (the 88th day of the year),
we are thrilled to announce the release of a special new Double Felt Grand piano for Keyscape,
available now to users as a Free Update.
This v1.5 release represents the first time that we have added a brand new instrument to Keyscape,
and the “felt piano” has been the #1 most requested sound from Keyscape users.
Keyscape 用户福利:需求呼声最大的音色免费更新!
为了庆祝国际钢琴日(每年的第 88 天),
Spectrasonics 很高兴地宣布推出一款适用于 Keyscape 的特殊新型双层毛毡三角钢琴,
v1.5 版本代表 Spectrasonics 首次在 Keyscape 中加入全新乐器,
而 “毛毡钢琴” 一直是 Keyscape 用户最需要的音色。

Creating the Double Felt
Normally, the highly coveted “felt piano” sound is achieved by draping a layer of felt vertically between the strings and the hammers of an upright piano.
This softens the strikes and gives the upright piano an intimate, muted tone.
Because of gravity, this technique is not feasible on a grand piano, since the hammers and strings are situated horizontally.
The felt would simply lay on top of the hammers, preventing them from rising up to strike the strings.
Attempts to attach the felt above the hammers, against the strings,
yields less-than-satisfactory results and laying the felt on top of the strings mutes their sustain drastically.
通常,令人垂涎的 “毛毡钢琴” 音色是通过在立式钢琴的琴弦和琴槌之间垂直覆盖一层毛毡来实现的。
Through careful experimentation, renowned piano technician Jim Wilson
(creator of the unique Yamaha grand used in Keyscape for the LA Custom C7),
discovered how to achieve this gorgeous muted sound on a world-class 7-foot grand piano.
After a great deal of thought, Jim ended up carefully cutting, fitting,
and gluing two individually layered strips of a thick, natural felt to each hammer.
通过仔细的实验,著名钢琴技师吉姆·威尔逊(LA Custom C7 Keyscape 中使用的独特雅马哈三角钢琴的创造者)
发现了如何在世界一流的 7 英尺三角钢琴上实现这种华丽的毛毡音色。

Sound/Software Development
Once the acoustic piano was prepared in this special way,
our acclaimed Spectrasonics sound development team (led by producer Eric Persing)
then painstakingly sampled the instrument at our newly developed private recording studio —
which features some of the largest naturally ambient recording spaces in Los Angeles.
To complete the experience, our amazing software team developed lush new DSP reverb algorithms
that are exclusive to this new Keyscape sound.
The final result is the unique Double Felt Grand: a warm, soft piano
with the best aspects of a felt upright, but with the body and the decay of a grand.
音色 / 软件开发
我们广受好评的 Spectrasonics 声音开发团队(由制作人 Eric Persing 领导)
该录音室拥有洛杉矶一些最大的自然环境录音空间 。
为了完善体验,我们出色的软件团队开发了丰富的全新 DSP 混响算法,
这些算法是这款新 Keyscape 声音所独有的。

New Keyscape Video
To celebrate Piano Day and the release of the new Double Felt Grand,
we’ve also produced a new Keyscape video featuring a beautiful performance
on the new sound by Sony Classical artist Olivia Belli.
新的 Keyscape 视频
为了庆祝钢琴日和新款 Double Felt Grand 的发布,
Spectrasonics 还制作了一段新的 Keyscape 视频,
其中包含索尼古典艺术家 Olivia Belli 对新声音的精彩演奏。
Pricing and Availability
The Double Felt Grand is now available and included with Keyscape.
All existing users can get the new piano as a Free Update by simply using the “Get Updates” button
on the splash screen of the Keyscape user interface to download it.
Double Felt Grand 现已上市,并包含在 Keyscape 中。
所有现有正版用户只需使用 Keyscape 用户界面启动屏幕上的 “Get Updates” 按钮,
Keyscape 官网价格 399 美元,从不进行打折促销,
中国区的用户将优惠至 2699 元购带安装盘版本盒装版本。