自从 Musical Sampling 开发了 Hoard Picked Acoustic 拨片吉他音色库后,
他们趁热打铁梅开二度,又带来了一款 Hoard Fingerstyle 指弹木吉他。

他们趁热打铁梅开二度,又带来了一款 Hoard Fingerstyle 指弹木吉他。
Hoard Fingerstyle is a warm, intimate fingerstyle acoustic guitar.
Between the brush of the finger and rounded pluck,
so much personality and vibe is imparted when playing the guitar with your fingers instead of a pick.
So once again, we brought in our favorite guitarist,
Jason Hoard to provide performances focused on the softer side of things.
Hoard Fingerstyle 是一款温暖、亲切的指弹木吉他。
因此,Musical Sampling 再次请来了最喜爱的吉他手,
这次由 Jason Hoard 带来侧重于柔和一面的演奏效果。
Our “Sustains Hammer Pull” instrument incorporates new scripting
that allows you to play legato hammer-ons and pull-offs within a polyphonic sustains patch.
It’s a dream to play and we constantly get lost improvising with it.
We’ve also included sustain pedal support that allows you to play successive notes
without polyphony build-up while retaining it’s legato capabilities.
Musical Sampling “延音击弦” 乐器采用了新脚本,

The Master Legato patch incorporates multiple legato articulations: Natural legato,
slide to pluck (with CC slide speed control), hammer-on/pull-off,
and slide without plucking – all seamlessly switchable via velocity control.
Master Legato 音色包含多种连音技法:包括自然连音、
滑音至弹奏(带 CC 滑音速度控制)、击弦/拉弦、
We also recorded tempo-synced, 1/4 & 1/8th note loops at five tempos:
80, 100, 120, 140 & 160;
great for creating fingerstyle patterns, rhythmic beds and strums.
For added versatility,
we’ve thoughtfully included tuned and doubler versions of the patches
to cater to your double-tracking requirements.
Musical Sampling 还以五种速度录制了节奏同步、1/4 和 1/8 分音符循环:
BPM 分别为 80、100、120、140、160,
以满足你的 “加倍录音” 需求。

Master Legato Main: This is the main legato patch which contains three different legato types;
each individually activated by velocity.
Velocities 41-90 is the primary range
which uses the natural plucked legato articulation – your bread and butter.
Velocities 91-127 activates the hammer-on/pull-off articulation (up to a major 2nd).
Master Legato Main:主连奏音色,包含三种不同的连奏类型;
力度在 41-90 是主音色范围,
范围在 91-127 可激活击弦/拉弦衔接(最多大二度)。
Velocities 1-40 is your slide into pluck articulation, which is exactly that;
a string slide to the target note which is then plucked (from a minor 3rd up to an octave).
You can control the speed of the slide with the modwheel.
Up to a major 2nd, this legato velocity activates the slide no pluck articulation.
力度 1-40 是非常准确的滑音到拨弦的衔接;

Sustains Hammer Pull: Polyphonic sustains patch
that allows you to seamlessly incorporate legato hammer-ons & pull-offs.
If the next note that you play/legato-overlap is a half/whole-step up or down,
it’ll trigger the respective legato samples.
If you need to turn off the legato momentarily,
the C1 key deactivates legato whenever held.
Sustains Hammer Pull:一种复音的延音音色,
如果需要暂时关闭连奏,可以使用 C1 键,
只要按住 C1 键,就会禁用连奏。
The sustain pedal now allows you to play successive notes without polyphony build-up
while retaining it’s legato capabilities.
We’ve also included a Sustains Only patch without any legato.
Musical Sampling 还提供了一个不带连音的 Sustains Only 音色。

KS Loops: These are tempo-synced successive single-note loops.
The default pattern is a plucked quarter-note (keyswitch default is C1)
while C#1 switches to an eighth-note performance recorded at the same tempo.
KS Loops: 这是节奏同步的连续单音循环。
默认模式为弹拨四分音符(按键开关默认为 C1),
而 C#1 则能切换到以相同节奏录制的八分音符演奏。
Tuned & Doubler Patches: These variations have been hand-tuned to suit specific situations as needed.
The doubler patches are designed to serve as the secondary guitar
for your left/right-channel double-tracking requirements.
Tuned & Doubler Patches: 这些变奏经过手工调律,以满足特定情况需要。
Doubler 音色是设计用来当作第二吉他存在的,
正常价格 139 美元,在 3 月 18 日前首发促销 99 美元,