这应该是 DDMF 发布的第 5 个 EQ 插件了,按照 DDMF 所说,这个将代表着 DDMF EQ 的终极水平,
其说法是,GrandEQ 能够在数字领域面临的低采样率超高频问题上提供一种优化曲线以带来相位优势。

其说法是,GrandEQ 能够在数字领域面临的低采样率超高频问题上提供一种优化曲线以带来相位优势。
GrandEQ is nothing else but the culmination of what we here at DDMF have learned in the years since the first software EQ was released back in 2006.
It represents the state of the art of equalizer algorithms.
GrandEQ 是我们 DDMF 自 2006 年发布第一个软件 EQ 以来多年来所学知识的结晶。

The goal in digital equalizer design is always to reduce the amount of digital artefacts which are introduced due to the necessarily finite sampling frequency.
In its minimum phase setting, GrandEQ manages to do just that to an extent larger than most other EQs,
and notably both in the amplitude and in the phase domain, while introducing only a very small amount of latency.
The result is a very open and clear sound with, at the same time, excellent CPU efficiency.
Its linear phase setting stays completely in the time domain, using an elaborate time-reversal algorithm and 2-fold oversampling
to ensure excellent amplitude and (flat) phase response with the lowest possible amount of digital distortion.
在其最小相位设置中,GrandEQ 比大多数其他 EQ 在这一点上设法做得更好,
其成果是非常开阔和清晰的声音,同时具有出色的 CPU 运算效率。
其线性相位设置完全保持在同一时间中,使用精心设计的时间反转算法和 2 倍过采样

Matched magnitude and phase response: comparison
To further clarify what is meant by accurate magnitude and phase repsonse, let’s look at a Bell filter (+9 dB at 10 kHz).
Looking at the magnitude response of GrandEQ (shown in red in the following image),
note that it follows the true analog response (yellow) so close that it is barely visible below 20 kHz.
Both a standard digital EQ (blue) and a decrampled digital EQ (green) show clear differences towards the higher frequency range.
为了进一步阐明什么是精确的幅值和相位响应值,让我们来看看钟形滤波器(在 10 kHz 时+9dB)的样子。
查看 GrandEQ 的幅值响应(在下图中以红色显示),
请注意,它与真实的模拟响应(黄色)非常接近,以至于在 20 kHz 以下几乎看不到它的曲线。

This excellent behaviour also carries over to the phase domain:
while all software EQs ultimately show a phase response of 0 at half the sampling (Nyquist) frequency,
GrandEQ manages to follow the analog curve all the way until > 20 kHz,
while the two other EQs clearly show a different response.
所有软件均衡器在采样(Nyquist)频率的一半处最终显示的相位响应为 0,
而 GrandEQ 设法一直沿着模拟曲线直到>20 kHz,

Minimum Phase algorithm: accurate magnitude and phase matching to analog targets
Linear Phase algorithm: forward-backward approach + oversampling
7 independent bands, with 7 different band types: Bell, Low Shelf, High Shelf, Low Cut, High Cut, Bandpass and Notch
two internal states (A/B) for quick switching between alternative settings
Left-Right or Mid-Side operation
Two-channel EQ which can be linked/unlinked
7 个独立的频段,有 7 种不同的频段类型:钟形、低架、高架、低切、高切、带通和带除
L/R 立体声操作或 M/S 立体声操作
正常价格 139 美元,3月31日之前首发促销 83 美元,