著名的 The Orchestra 系列终于迎来了木管!这个来自于 Best Service 和 Sonuscore 合作的顶级配乐音色库系列!
Woods of the Wild 的到来不仅仅丰富了木管声部,还让 The Orchestra Complete 通过加入它更新到了第 3 代!

Woods of the Wild 的到来不仅仅丰富了木管声部,还让 The Orchestra Complete 通过加入它更新到了第 3 代!
Woods Of The Wild - Mystery Unveiled
Reveal the beautiful, mystical side of orchestral music with "Woods Of The Wild", the latest expansion into the world of "The Orchestra Complete".
This innovative, individually recorded woodwind section is obligatory for a rich and complete orchestral pallete.
We've incorporated articulations with triple tongues, rips, and trills not only for woodwinds but even for additional wind instruments including the piccolo, alto flute, and English horn.
Mallets and other wooden drums are also available in the collection to deliver the right amount of brutal intensity.
荒野之森 - 揭开神秘面纱
通过 “The Orchestra Complete” 世界的最新扩展 “荒野之森(Woods Of The Wild)” 揭开管弦乐美丽而神秘的一面。

Woods Of The Wild includes:
13 solo wind instruments with 5+ articulations each, plus bonus winds
4 ensemble articulations
Massive percussion sounds, including: Taiko, Tom Ensemble, Snare Drum, and more.
More wood-based percussion, such as: Marimba, Vibraphone, Crotales, Celeste, and more.
A MIDI-export feature
34 voicings for the powerful new Ensemble Engine
Pure Performance Legato – Makes legato instruments more intuitive to play
13 种独奏管乐器,每一种都有 5 种以上的技巧,外加额外的管乐器
4 种群奏技巧
更多基于木头的打击乐器,例如:Marimba、Vibraphone、Crotales、Celeste 等。
MIDI 导出功能
强大的新 Ensemble Engine 的 34 种声音
Pure Performance Legato——让连奏乐器演奏起来更直观
"Woods Of The Wild" works as a stand-alone instrument.
It is also included in The Orchestra Complete 3.
“Woods Of The Wild” 不仅仅是一个独立工作的音源。
它也包含在 The Orchestra Complete 3 中。
The Mystical Timbre of Woodwinds
Woodwind instruments have a secret enchantment that opens doors, opens time portals, and produces stories in the land of faeries and satyrs.
With "Woods Of The Wild", "The Orchestra Complete 3" obtains the old magic of lost tales and heroes’ journeys.
通过《Woods of the Wild》,《The Orchestra Complete 3》获得了演绎传说和英雄之旅的古老魔法。

The Ensemble
"Woods Of The Wild" is not simply a winds and percussion library.
It explores new, untamed directions in music, with inspiring articulations and an ensemble engine
that provides the ability to create fully orchestrated music with the press of a simple chord.
“Woods Of The Wild” 不仅仅是一个管乐和打击乐音色库。
"Woods Of The Wild" reproduces the sound of woodwind instruments in their softest as well as loudest dynamics.
All woodwind instruments were recorded in three dynamic layers and each sample was also carefully hand-edited to morph smoothly and seamlessly between each layer.
“Woods Of The Wild” 以最柔和和最响亮的力度再现了木管乐器的音色。
所有木管乐器都录制有 3 个力度层,每个采样也经过精心并手工编辑,以在每一层之间平滑无缝地过渡。
Unlock the Magic
Flute 1&2
Piccolo Flute
Alto Flute
Oboe 1&2
English Horn
Clarinet 1&2
Bass Clarinet
Bassoon 1&2
Big Percussion (Taikos, Tom Ensemble, Gran Cassa, Tam Tam, Snare Drum, Piatti, Suspended Cymbals)
Percussion (Celesta, Crotales, Marimbaphone, Vibraphone, Xylophone)
Hand percussion (Castanets, Claves, Rods, Shaker, Sticks, Woodblocks, Finger Cymbals, Marktree, Tambourine, Triangle)
长笛 1&2
双簧管 1&2
单簧管 1&2
巴松管 1&2
大型打击乐(太鼓、桶鼓合奏、Gran Cassa、Tam Tam、军鼓、Piatti、悬吊钹)

Pure Performance Legato
We are proud to introduce a completely redesigned performance legato engine.
This allows you to play both fast true legato and staccato runs without any problems, as the engine can distinguish between both articulations without the need for keyswitches.
We have paid special attention to the integration of the true legato transitions,
fitting each of the more than 400 transitions per instrument independently into the intervals in a way that allows for a very smooth and playable legato.
将每个乐器的 400 多个过渡中的每一个都独立地拟合到音程中,从而实现非常流畅和可演奏的连奏。
Raw Inspiration
"Woods Of The Wild" comes with an unparalleled amount of content:
38 Ensemble Voicings
75 Ensemble Rhythms
100+ new single NKIs
13 new multi articulation NKIs
A total of 128 versatile ensemble presets
“Woods Of The Wild” 的内容之多令人惊叹:
38 个合奏音色
75 合奏节奏
100 多个新的独立 NKI 文件
13 个新的多技巧 NKI 结构
共有 128 个多组合合奏预设

Take Full Control over the Ensemble
On the Engine page you can access all individual controls for each of the five instrument modules.
Short notes can be arranged with the arpeggiators, while sustained notes can be shaped with the velocity envelope.
Create the orchestral voicings as you need them and let the magic happen.
Export Your Custom Performance via MIDI
Once you have been inspired by a preset, drag and drop the arrangement of your performance from the "Woods Of The Wild" vst to your DAW.
Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template, change notes, reinforce the unique sound with other instruments and make the music your own.
将你的自定义演奏导出为 MIDI
一旦你受到预设的启发,将你的演奏音序从 “Woods Of The Wild” 拖放到你的 DAW 中。
Key Features
Breakthrough Ensemble Engine
Play freely or create stunning orchestral colors with simple chords
Complete set of standard articulations for all instruments
Pure Performance Legato
128 ready-to-go ensemble presets
16.000+ individual Samples
6.1GB of data
Fast loading times
128 个随时备用的合奏预设
16.000 多个独立采样
6.1GB 数据大小
正常价格 149 欧元,没有首发促销,并且新品短期不提供打折。
此外,The Orchestra Complete 更新到第 3 代,包含 Woods of the Wild。
The Orchestra Complete 3 价格为 479 欧元,老版本用户升级到 3 为 99 欧元。