Cherry Audio 发布雅马哈经典合成器 CS-80 的建模插件 GX-80

合成器建模插件领域的大品牌 Cherry Audio 再次进行建模之旅,
这次将经典的雅马哈 CS-80 合成器带了回来,这个新插件叫:GX-80!


GX-80 is a transformative virtual synthesizer that combines the unparalleled sound and features of the fabled GX-1 “Dream Machine” and its renowned descendant the CS-80, to create a powerhouse hybrid.
Featuring the carefully crafted and intensely circuit-modeled DSP designs of award-winning developer Mark Barton, Cherry Audio has replicated every subtlety of the classics to create the most authentic emulation of its kind.​

GX-80 是一款变革性的虚拟合成器,它结合了传说中的 GX-1“Dream Machine”及其著名后代 CS-80 超级闪耀的声音和功能,创造出强大的混合动力。
Cherry Audio 采用屡获殊荣的开发人员 Mark Barton 精心制作和密集电路建模的 DSP 设计,复制了经典的每一个微妙之处,创造出同类中真实的建模。


More than a Replicant
GX-80 is not just another CS-80 emulation. GX-80 adeptly integrates the GX-1's distinctive feature set into the CS-80 architecture;
most significantly, the massive dual-layer architecture that effectively made the GX-1 the equivalent of two CS-80s and then some.
The GX-1's unique highpassed resonant pulse and bandpassed sawtooth waves, octave-up triangle wave, and filter envelope inversion are incorporated, opening up a new universe of sonic experimentation.
Most notably, GX-80 includes an expert reproduction of the legendary GX-1 filter, delivering exquisite timbres that even the mighty CS-80 cannot produce.​

GX-80 不仅仅是另一个 CS-80 建模。 GX-80 巧妙地将 GX-1 的独特功能集集成到 CS-80 架构中;
最重要的是,巨大的双层架构有效地使 GX-1 相当于两个 CS-80,甚至更多。
结合了 GX-1 独特的高通谐振脉冲和带通锯齿波、八度三角波和滤波器包络反转,开辟了声音实验的新领域。
最值得注意的是,GX-80 包括传奇 GX-1 滤波器的专业再现,提供即使是强大的 CS-80 也无法产生的精美音色。
GX-80 boasts an impressive, dual-layer voicing architecture outfitted with 16 polyphonic voices per layer.
The instrument is capable of sounding two different CS-80 style sounds simultaneously, while panning each rank independently, to produce exquisitely rich stereo timbres and complex, layered sounds.
For ultimate flexibility and expressive performance, GX-80 provides a split keyboard mode and a clever option to simulate polyphonic aftertouch with a monophonic aftertouch controller.
What’s more, the GX-80 comes pre-loaded with over 1,000 expertly designed presets and equipped with studio-grade effects, meaning jaw-dropping sounds are no more than a few clicks away.​

GX-80 拥有令人印象深刻的双层复音架构,每层配备 16 复音。
该乐器能够同时发出两种不同的 CS-80 风格的声音,同时拥有不同的独立声像和音量,以产生精致丰富的立体声音色和错综复杂的声音。
为了获得最大的灵活性和表现力,GX-80 提供了分离键盘模式和一个独特的选项,可以通过单音触后控制器模拟和弦触后。
更重要的是,GX-80 配置了超过 1000 个专业设计的预设,并配备了录音室级效果器,这意味着令人惊叹的声音可以开箱即用。
GX-80 is more than a best-of-both-worlds interpretation of the past, and far more than a replicant.
Cherry Audio's GX-80 is an unprecedented gateway to the sounds and music of an unrealized future.​

GX-80 不仅仅是对经典的两全其美的诠释,也远不止是一个复制品。
Cherry Audio 的 GX-80 是通往未来声音和音乐的大门。


More than the Sum of its Parts
A virtual reproduction of the CS-80 has long been the most popular request from Cherry Audio fans. The company began work in 2021 to make the dream a reality.
DSP designer and developer Mark Barton's extensive research of the original CS-80 and its schematics led him back to the CS-80's predecessor, the indomitable GX-1.​

长期以来,CS-80 的虚拟复刻插件一直是 Cherry Audio 粉丝最普遍的要求。公司于 2021 年开始工作,以实现梦想。
DSP 设计师和开发人员 Mark Barton 对原始 CS-80 及其原理图的全面研究使他探索到了 CS-80 的前身,即不屈不挠的 GX-1。
"The CS-80 was loathe to give up all its secrets," says Mark Barton, whose work on deciphering its audio path was exemplary. "
As soon as we found something we thought strange, we immediately verified the behavior on both CS-80s we used for modeling.
We then did a deep dive into the schematics to verify why we were hearing what we were hearing."​

“CS-80 不愿透露它所有的秘密,”马克巴顿说,他在破译其音频路径方面的工作堪称典范。 “
一旦发现我们认为奇怪的东西,我们立即验证了我们用于建模的两台 CS-80 的行为。


As a result, GX-80 combines all of the sonic characteristics of the originals with exceptional accuracy.
When enhanced with GX-80's discrete layer volume and panning controls, the result is a colossal dual-layer voicing architecture,
16 polyphonic voices per layer, with two different timbres simultaneously playable in a split or stacked layer mode.​

因此,GX-80 以非凡的准确性结合了原版的所有声音特征。
当使用 GX-80 的分层音量和声像控制进行增强时,结果是一个巨大的双层发声架构,
每层 16 个复音音色,两种不同的音色可在拆分或堆叠层模式下同时演奏。
But Cherry Audio didn't stop with the extraordinary sound, as the originals were also revered for their magnificent, expressive performance features.
To provide an experience as close as possible to the original hardware, GX-80 adds a split keyboard mode and support for both polyphonic and monophonic aftertouch controllers.
Further, Cherry Audio has added an innovative "last-note priority" mode for simulated poly aftertouch response with a monophonic channel aftertouch controller.​

但 Cherry Audio 并没有止步于非凡的声音,因为原版也因其宏伟、富有表现力的性能特点而备受推崇。
为了提供尽可能接近原始硬件的体验,GX-80 加入了分离键盘模式并支持和弦和单音触后控制器。
此外,Cherry Audio 还加入了创新的“最后音符优先”模式,用于通过单声道触后控制器模拟复音触后响应。
With its dual-layer interface, over 1,000 stunning presets, and integrated studio-quality effects,
GX-80 is a singular effort worthy of the "flagship" label.​

凭借其双层界面、超过 1000 个令人惊叹的预设和集成的工作室品质效果,
GX-80 是当之无愧的“旗舰”标签的非凡之作。

产品标价 79 美元,实际发售价 59 美元,