著名的 ENGINE 音色库 ERA 2(中世纪系列)升级了一位新成员,
Celtic ERA 是整个中世纪系列中呈现凯尔特风格的民族风情音色库,
现在 Best Service 已经将其升级到了第 2 代:Celtic ERA 2。

Celtic ERA 是整个中世纪系列中呈现凯尔特风格的民族风情音色库,
现在 Best Service 已经将其升级到了第 2 代:Celtic ERA 2。
The authentic Sound of Celtic Myths
Let us take you on a musical journey back in time.
With Celtic ERA 2 by Eduardo Tarilonte the gates to the high north have been unlocked.
Discover Celtic culture through sounds which have shaped Ireland's landscape musically for generations.
Eduardo Tarilonte 的 Celtic ERA 2 开启了通往北欧神话的大门。
Eduardo Tarilonte's Celtic ERA 2 marks a major upgrade to his Celtic instrument collection,
adding additional instruments as well as a revamped and streamlined GUI.
Eduardo Tarilonte 的 Celtic ERA 2 标志着他的 Celtic 乐器系列的重大升级,

Celtic ERA 2 proves to be not only the perfect instrument collection for film scores and TV documentaries about the Emerald Isle,
but also for composers that want to add unique and high quality sounds to their music.
Celtic ERA 2 不仅是关于翡翠岛的电影配乐和电视纪录片的精美乐器合集,
Celtic ERA 2 Instruments
For Celtic ERA 2 multi-instrumentalist and sampling-expert Eduardo Tarilonte meticulously captured 36 Celtic wind,
string, and percussion instruments in full detail and with immaculate quality.
Among them you will find catchy flutes, dreamy harps, the famous Uilleann bagpipes, and striking bodhran drums.
凯尔特人 ERA 2 音色
对于 Celtic ERA 2,多乐器演奏家和采样专家 Eduardo Tarilonte 精心录制了 36 种 Celtic 吹管乐器、
在其中,你会发现朗朗上口的长笛、梦幻般的竖琴、著名的 Uilleann 风笛和引人注目的 bodhran 鼓。

To achieve an even greater variety, some sounds were created by recording two different instruments of the same kind.
This allows you for example to play a harp duet with different sounding instruments.
In addition, authentic phrases were recorded as MIDI-patterns as well as inspiring soundscapes.
Naturally, the instruments are offered in all of their typical articulations with an added true legato function.
此外,真实的乐句被录制为 MIDI 模式以及令人振奋的音景。

Top Features at a Glance
25 GB library with a total of over 25,000 samples
36 Celtic Wind, String and Percussion instruments, rich in detail and recorded in pristine quality
Four additional instruments from the Bronze Age: Cranyx, Cornu, Dord and War Horns
All instruments consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit/44.1 kHz) with several dynamic levels, various articulations, round-robin, real legato as well as glissando samples
Recorded using selected Kahayan U47-microphones into preamplifiers by the same manufacturer
Recorded by outstanding musicians of the Irish music scene
Including authentic phrases as MIDI-patterns as well as inspiring soundscapes
25 GB 大小,总共超过 25,000 个采样
36 种凯尔特吹管乐器、弦乐器和打击乐器,细节丰富,音质纯净
青铜时代的另外四种乐器:Cranyx、Cornu、Dord 和 War Horns
所有音色都包含全面的多重采样(24 位/44.1 kHz),具有多个动态电平、各种技巧、循环、真实连奏以及滑音采样
使用选定的 Kahayan U47 麦克风以及同品牌话放录制
包括真实的乐句作为 MIDI 模式以及令人振奋的音景
吹管乐器 Winds:
笛子类 Flutes: Asubio, Galician Ocarine, Folk Low Whistle, Folk Tin Whistle, Folk Whistle, Irish Flute, Low Whistle D, Whistle D, Wooden Low Whistle
管子类 Pipes: Breton Bombarde, Gaida, Galician Bagpipe, Highland Pipes 1, Highland Pipes 2, Scottish Smallpipes, Uilleann Pipes
键盘乐器 Keys: 2 Concertinas
弦乐器 Strings: 2 Acoustic Guitars (fingered, plucked & strummed), Irish Bouzouki (fingered, plucked & strummed) , Tenor Banjo, 2 Celtic Harps, 2 Celtic Zithers, Fiddle
古代乐器 Ancient Instruments: Carnyx, Cornu, Dord, War Horn
鼓和打击乐 Drums & Percussion: Bodrahns, Scottish Snare Drum, Small Skin Snare, Tom, Bass Drum
新购买 259 美元/欧元,从 Celtic ERA 1 升级为 99 美元/欧元,