以蓝管而著称的知名插件品牌 Nomad Factory 居然又带来了一次更新,
用于复现 80 年代经典空间感的混响插件 80s Spaces 现已升级为 V2 版本!

用于复现 80 年代经典空间感的混响插件 80s Spaces 现已升级为 V2 版本!
After years of hard work, the development and distribution teams at Nomad Factory / Plugivery, are thrilled to share the latest version of 80’s Spaces.
It has been upgraded to version 2 and is now available at the introductory price of ONLY $29.
经过多年的努力,Nomad Factory / Plugivery 的开发和发行团队很高兴能分享 80 年代 Spaces 的最新版本。
它已升级到第 2 版,现在只需 29 美元的首发促销价即可购买。
Not only has the product been greatly improved, but the entire framework has been completely revamped to be fully compatible
with the latest operating systems such as Windows 11 and macOS 12 Monterey (with native M series silicon chip compatibility).
完全兼容Windows 11和macOS 12 Monterey等最新操作系统(兼容原生 M1 系列芯片)。
"Nomad Factory users have been eagerly waiting for this.
This upgrade will affect the entire Nomad Factory product line over the course of the next few months",
says Eric Nolot, CEO at Plugivery / Nomad Factory:
Plugivery / Nomad Factory 首席执行官 Eric Nolot 表示:
“Nomad Factory 用户一直在热切等待。
此次升级将在未来几个月影响整个 Nomad Factory 产品线”:
"It has been very challenging for myself and the development team at Plugivery to take over the Nomad factory brand,
a few years back, when owner and CEO Bernie Torelli sadly past away.
Our developers have been hard at work to port, literally, millions of lines of codes to our modern framework assuring backward compatibility,
and FREE upgrades for the next decades.
We hope to have all Nomad Factory products ported to our new framework as soon as we possibly can" adds Eric.
我和 Plugivery 的开发团队接管 Nomad 工厂品牌一直是非常具有挑战性的。
我们希望尽快将所有 Nomad Factory 产品移植到我们的新框架中,”Eric 补充道。

Current owners can now download the latest version of 80’s Spaces (v2), for FREE, from the Nomad Factory website.
They will immediately notice the clean "notarized" installers
and the very slick new GUIs that now come in a funky purple background or a very "classic" deep grey.
These settings are now available from a convenient preference menu along with other useful settings.
当前正版用户现在可以从 Nomad Factory 网站免费下载 80 年代 Spaces (v2) 的最新版本。
This new version includes 12 reference reverb models (5 added with v2),
250 high quality convolution impulse responses (80 added with v2), and 510 well organized presets (110 added with v2).
It now also includes a “Color” Option a Tilt EQ and a new Gate mode.
这个新版本包括 12 个参考混响建模(v2 版本新增了 5 个)、
250 个高质量卷积脉冲响应(v2 版本新增了 80 个)和 510 个成品级预设(v2 版本新增了 110 个)。
正常价格 179 美元,首发促销 29 美元,
特别说明:80s Spaces 插件并未包含在 Integral Studio Pack III 套装之中。