
Reiya is a Japanese word meaning “Layers”
and is the perfect way to describe the best technique to use with this plugin.
LAYERS ON LAYERS ON LAYERS! 4 of them to be exact.
By allowing you to layer multiple sounds,
you can have full control over your very own sound design and development!
层层层层!确切地说,其中有 4 个层。
Reiya is a Multi Sampler Engine that allows you to combine 4 total samples to create 1 unique sound.
With nearly 200 total samples including Guitars, Synths, Wind Instruments, Percussion, Textures, Toys & more,
you will have no trouble finding something to tweak, layer and make your own.
With a smooth and easy-to-navigate interface, you will be creating your own unique style in a matter of minutes.
Even if you're not in the mood or zone to create your own sounds,
you will find Reiya loaded with over 200 original presets.
Reiya是一个多采样器引擎,可让您组合 4 个总样本以创建 1 个独特的声音。
共有近200 个样本,包括吉他、合成器、管乐器、打击乐器、纹理、玩具等,
您也会发现Reiya加载了200 多个原始预设。
By having total control of each samples Envelope and EQ,
creating & sculpting your initial sound is as easy as 1-2-3.
1. Choose your Samples
2. Use the Envelope for initial sound sculpting
3. Use EQ to further sculpt your sound
创建和雕刻您的初始声音就像 1-2-3 一样简单。
1. 选择您的样品
2. 使用 Envelope 进行初始声音雕刻
3. 使用 EQ 进一步塑造你的声音
Of course, you can take things further by panning, gain staging, transposing and detuning your samples as well.
You can also add some unique twist and dimension with our Built In FX Panel.
This FX Panel contains 2 Main Multi FX Knobs. By turning these single knobs
you control nearly 20 parameters across 7 different FX within the plugin.
You can then fine-tune these FX by adding various LFOs, Filters & FX Specific Parameters (like Delay Time).
您还可以使用我们的内置 FX 面板添加一些独特的扭曲和尺寸。
这个 FX 面板包含 2 个主要的 Multi FX 旋钮。通过转动这些单个旋钮,
您可以控制插件内 7 个不同 FX 的近 20 个参数。
然后,您可以通过添加各种 LFO、滤波器和 FX 特定参数(如延迟时间)来微调这些 FX。
Download Includes:
4 Sampler Engines with Envelope & EQ
Nearly 200 Multi-Sampled Instruments
200+ Factory Presets
VST3 (Windows)
VST3 & AU (Mac)
Full Manual (Install, Walkthrough, & Troubleshooting)
Compatible with all DAWs (excluding Pro-Tools)
4 个带包络和均衡器的采样器引擎
近 200 种多采样仪器
200+ 出厂预设
VST3 & AU (Mac)
兼容所有 DAW(不包括 Pro-Tools)