Karanyi Sounds 是一个专注于开发科幻、现代、复古、蒸汽波等题材的音色库制造商,
Wavesynth 现在又加入一个新成员:Pitch Black,号称内心深处的肮脏,非常的赛博朋克了!

Wavesynth 现在又加入一个新成员:Pitch Black,号称内心深处的肮脏,非常的赛博朋克了!
Deep Down and Dirty
There is a black sheep in every flock: meet Wavesynth Pitch Black, the dark knight of our legendary waveshaper family.
Dive deep into the dirt and explore the 50+ bass-heavy artist presets! Made for all genres that make use of noise and harshness,
including, but not limited to modern techno and indie dance, retro video games and post-apocalyptic sci-fi themes.
每个羊群中都有一只害群之马:来看看 Wavesynth Pitch Black,我们传奇的 Waveshaper 家族的黑暗骑士。
深入探索 50 多种重低音艺术家预设! 适用于所有使用噪音和刺耳的风格,
包括但不限于 Modern Techno 和 Indie Dance、复古视频游戏和世界末日类的科幻主题。

Advanced waveshaper tools
Wavesynth Pitch Black is almost as flexible as an analog synth: you have plenty of possibilities to shape, twist, stomp your sounds.
With over 60 parameters (all MIDI-learnable) and an intuitive interface design and Roll (our built-in intelligent randomizer),
you can go wild and create new inspiring patches in seconds.
Wavesynth Pitch Black 几乎与模拟合成器一样灵活:你有很多可能性来塑造、扭曲、蹂躏你的声音。
拥有超过 60 个参数(所有都支持 MIDI 自动化)和直观的界面设计以及 Roll(内置的智能随机发生器),
Feature walkthrough
Wavesynth Pitch Black uses the same advanced waveshaper engine as its best-seller ancestor, the classic Wavesynth.
Check out how it works!
Wavesynth Pitch Black 使用与其畅销的经典 Wavesynth 相同的高级波形整形引擎。
Main Features:
50+ Meticulously designed artist presets
Bass focused, but you will also find great synths and other elements.
Professional, studio-grade quality sample content
Recorded in 96kHz, 24bit (converted to 44kHz, 16bit)
Sounds from classic analog and FM synths
14 type of wavetable algorithms
Amp & wavetable envelopes
2 LFO: Wavetable position & Prophet-type low pass filter
Moog-type low pass filter
3 customizable effects: dimension, tape delay & hall reverb
Master EQ, Compressor & Limiter
ROLL (intelligent randomizer) for creating super sharp pluck sounds
以 96kHz、24bit 录制(转换为 44kHz、16bit)
来自经典模拟和 FM 合成器的声音
14 种波表算法
2 LFO:波表位置 & Prophet 型低通滤波器
Moog 型低通滤波器
3 种可定制的效果:维度、磁带延迟和大厅混响
System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.11 or higher is recommended
Windows 7 or higher
4 GB of RAM, 8 GB is recommended
All products require Kontakt 6.2.2 or higher (Free Kontakt Player is NOT supported)
64 bit DAW is recommended for optimized performance
Mac OS X 10.11 或更高版本
Windows 7 或更高版本
4 GB 内存,建议 8 GB
所有产品都需要 Kontakt 6.2.2 或更高版本的完整版(不支持免费的 Kontakt Player)
建议使用 64 位 DAW 以优化性能

正常价格 39 美元,首发促销 19 美元,