UJAM 在完成虚拟吉他、贝斯、鼓、电鼓、弦乐以及合成器之后将手伸向了钢琴,
Virtual Pianist VOGUE 是虚拟钢琴手系列的第一个产品,号称寻找永恒的流行歌曲。

Virtual Pianist VOGUE 是虚拟钢琴手系列的第一个产品,号称寻找永恒的流行歌曲。
Dazzling, charismatic and irresistible
The grand piano – the prima donna amongst pop music instruments! Like nothing else, it breathes grandezza and glamour into any production.
So important, so beautiful and so hard to master.
Fret no more! Here comes Virtual Pianist VOGUE, the smart way to produce realistic piano performances.
Create dazzling results while staying in the flow – zero piano skills required.
三角钢琴——流行乐器中的老大! 它为任何作品带来了非凡的魅力。
如此重要,如此美丽,如此难以掌握。 不要再烦恼了!
Virtual Pianist VOGUE 来了,这是制作真实钢琴演奏的智能方式。
Complementing the band
VOGUE is a professional session player well-versed in contemporary musical styles.
This virtual musician can contribute rhythmic tracks as part of a band, accompaniments for singers and instrumentalists,
or simple but appealing solo passages and instrumental playbacks.
Just pick and choose from 30 styles, trigger the phrases and adjust to fit.
VOGUE 是一位精通现代音乐风格的专业演奏家。
只需在 30 种风格中挑选,触发乐句并进行调整以应用它。
Groove operator
From Elton John to Alicia Keys, entertainment greats of all eras knew how to harness the magic of eighty eight keys.
Convert your idea into a great-sounding, musical track easily. Under your control and serving your creativity.
Great if you're an experienced piano player looking for inspiration to quickly produce outlines.
Even greater if you can’t play the piano… because now you can!
从 Elton John 到 Alicia Keys,各个时代的娱乐巨星都知道如何驾驭 88 键的魔力。
轻松将你的想法实现为动听的音轨。 在你的控制下,为你的创造力服务。

Pristine quality
VOGUE is first and foremost a modern and perfectly produced grand piano.
It’s based on a legendary Austrian large concert grand piano, a gold-standard in studio and stage sound.
Tuning and setup were customized for pop and rock.
It’s punchy and crispy, and with pristine full-bodied sound and lots of dynamics, VOGUE can hold its own within a band.
VOGUE 是一台现代且制作完美的三角钢琴。
它有力而清脆,具有原始浓郁的声音和丰富的动态,VOGUE 可以在乐队中独树一帜。
Effortlessly switch between different aesthetics for any occasion.
Choose a Character preset: From soft intimate sensual ballads to intense 90s house stabs.
Together with the piano-optimized Finisher Modes, this creates a huge palette of perfectly engineered piano sounds.
选择一个角色预设:从柔和的亲密感性民谣到激烈的 90 年代激烈 House。
连同钢琴优化的 Finisher Modes,这创造了一个巨大的完美钢琴引擎音色库。
Play in key
Set the key of your song for VOGUE to unleash its full potential.
The Player mode will play more varied and custom-tailored phrases and harmonies with a key set.
为 VOGUE 设置歌曲的调性,以释放其全部潜力。

正常价格:1059 元 RMB,首发促销 709 RMB,
中国区的用户可以在官网直接使用 RMB 购买。