Vintage Vault 是 UVI 众多合成器复刻插件的综合集,每一代更新都将加入很多新产品,
随着越来越多的合成器被 UVI 采样和复刻,Vintage Vault 今天已经发布到了第 4 代。

随着越来越多的合成器被 UVI 采样和复刻,Vintage Vault 今天已经发布到了第 4 代。
36 UVI products, 14,000+ presets, 800,000+ samples
Sound design and sampling on 255 hardware instruments
Incredible savings, $3,934 if purchased separately
36 种 UVI 产品,14000+ 个预设,800000+ 个样本
255 种硬件乐器的声音设计和采样
相对单独购买,可节省 3934 美元
The premier collection of authentic vintage synthesizer and drum machine sounds just got better!
Vintage Vault now includes 36 UVI products, 800,000 samples and over 14,000 hand-crafted presets
all created using the original hardware, 255 machines overall.
Vintage Vault 现在包括 36 个 UVI 产品、800000 个样本和超过 14000 个人工制作的预设,
全部使用原始硬件创建,总共涉及 255 台机器。

Explore your own personal dream studio packed with over 5 decades of synthesizers and drum machines from analog to digital, classic to obscure,
all recorded in professional studios through class-A signal chains just like they were for countless hit records.
探索您自己的梦想工作室,里面有超过 5 代的合成器和鼓机,从模拟到数字,从经典到街货,
所有这些都通过 A 级信号链在专业工作室录制,就像它们为无数热门唱片所贡献的一样。
Now you can experience the raw grit, character and texture of dozens of real hardware instruments with all the simplicity of software.
Vintage Vault is easy to use, completely portable, instantly recallable, and never out of sync or out of tune (unless you want it to be!)
it's all the sounds you want, when and wherever you need them.
Vintage Vault 易于使用、完全便携、可立即调用,并且永远不会不同步或走调(除非您想要它这样!)

Unlimited Inspiration
All of those polyphonic analog synths from the '80s? Check.
Hundred-thousand dollar digital workstations? Check.
Ultra-rare prototypes and string synths from the '70s? Check.
What about all of those classic drum machines? And the obscure ones we never heard of? Check, and check.
Vintage Vault brings together the sounds of 255 hardware machines, representing some of the most coveted and sought-after electronic instruments ever made.
It represents decades of man-hours in development and is a testament to our passion for synths and our dedication to quality.
Quickly browse through a massive catalog of synths and drum machines, layer them, and effortlessly sculpt your sounds to perfectly fit your mix.
Whether you’re looking for an iconic sound from your favorite record or film score, or you simply want access to these rare machines,
the raw sound of your favorite hardware is never more than a few keystrokes away.
所有 80 年代的复音模拟合成器?快看。
70 年代超稀有的原型机和弦乐合成器? 快看。
那些经典的鼓机呢? 还有那些我们从未听说过的不起眼的东西? 统统看过来。
Vintage Vault 汇集了 255 种硬件机器的声音,代表了一些最令人垂涎和最受欢迎的电子乐器。
Real Hardware, No Imitations
It sounds like hardware because it is, it's as simple as that.
All Vintage Vault instruments start with the real hardware.
Expertly programmed patches, extensive sampling through the highest-quality equipment, innovative scripting and a meticulous attention to detail.
take all of that and combine it with the award-winning UVI Engine™ and you’ve got the start of what makes UVI instruments sound like no others.
Our sample-based philosophy means the genuine character and sound of your favorite vintage hardware is never out of reach.
If you want real hardware tone, look no further.
所有 Vintage Vault 音色都从真正的硬件开始。
将所有这些与著名的 UVI 引擎结合起来,您就开始了解使 UVI 乐器发出声音的原因,不像其他人。

Optimized Workflow
Vintage Vault instruments all share a common structure, meaning that regardless of whether it’s a simple analog monosynth or a complex FM workstation,
once you become familiar with a single instrument you can easily use them all.
No more time lost digging through tiny menu screens or ambiguous user manuals.
No more being stuck with a single instrument because it's what you know best.
Vintage Vault breaks down the technical barriers and streamlines your workflow so you can focus on what's most important – staying inspired and making music.
Vintage Vault 音色都有一个共同的结构,这意味着无论是简单的模拟单音合成器还是复杂的 FM 工作站,
Vintage Vault 打破了技术障碍并简化了您的工作流程,因此您可以专注于最重要的事情——保持灵感和制作音乐。

Infinitely Adaptable
Vintage Vault instruments can be as nimble or deep as you want them to be.
Need sounds fast? Launch your instruments in the free UVI Workstation, quickly browse, layer and mix your sounds all within a focused and ergonomic UI.
Want to explore the outer-limits of sound design? Step up to Falcon for the ultimate no-compromise experience, unlimited audio and MIDI effects, sample editing, scripting and more.
Regardless of which you choose you’ll experience the same incredible sound quality thanks to the UVI Engine’s fast and flexible architecture.
Vintage Vault 音色可以既灵活又沉重。
需要高效率吗?在免费的 UVI 工作站中启动您的乐器,快速浏览、叠层和混合您的音色,所有这些都在一个集中且符合人体工程学的 UI 中。
想探索声音设计的极限吗?加入 Falcon 以获得终极不妥协的体验、无限的音频和 MIDI 效果、采样编辑、脚本等等。
由于 UVI 引擎快速灵活的架构,无论您选择哪一种,您都将体验到同样令人难以置信的音质。

Incredible Value
Everyone knows that vintage gear is expensive to buy, expensive to maintain and takes up valuable real estate.
With each passing year that goes by these instruments become more rare and more costly.
Vintage Vault gives you the sound of hardware at a fraction of the cost, without the headaches and hassle of moving, organizing or repairing a large collection of synthesizers.
On top of that, the Vintage Vault bundle gives you massive savings over purchasing the UVI instruments individually,
and if you’ve purchased from us before you could be eligible for even greater savings.
Vintage Vault 以极低的成本为您提供硬件声音,而无需移动、组织或修复大量合成器的麻烦和烦恼。
最重要的是,与单独购买 UVI 乐器相比,Vintage Vault 套装可让您节省大量费用,

Vintage Vault 4 内含产品:
Bit Zone
Massive polyphonic analog sounds inspired by an obscure Italian gem from the '80s
灵感来自 80 年代鲜为人知的意大利难得的复调模拟合成器
Emulation II+
A modern creative exploration of 3 iconic sampler-synths and a lo-fi drum machine
对 3 个标志性采样器合成器和一个 lo-fi 鼓机的现代创意探索
Hybrid 6000
Powerful analog tones and drums from the quintessential SD synthesis workhorse
来自典型 SD 合成主力的强大模拟音色和鼓声
Prime 8+
A legend returns, the ultimate '80s analog drum machine brings the rhythm
传奇回归,80 年代终极模拟鼓机带来节奏
Program 24
Hybrid digital/analog workstation synth from the peak of ‘80s Italo Disco
传奇回归,80 年代终极模拟鼓机带来节奏
PX Memories
Based on the definitive LAMM mod analog synthesizer, with true analog unison
基于权威的 LAMM mod 模拟合成器,具有真正的模拟同音
PX SunBox
A fiercely versatile modular 8-voice analog hybrid synth with morphable filters
具有可变形滤波器的多功能模块化 8 声部模拟混合合成器
Essential '80s analog sound from two classic synths and a suite of drum machines
来自两个经典合成器和一套鼓机的 80 年代基本模拟声音
BeatBox Anthology 2
Massive collection of vintage, modern and rare sounds from 111 drum machines
来自 111 台鼓机的大量复古、现代和稀有声音合集
3 instruments inspired by the distinct character of phase distortion synthesis
受相位失真合成的独特特征启发的 3 种乐器
4-instrument suite delivering the analog sounds of the classic CS-series synths
4 种乐器套件,提供经典 CS 系列合成器的模拟声音
Darklight IIx
3 instruments inspired by the ultimate 80’s digital workstation
受 80 年代终极数字工作站启发的 3 款乐器
Digital Synsations
4 instruments inspired by digital maverick synths of the ‘90s
4 款受 90 年代数字特立独行合成器启发的乐器
Digital Synsations Vol. 2
3 instruments inspired by digital maverick synths of the ‘90s
3 种受 90 年代数字特立独行合成器启发的乐器
The DK Synergy, a 32-oscillator additive synthesizer from the ‘80s
DK Synergy,80 年代的 32 振荡器加法合成器
FM Suite
5 instruments exploring a dynasty of vintage FM synths
探索复古 FM 合成器王朝的 5 种乐器
JP Legacy
A heroic 4-instrument suite of legendary polyphonic analog synths
传奇的复音模拟合成器的 4 乐器套件
Based on the last polyphonic analog designed by ARP, and it’s little brother
基于 ARP 设计的最后一个复音模拟合成器,它是小兄弟
The origins of sampling—a sound that shaped the 60's
采样的起源——塑造 60 年代的声音
OB Legacy
6 instruments inspired by a legendary American synth designer
6 款受美国传奇合成器设计师启发的乐器
PX Apollo
Based on a rare early ’70s prototype of the first polyphonic analog
基于罕见的 70 年代早期第一个复音模拟合成器的原型
PX P10
Based on the iconic dual-keybed analog powerhouse of the ‘80s
基于 80 年代标志性的双键模拟键盘
Based on an ultra-rare American polyphonic analog synthesizer
String Machines 2
Combine 62 vintage string synthesizers in a dual-layer instrument
在双层乐器中组合 62 个老式弦乐合成器
A dual-layer hybrid analog/FM synth packed with the sounds of a famous Italian synth-maker
双引擎混合模拟/FM 合成器,包含著名意大利合成器的声音
The Beast
3 instruments inspired by the stunning sounds of a famous '70s workstation
受 70 年代著名工作站令人惊叹的声音启发的 3 种乐器
Inspired by the first ROMplers, the K250 and K1000
受第一批 ROMpler K250 和 K1000 的启发的乐器
The de facto analog mono synth, available in 1973 and 2011 flavors
在 1973 年和 2011 年推出的真正的模拟单音合成器
Based on a cult-classic digital/analog hybrid workstation
A tribute to the legendary Korg PS-3200
向传奇的 Korg PS-3200 致敬
Based on 2 classic Japanese analog polyphonic synths from the ‘80s
基于 80 年代的 2 个经典日本模拟复音合成器
The glorious sound of ‘80s analog, inspired by three Japanese classics
80 年代模拟的辉煌声音,灵感来自三台日本经典键盘
Inspired by the huge analog sound of a famous Japanese synth
Inspired by a rare Japanese 8-voice analog synth from the ‘80s
灵感来自 80 年代罕见的日本 8 声部模拟合成器
Vector Pro
3 instruments inspired by the famed beginnings of vector synthesis
受著名的矢量合成开端启发的 3 种乐器
A 7-instrument retrospective of German wavetable synth designs
德国波表合成器设计的 7 种乐器合集

Massive polyphonic analog sounds inspired by an obscure Italian gem from the '80s
灵感来自 80 年代鲜为人知的意大利难得的复调模拟合成器
Emulation II+
A modern creative exploration of 3 iconic sampler-synths and a lo-fi drum machine
对 3 个标志性采样器合成器和一个 lo-fi 鼓机的现代创意探索
Hybrid 6000
Powerful analog tones and drums from the quintessential SD synthesis workhorse
来自典型 SD 合成主力的强大模拟音色和鼓声
Prime 8+
A legend returns, the ultimate '80s analog drum machine brings the rhythm
传奇回归,80 年代终极模拟鼓机带来节奏
Program 24
Hybrid digital/analog workstation synth from the peak of ‘80s Italo Disco
传奇回归,80 年代终极模拟鼓机带来节奏
PX Memories
Based on the definitive LAMM mod analog synthesizer, with true analog unison
基于权威的 LAMM mod 模拟合成器,具有真正的模拟同音
PX SunBox
A fiercely versatile modular 8-voice analog hybrid synth with morphable filters
具有可变形滤波器的多功能模块化 8 声部模拟混合合成器
Essential '80s analog sound from two classic synths and a suite of drum machines
来自两个经典合成器和一套鼓机的 80 年代基本模拟声音
BeatBox Anthology 2
Massive collection of vintage, modern and rare sounds from 111 drum machines
来自 111 台鼓机的大量复古、现代和稀有声音合集
3 instruments inspired by the distinct character of phase distortion synthesis
受相位失真合成的独特特征启发的 3 种乐器
4-instrument suite delivering the analog sounds of the classic CS-series synths
4 种乐器套件,提供经典 CS 系列合成器的模拟声音
Darklight IIx
3 instruments inspired by the ultimate 80’s digital workstation
受 80 年代终极数字工作站启发的 3 款乐器
Digital Synsations
4 instruments inspired by digital maverick synths of the ‘90s
4 款受 90 年代数字特立独行合成器启发的乐器
Digital Synsations Vol. 2
3 instruments inspired by digital maverick synths of the ‘90s
3 种受 90 年代数字特立独行合成器启发的乐器
The DK Synergy, a 32-oscillator additive synthesizer from the ‘80s
DK Synergy,80 年代的 32 振荡器加法合成器
FM Suite
5 instruments exploring a dynasty of vintage FM synths
探索复古 FM 合成器王朝的 5 种乐器
JP Legacy
A heroic 4-instrument suite of legendary polyphonic analog synths
传奇的复音模拟合成器的 4 乐器套件
Based on the last polyphonic analog designed by ARP, and it’s little brother
基于 ARP 设计的最后一个复音模拟合成器,它是小兄弟
The origins of sampling—a sound that shaped the 60's
采样的起源——塑造 60 年代的声音
OB Legacy
6 instruments inspired by a legendary American synth designer
6 款受美国传奇合成器设计师启发的乐器
PX Apollo
Based on a rare early ’70s prototype of the first polyphonic analog
基于罕见的 70 年代早期第一个复音模拟合成器的原型
PX P10
Based on the iconic dual-keybed analog powerhouse of the ‘80s
基于 80 年代标志性的双键模拟键盘
Based on an ultra-rare American polyphonic analog synthesizer
String Machines 2
Combine 62 vintage string synthesizers in a dual-layer instrument
在双层乐器中组合 62 个老式弦乐合成器
A dual-layer hybrid analog/FM synth packed with the sounds of a famous Italian synth-maker
双引擎混合模拟/FM 合成器,包含著名意大利合成器的声音
The Beast
3 instruments inspired by the stunning sounds of a famous '70s workstation
受 70 年代著名工作站令人惊叹的声音启发的 3 种乐器
Inspired by the first ROMplers, the K250 and K1000
受第一批 ROMpler K250 和 K1000 的启发的乐器
The de facto analog mono synth, available in 1973 and 2011 flavors
在 1973 年和 2011 年推出的真正的模拟单音合成器
Based on a cult-classic digital/analog hybrid workstation
A tribute to the legendary Korg PS-3200
向传奇的 Korg PS-3200 致敬
Based on 2 classic Japanese analog polyphonic synths from the ‘80s
基于 80 年代的 2 个经典日本模拟复音合成器
The glorious sound of ‘80s analog, inspired by three Japanese classics
80 年代模拟的辉煌声音,灵感来自三台日本经典键盘
Inspired by the huge analog sound of a famous Japanese synth
Inspired by a rare Japanese 8-voice analog synth from the ‘80s
灵感来自 80 年代罕见的日本 8 声部模拟合成器
Vector Pro
3 instruments inspired by the famed beginnings of vector synthesis
受著名的矢量合成开端启发的 3 种乐器
A 7-instrument retrospective of German wavetable synth designs
德国波表合成器设计的 7 种乐器合集

Size: 281GB
Content: 36 UVI products, 14,407 Presets, 833,947 Samples
Sample Resolution: 44.1 kHz. Recording at 88.2 kHz
License: 3 activations per license on any combination of machines or iLok dongles
采样率:44.1 kHz。 以 88.2 kHz 录制
授权机制:在任何机器或 iLok 加密狗组合上的每个许可证激活 3 次
Runs in UVI Workstation version 3.1.3+, and Falcon version 2.5.3+
iLok account (free, dongle not required)
Internet connection for the license activation
Supported Operating Systems:
- Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks to macOS 11 Big Sur (64-bit)
- Windows 8 to Windows 10 (64-bit)
285GB of disk space
Hard Drive: 7,200 rpm recommended or Solid State Drive (SSD)
4GB RAM (8 GB+ highly recommended for large UVI Soundbanks)
在 UVI Workstation 版本 3.1.3+ 和 Falcon 版本 2.5.3+ 中运行
iLok 帐户(免费,不需要加密狗)
用于许可证激活的 Internet 连接
- Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks 到 macOS 11 Big Sur(64 位)
- Windows 8 到 Windows 10(64 位)
285GB 磁盘空间
硬盘:推荐 7,200 rpm 或固态硬盘 (SSD)
4GB RAM(8 GB+ 强烈推荐用于大型 UVI Soundbank)

正常价格 599 美元,2月21日之前首发促销 399 美元。
在首发促销期内,对于 Vintage Vault 老用户升级价格是199美元。