Big Bang Orchestra(BBO)系列是 VSL 维也纳最新推出的非传统概念管弦乐音色,
基于最新的同步播放器使用,多话筒配置。在 BBO 系列完成了26个字目的产品轮回后,再次从字母 A 翻开新篇章。

基于最新的同步播放器使用,多话筒配置。在 BBO 系列完成了26个字目的产品轮回后,再次从字母 A 翻开新篇章。
Parallel Universe
Section performances of strings, woodwinds, brass, and tutti recordings
Easy switching between various registrations
Preconfigured combinations of different sections
Blend seamlessly with all BBO Packs
Multiple microphone positions, additional close mic positions
与所有 BBO 系列无缝融合

Big Bang Orchestra: Altair presents a different take on our Synchron full orchestra recordings and is the perfect enhancement to the tutti performances of Big Bang Orchestra: Andromeda.
BBO: Altair provides completely new recordings of short and long notes that are played by the individual sections of the orchestra, as well as by all of them together (tutti).
Big Bang Orchestra:Altair 对我们的 Synchron 全管弦乐队录音进行了不同的诠释,是对 Big Bang Orchestra:Andromeda 的有力增强。
BBO:Altair 提供全新的短音和长音录音,由管弦乐队的各个声部以及所有声部一起演奏(合奏)。
The appeal of this BBO Pack lies in the particular way the tutti performances and the sections of strings, woodwinds, and brass were recorded:
In the first pass, each note was played by the entire orchestra. Immediately afterwards,
each section played this note with the same phrasing and style.
It’s as though the entire orchestra played the notes together, but in fact they didn’t……
you have separate recordings of strings, woodwinds, and brass ensembles available that you can combine and orchestrate any way you like.
这个 BBO 音色包的吸引力在于合奏与弦乐、木管和以及铜管声部的特殊录制方式:

You can easily switch between the various registrations in the Vienna Synchron Player that offers the tutti patch,
the individual patches of strings, woodwinds, and brass, as well as combinations of strings/woodwinds, strings/brass, and woodwinds/brass.
They all mix and match perfectly, and with the corresponding mixer presets they also blend seamlessly with the performances of BBO: Andromeda, as well as all the other Big Bang Orchestra Packs.
以及弦乐/木管、弦乐/铜管和木管/铜管的组合在 Vienna Synchron Player 中轻松切换各种编排。
它们都完美地混音和匹配,并且具有相应的混音器预设,它们还可以与 BBO: Andromeda 以及所有其他 Big Bang Orchestra 包的音色无缝融合。
What’s more, if you have BBO: Andromeda, BBO: Altair also provides you with slightly different tutti articulations.
They’re similar in sound and phrasing, but not the same, offering more variety and depth to your tutti performances as well as more options for layering!
更重要的是,如果您有 BBO: Andromeda、BBO: Altair 还为您提供略有不同的合奏音色。

Microphone Setup
BBO: Altair uses the same microphone configuration that was used for recording BBO: Andromeda,
giving you access to a total of eleven mic signals that the Vienna Synchron Player provides you with:
BBO:Altair 使用与录制 BBO:Andromeda 相同的麦克风配置,
让您可以控制 Vienna Synchron Player 为您提供的总共 11 个麦克风信号:
Main (Decca tree stereo)
Main (Decca tree center)
Main surround stereo
High stereo
High surround stereo
High strings
Low strings
Woodwinds close
Horns close
Trumpets close
Low brass close
Download File Size 4.8 GB
Installed File Size 12.4 GB
下载大小 4.8 GB
安装大小 12.4 GB

正常价格 95 欧元,在2月28日之前首发促销 65 欧元。