Best Service 与 Sonuscore 合作的 The Orchestra Complete 2 广受欢迎和好评,

Together with Sonuscore we’d like to thank you all for the continued success of our flagship instrument, "The Orchestra Complete 2".
As our way of showing gratitude, we’d like to provide everyone with yet another massive Free Update for Christmas.
As if your orchestral library couldn’t get any better – we’ve still found ways to make it so.
我们与 Sonuscore 一起感谢大家对我们的旗舰乐器“The Orchestra Complete 2”的持续成功表示感谢。
New Instruments:
Cembalo - Go Baroque or go home! It is impossible to complete the chamber orchestras of the 18th century without a Cembalo, or harpsichord.
Make your own lively experiments and inventions with our quality recorded instrument.
Rendered both as a single NKI and integrated into the ensemble engine.
Cembalo - 家里多么的无聊,去巴洛克吧!如果没有 Cembalo 或大键琴,就不可能完成 18 世纪的室内乐团。
这个音色将做为单个 NKI 并集成到 Ensemble Engine 之中。
Men & Women Choir Whispers and Shouts - Options for our choir continue to grow.
Now you can add whispers and shouts to your compositions.
11 syllables are assigned to individual keyswitches and there is also a random mode to mix it up.
男女合唱团耳语和呐喊 - 我们合唱团的选择不断增多。
11 个音节分配给独立的键位切换开关,还有一种随机模式可以混合使用。
New Presets:
With an instrument like "The Orchestra Complete 2", the options for instrumentation are limitless.
That’s why it’s sometimes good to start off somewhere solid with one of our new presets.
We’ve added 24 just for you.
5 more Orchestral Colors, 4 more Orchestral Rhythms,
and 15 more Animated Orchestra presets are ready for your use and experimentation.
使用像“The Orchestra Complete 2”这样的音色,乐器的选择是无限的。
我们专门为您增加了 24 个预设:
5 个管弦乐音色、4 个管弦乐节奏,
还有 15 种动画风格的管弦预设可供您使用和试验。
Discover the new sounds today by downloading the update for free.
The update is available as a complete download in your Best Service user account or via our Update Installer.
现在就通过免费下载更新来发现新的声音,对 The Orchestra Complete 2 的用户免费升级。
该升级可通过您的 Best Service 用户帐户或通过 Best Service 的更新安装程序完整下载。
