
Imagine having instant access to the greatest library of drums ever created.
Being able to intuitively layer sounds in a new, truly unparalleled way.
Having a beyond supernatural way of sequencing beats.
How about instantly generating new ideas?
Or being able to create drums equal to the best records in the world - out of the box.

A Game-Changing New Drum Engine
TRIAZ is a forward-thinking drum machine
driven by a diverse and creative library of all-new modern electronic and acoustic drum sounds,
percussion, and sound design tools; Comprising over 10,000 samples and 600+ instantly playable presets created
using an extraordinary array of drum machines, acoustic drums & percussion, modular synths, found sounds, studio tools, Foley and more.
TRIAZ 是一款具有前瞻性的鼓机,
包含超过10,000 个样本和600 多个可立即播放的预设,
TRIAZ delivers a powerful 3-Layer Drum Engine with a compelling interface and creative user workflow.
Polyrhythmic, organic Drum Sequencing allows you to create beats with real swing and groove that never repeat the same way.
TRIAZ 提供强大的 3 层鼓引擎,具有引人注目的界面和创造性的用户工作流程。
Extensive sound design parameters, linkable or per layer, are both powerful and streamlined for lightning-fast workflow.
Tag-based dynamic sample browsing, drag and drop sample import, creative kit randomization and a powerful Effects System
provide an unmatched workflow for modern drum production.

Drums, Redefined
TRIAZ’s Sound Engine combines beautifully designed electronic drums and acoustic instruments in a ground-breaking new way.
A labour of love with a profound level of detail, made by producers for producers.
TRIAZ 的声音引擎以开创性的新方式将设计精美的电子鼓和原声乐器结合在一起。
The included sound library is undoubtedly our best collection of drums to date,
spanning 3 years and thousands of hours of sound design; combining modern electronic drums, creative sound design,
Found Sounds & Foley, designed acoustic drums, the rarest drum machines, grittiest modular synths,
live percussion & ethnic drums, mallets & sticks, epic cinematic percussion and much more.
包含的声音库无疑是我们迄今为止最好的鼓集合,跨越 3 年和数千小时的声音设计;
结合现代电子鼓、创意声音设计、Found Sounds & Foley、
All drums were recorded and designed at the most revered recording studios in the world,
using only boutique high-end analogue processing and mastering grade conversion.
To top it all off you get access to every sound as a wav file to use any way you like.
Unlike other instruments nothing is hidden behind proprietary formats.
最重要的是,您可以将每个声音作为 wav 文件访问,以使用您喜欢的任何方式。
TRIAZ delivers every drum sample you’ll ever need. No subscription required.
TRIAZ 提供您需要的每一个鼓样本。无需订阅。

An Instant Cheat Code For Modern Drums
Take your drums to the next level with 600+ beautifully crafted,
production-ready presets covering all modern genres - designed by world-class sound designers.
使用600 多种精美的、可用于制作的预设将您的鼓提升到一个新的水平,
这些预设涵盖所有现代流派 - 由世界一流的声音设计师设计。
You won’t find typical, stale two-bar sequences here, the focus is evolving,
organic production ready beats that
instantly spark creativity and fit into any modern record.
Generate infinite ideas instantly.
Creative randomization features let you build new drum kits at the click of a button
– select a preset and instantly change it into something brand new and immediately usable.
TRIAZ delivers the best drum loops you've ever heard (that aren't drum loops!).
Don’t just take our word for it, listen to the audio on the left.
ALL drums are directly from TRIAZ’s preset library. Out of the box.
TRIAZ 提供您听过的最好的鼓循环(这不是鼓循环!)。
所有鼓都直接来自 TRIAZ 的预设库。盒子外面。

Feature List
Available in Standalone, VST, AU and AAX formats. TRIAZ is powered by FREE Kontakt Player from Native Instruments. Full version of Kontakt is NOT required
Brand new engine built entirely from the ground up to enable multiple instances and efficient CPU & RAM usage on any system
Innovative Drum Engine driven by a diverse library of all-new modern electronic and acoustic drum sounds, percussion, and sound design tools
600+ beautifully designed, production-ready presets for modern music
Intuitively layer drums in a new, truly unparalleled way using the visual XY Pad
Expressive 32-step Polyrhythmic sequencing with independent playback rate and step-length. Per Lane
Introduce variable groove humanization and organically varied movement to your beats with Sequencer Slop
Sequencer note repeat / stutter, probabilistic chance and start offset. Per Step
Import your own samples via Drag + Drop
Creative randomization features let you build new drum kits at the click of a button – select a preset and instantly change it into something brand new and immediately usable
Create drums that sound as good, if not better than those on hit records - instantly, out of the box
Dynamic sound source browser with intuitive tagging and favourites system
Extensive sound design parameters; filters, envelopes, reverse, LFOs, tone-shaping controls, modulation, FX and much more. Per Layer
Channel FX and master bus processing featuring high-end compression, master EQ, creative noise engine and tape simulation
Creative Analogue Slop controls simulate the random behavior and character inherent of analogue instruments. Available per Layer
Play any sound over a 2-octave range of pitch to create musical percussive rhythms, pitched tom fills or anything in-between
Breath-taking effects suite; plate reverb, analogue-style delay, and 40 high-end custom reverb impulses from sought-after reverb units and live spaces
MIDI drag + drop sequencer patterns directly to your DAW
Multi-Output support
Sequencer Host Sync and on-screen transport control
Master bus processing featuring compression, master EQ and tape simulation
Dedicated visual Mixer with individual volume control, pan, and effects sends for each Voice
Host automation for all important sound design parameters
Seamless Integration with your DAW
NKS Ready
Supports Mac OS X 10.13 (or higher) and Windows 7 (or higher)
Runs in Kontakt Free Player or Kontakt version 6.6 (or higher)
3GB in size after unpacking
提供独立、VST、AU 和 AAX 格式。TRIAZ由 Native Instruments的免费 Kontakt Player提供支持。KONTAKT的完整版是不是需要
全新的引擎完全从头开始构建,可在任何系统上启用多个实例和高效的 CPU 和 RAM 使用
600 多种设计精美、制作就绪的现代音乐预设
使用视觉 XY Pad 以真正无与伦比的全新方式直观地对鼓进行分层
富有表现力的 32 步多节奏音序,具有独立的播放速率和步长。每车道
使用 Sequencer Slop 为您的节拍引入可变律动人性化和有机变化的运动
创建听起来不错的鼓,即使不是比热门唱片中的鼓还要好 - 即刻,开箱即用
广泛的声音设计参数;滤波器、包络、反向、LFO、音调控制、调制、FX 等等。每层
通道 FX 和主总线处理具有高端压缩、主均衡器、创意噪声引擎和磁带模拟
Creative Analogue Slop 控件模拟模拟乐器固有的随机行为和特性。每层可用
在 2 个八度音高范围内播放任何声音,以创建音乐打击乐节奏、高音汤姆填充或介于两者之间的任何声音
令人叹为观止的效果套件;板式混响、模拟式延迟以及来自广受欢迎的混响单元和现场空间的 40 种高端定制混响脉冲
MIDI 拖放音序器模式直接到您的 DAW
具有压缩、主 EQ 和磁带模拟的主总线处理
与您的 DAW 无缝集成
支持 Mac OS X 10.13(或更高版本)和 Windows 7(或更高版本)
在 Kontakt Free Player 或 Kontakt 6.6 版(或更高版本)中运行