建模模拟合成器的新锐品牌 Cherry Audio 因在短期内发布了几款建模经典合成器而被行业熟知,
而在2021年年底继续深耕,这一次为大家带来了经典的 ARP Quadra 合成器的建模插件——Quadra。

而在2021年年底继续深耕,这一次为大家带来了经典的 ARP Quadra 合成器的建模插件——Quadra。
Cherry Audio is capping off an incredible year of new products with the release of Quadra, our highly anticipated reimagining of one of the quirkiest, rarest,
and most curiosity-inspiring vintage synthesizers of all time, the 1978 ARP Quadra.
随着 Quadra 的发布,Cherry Audio 迎来了令人难以置信的全新产品,这是我们备受期待的。
对有史以来最古怪、最稀有、最能激发好奇心的老式合成器之一的重新构想,它是 1978 年 ARP Quadra。
Four On The Floor
During the late 1970s, ARP set out to create a new instrument that combined the best features of several of its existing synthesizers into a single do-everything keyboard.
The Quadra merged a mono bass synthesizer, string synthesizer, paraphonic poly synthesizer, and a powerful duophonic lead synthesizer into a single instrument,
with the various sections layered across an aftertouch-equipped five octave keyboard.
While the individual synthesizer sections lacked some of the control associated with dedicated instruments, there were several surprisingly great features added,
including a rudimentary arpeggiator, unique "trill" feature, dual portamento, rudimentary patch memory, and a fantastic 14-stage phaser.
The layering of these sounds led to some wonderful possibilities, and many artists made great use of the Quadra, including Tony Banks of Genesis, John Carpenter, and Pink Floyd.
在 1970 年代后期,ARP 着手创建一种新乐器,将其现有的几个合成器的最佳功能结合到一个功能齐全的键盘中。
Quadra 将单音贝斯合成器、弦乐合成器、复音合成器和强大的主音合成器合并到一台乐器中,
这些不同的音色层带来了一些特别可能性,许多艺术家都充分利用了 Quadra,包括 Genesis 的 Tony Banks、John Carpenter 和 Pink Floyd。

However, the ARP Quadra was not without issues. In the late 1970s, ARP was hurting financially,
and there was a lot of pressure to build an instrument that could compete with the new Sequential Circuits Prophet-5.
As a result, history records that the Quadra was rushed into production too early, and it's full of odd design choices.
It's quite fragile and failure-prone. The five-octave keyboard protruded unprotected from the front of the chassis, leaving keys vulnerable to damage.
The built-in patch storage only stores the state of a few dozen buttons (and none of the sliders), rendering patch storage nearly useless.
All in all, it was poor competition for the innovative Prophet-5, and didn't sell well as a result.
For a long time, the Quadra was largely forgotten.
But oh, the sound... it sounded wonderful. Rich, deep, warm, smooth, and analog in all the right ways!
然而,ARP Quadra 并非没有问题。在 1970 年代后期,ARP 的市场份额遭受到了强烈的竞争,
一种新的电子乐器 Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 给他的竞争压力很大。
因此,历史记录表明 Quadra 过早投入生产,在设计上不够完善。它非常脆弱且容易损坏。
总而言之,创新型 Prophet-5 的在竞争中碾压了它,因此销量不佳。
很长一段时间,Quadra 基本上被遗忘了。
但是~哦,Quadra 的声音……听起来真的很棒,它是那么的丰富、深沉、温暖、流畅和具有模拟味道!
Behind The Lines
Over the decades, the ARP Quadra has inspired endless curiosity.
While discussing vintage synthesizers last year at Cherry Audio, we realized that none of us had ever been in the same room with a working ARP Quadra,
and we'd long been curious about this unicorn synthesizer. And if we were curious about it, others likely were as well!
We set out to find the unfindable: a completely operational Quadra.
$7,200 later, we had a fully working unit in our studio.
几十年来,ARP Quadra 激发了人们无尽的好奇心。
去年在 Cherry Audio 讨论老式合成器时,我们意识到我们从来没有遇到一台真正完好的 ARP Quadra,
我们着手寻找无法找到的东西:一个完全可操作的 Quadra。
在花费了 7,200 美元后,我们的工作室有了一台完好的 ARP Quadra。

Fantastic Voyage
Cherry Audio's Quadra introduces improvements throughout every section, bringing out the full potential of the original ARP design.
Each instrument section can now be layered anywhere across the keyboard, and we've increased transposition ranges for most sections.
Cherry Audio 的 Quadra 在每个部分都进行了改进,充分发挥了原始 ARP 设计的潜力。
The paraphonic Poly Synthesizer section has been beefed up with an additional octave, optional oscillator drift, velocity control, new modulation capabilities (including pulse-width modulation), and additional waveforms.
The Lead Synthesizer section has been enhanced with a more powerful arpeggiator, additional waveforms, adjustable note priority, and numerous other small improvements.
We've turned the Quadra's rudimentary LFO into a full-featured, multi-waveform, tempo-syncable LFO.
We've added a deeply flexible bender section that allows pitch bend wheel data to independently bend pitches and modulate filter cutoff for each instrument section.
Paraphonic Poly Synthesizer 模块增加了额外的八度音程、可选的振荡器漂移、力度控制、新的调制功能(包括脉宽调制)和额外的波形。
我们已经将 Quadra 的基础 LFO 变成了一个功能齐全、多波形、速度同步的 LFO。
We modeled the ARP Quadra's 14-stage phaser, and added additional effects - chorus/flanger, echo, and reverb,
that can also be turned on and off independently for each instrument section.
Imagine strings bathed in reverb, a poly synth slowly phasing and flanging, and a lead synth with a slapback delay,
all layered together to create a beautiful swirling pad. The sound design possibilities are endless!
我们对 ARP Quadra 的 14 级移相器进行了建模,并加入了附加效果:合唱/镶边、回声和混响,
想象一下沐浴在混响中的弦乐、一个缓慢移相和镶边的复音合成器,以及一个带有 Slapback 延迟的主音合成器,

Finally, we assembled a team of six sound designers to create a wealth of presets for this instrument.
Led by our lead sound designer James Terris, we enlisted the help of Katharine Fountain, Huston Singletary, Julie Kathryn, Dave Polich, and Brendan Dreaper,
resulting in well over 400 stunning Quadra presets. Each sound designer brings their own style and character to the process, and the results are awe-inspiring.
在我们的首席声音设计师 James Terris 的带领下,我们得到了 Katharine Fountain、Huston Singletary、Julie Kathryn、Dave Polich 和 Brendan Dreaper 的帮助,
产生了超过 400 个令人惊叹的 Quadra 预设。每个声音设计师都在这个过程中带来了自己的风格和特征,结果令人惊叹。
Four Sides Live
Cherry Audio's Quadra comes in two flavors. "Quadra" is our stereo version, and works like most other virtual synthesizers.
"Quadra Multi Out" includes five sets of outputs: a standard stereo mix, plus dry independent outputs for each section, as found on the original hardware.
Cherry Audio 的 Quadra 有两种版本。 “Quadra”是我们的立体声版本,与大多数其他虚拟合成器一样工作。
“Quadra Multi Out”包括五组输出:一个标准的立体声混音,加上每个模块部分的独立输出,就像原始硬件上一样。

"Cherry Audio continues to design quality ARP-inspired virtual instruments," says Dina Pearlman, daughter of ARP founder Alan R. Pearlman, and Executive Director of the Alan R. Pearlman Foundation.
"Their latest offering captures the lush, exquisite essence and layout of the rare ARP Quadra. Emulating this unique hybrid instrument offers an experience to explore and create that will be welcomed by the synth community.
We are grateful that companies continue to build on the pioneering engineering that Alan R. Pearlman inspired through his instrument designs."
“Cherry Audio 持续的为 ARP 设计优质的虚拟乐器,”ARP 创始人 Alan R. Pearlman 的女儿、Alan R. Pearlman 基金会执行董事 Dina Pearlman 说。
“他们的最新产品捕捉了 ARP Quadra 丰富、精致的本质和布局。模仿这种独特的混合乐器提供了一种探索和创造的体验,将受到合成器用户的欢迎。
我们很感激有这样的公司在开拓性的基础上继续挖掘 Alan R. Pearlman 从他的乐器设计中所获得的灵感。”

随着 Cherry Audio Quadra 合成器的发布,Cherry Audio 到目前为止已经拥有 10 款建模合成器产品。

- Voltage Modular Core + Electro Drums
- DCO-106
- CA2600
- Surrealistic MG-1 Plus
- Polymode
- Eight Voice
- PS-20
- Memorymode
- Mercury-4
- Quadra
Cherry Audio 将这十款产品组成了一个套装,名为 Cherry Audio Synth Stack 2。

对于没有购买过 Cherry Audio 产品的用户来说,可以一次性优惠价入手 Synth Stack 2。
而对于购买过以上付费合成器产品的用户来说,可以使用 Synth Stack 1 升级价格购买到 Synth Stack 2。

- Voltage Modular Core + Electro Drums
- DCO-106
- CA2600
- Surrealistic MG-1 Plus
- Polymode
- Eight Voice
- PS-20
- Memorymode
- Mercury-4
- Quadra
Cherry Audio 将这十款产品组成了一个套装,名为 Cherry Audio Synth Stack 2。

对于没有购买过 Cherry Audio 产品的用户来说,可以一次性优惠价入手 Synth Stack 2。
而对于购买过以上付费合成器产品的用户来说,可以使用 Synth Stack 1 升级价格购买到 Synth Stack 2。