强大的电鼓律动节奏制作神器音源 XO,自发布以来一直以一套原厂音色库拼搏至今。
而现在,XLN Audio 可算是为它安排上了属于它自己的扩展音色库 XOpaks,而且一次性发布了4套,为你的 XO 加强火力输出!

而现在,XLN Audio 可算是为它安排上了属于它自己的扩展音色库 XOpaks,而且一次性发布了4套,为你的 XO 加强火力输出!
XOpaks are editable beat & sample expansions.
They contain curated beats & samples that you build your sound upon by using XO and your samples & grooves.
XOpaks 是可编辑的节奏和采样扩展。
它们包含精选的节拍和采样,您可以使用 XO 读取采样和律动并创造新的声音。

XOpak - Preheated

Hip-hop, lo-fi chillout and jazz-beats & samples.
Signature beats and drum samples
Electronic & organic breaks with a Nu Jazz vibe
80 presets & 147 one-shot samples
嘻哈、Lo-Fi Chillout 和 爵士节拍 & 采样。
带有 Nu Jazz 氛围的 Electronic & Organic Breaks
80 个预设和 147 个非循环采样
From Nu Jazz goodness to old school sounding breaks to the occasional digression into house,
with this XOpak, J3PO has blessed us with a whole lot of ways to get groovy.
Whatever you’re planning to produce, from soul and jazz to hip-hop, lo-fi, or even something more experimental, you’ll find something perfect to get you going in here.
Get warmed up with fire beats and breaks, chord stabs, lo-fi hiss and crackles.
从 Nu Jazz 到 Old School,再到 House,有了这个 XO 扩展音色库,J3PO 为我们提供了很多让创作时髦音乐的方法。
用狂热的节拍和 Breaks、和弦、Lo-Fi 和 Crackles 来预热。

Give your tracks a supercharged head-start by kicking them off with one of the world's hottest studio collaborators, J3PO.
From crispy, crunchy hip-hop backbeats to jazzy chord progressions, sweet soulful samples to textures and thumping bass notes,
this XOpak has all the ingredients to get you started in a whole host of different directions.
与全球最热门的工作室合作者之一 J3PO 合作,让您的音乐获得超强的领先优势。
从 Crunchy Hip-hop Backbeats 到爵士和弦进行,从甜美深情的采样到感觉沉重的贝斯音色,
这款 XO 扩展音色库拥有让您在众多不同方向上入门的所有要素。

You COULD spend hours digging through a million samples and trying to organize them into something that sounds just right…
but why not let J3PO give you a helping hand and get you started with one of 80 bumping grooves, all ready to go in XO's built-in rhythm sequencer.
Once you've found the one you like, you can make it your own: tweaking the beats, swapping out each sound for anything else that XO has in your sample library.
all perfectly organized by how well they'll fit in there as a replacement.
It's all the power of XO, with some added goodness from J3PO.
但是为什么不让 J3PO 帮助您并让您开始使用 80 个节奏中的任何一个,所有这些都准备好进入 XO 的内置节奏音序器中。
一旦你找到了你喜欢的那个,你就可以让它成为你自己的:调整节拍,用 XO 在你的采样库中与任何其他声音进行交换。
这就是 XO 的全部力量,以及来自 J3PO 的优势。

XOpak - Oscillations

Alt-pop Electronica & Melodic Tech House. Pulsing beats, moody vocal textures.
One shot drum samples & presets
Eclectic and deep, downtempo and tech house
65 presets & 162 one-shot samples
另类流行电子乐和旋律 Tech House。 脉动节拍,Moody 人声氛围音色。
Deep 电子乐、慢节奏和 Tech House
65 个预设和 162 个非循环采样
Instant atmosphere with beat presets and samples from the queen of alt-pop electronica.
Crispy tight drum patterns, booming bass, ethereal processed vocal lines and a whole lot of space.
Blast off on your musical journey using Delhia's Oscillations as a launchpad for your beats.
使用 Delhia's Oscillations 作为您节拍的发射台,开启您的音乐之旅。

It's a mirage. This is music so rich in texture and feels that you can almost see it.
From moody club house bangers to dreamy downbeat soundscapes layered with siren singing,
this XOpak takes you deep into Delhia's sonic world as she paints a succession of intriguing aural images.
Mesmerizing and beautiful.
这是魔术。 这是一种质感非常丰富的音乐,感觉你几乎可以看到它。
从 Moody Club House 轰鸣声到梦幻般的背景音色以及报警声,
这款 XO 扩展音色库将带您深入 Delhia 的声音世界,因为她描绘了一系列引人入胜的听觉图像。

At times deep, urgent and driving, at times wistful and floaty, there's a lot to explore here.
Each preset feels almost fully formed, a solid starting point for further experimentation.
Simply load a groove up into the inbuilt sequencer and let your imagination go wild,
swapping out sounds for anything else in your XO library to make endless creative variations. Build, layer, experiment, play.
将声音替换为 XO 音色库中的任何其它内容,以进行无限的创意变化。 构建、分层、实验、演奏。

XOpak - Ultra Bionic

Techno & electro. Artful noises and beats.
Curated, editable samples & presets
Analog gear, breaks & modular sounds
118 presets & 169 one-shot samples
Techno & Electro 电子音乐。 创造性的噪音和节拍。
模拟设备、Breaks 和 模块合成器的声音
118 个预设和 169 个非循环采样
Take your sound into new dimensions of noise with experimental Techno genius Peder Mannerfelt and his well-loved collection of modular synth glitchery.
From breakbeat electro to hardcore rave.
One of the shining lights of the IDM world Peder Mannerfelt gives you exclusive access to his incredible collection of music making machines.
He tweaked, coaxed, and sampled the hell out of them to create a sonic palette of artful noises.
The XOpak consists of individual samples organized by Mannerfelt into 118 ticking, crackling mini masterpieces for you to incorporate into your sound.
实验电子 Techno 天才 Peder Mannerfelt 和他广受欢迎的模块化合成器,将您的声音带入新的噪音维度。
从 Breakbeat 电子到 Hardcore Rave。
IDM 世界的掌上明珠之一 Peder Mannerfelt 让您可以触摸他令人难以置信的音乐制作机器系列。
这个 XO 扩展音色库包含由 Mannerfelt 组织的 118 个打点声和爆破音色,供您融入您的作品中。

Mannerfelt used his substantial private collection, amassed over years of experimentation and messing around with vintage modular synthesizers, patch cables, and effect pedals.
There are clicks and clacks from long-lost 8-bit SynthStations, great booming bass sounds from bespoke 90s synthesizers, Peder's go-to snare hit from a Korg PS 3200.
Kicks made from the sound of a recorded car door and run through a dizzying array of effects.
it's like scrap metal music with all the little pops, glitches, and fizzles you'll need to link it all together into a beat.
Mannerfelt 使用了大量的私人收藏品,这些收藏是通过多年的实验和老式模块化合成器、跳线和单块效果器而积累起来的。
有来经典的 8 Bit 合成器工作站的咔哒声和噼啪声,定制的 90 年代合成器发出的洪亮低音,Korg PS 3200 上 Peder 的军鼓敲击声。

Our favorites are the sounds that Mannerfelt made with his late 60s EMS SYNTHI modular synth.
This thing has to be seen to be believed - and after having been used by Mannerfelt on Russian raves in massive abandoned factories over the years,
the soot, dust, and sweat it has been marinated in has only added to its unpredictable, wonderful character.
Expertly manipulated by the man himself, the SYNTHI and Mannerfelt's other machines provide some seriously unique ingredients for you to use in your beat-making.
我们最喜欢的是 Mannerfelt 用他 60 年代后期的 EMS SYNTHI 模块化合成器制作的声音。
必须亲眼所见才能相信这件事 - Mannerfelt 多年来在俄罗斯的大型废弃工厂狂欢中使用它之后,
由他本人熟练操作,SYNTHI 和 Mannerfelt 的其他机器提供了一些非常独特的特性供您在节奏制作中使用。

XOpak - Pastel Punch

Punchy starter beats for club tracks.
Beefy beats and drum samples
Electronic, organic & gritty
39 presets & 155 one-shot samples
39 个预设和 155 个非循环采样
With these punching drum beats that positively ooze freshness,
you get Rachel K Collier's full signature sound built up from house-based electronic grooves driven by beefy kicks and snares,
punctuated with idiosyncratic one-shots and organic distorted percussion.
通过这些充满新鲜感的打击乐节奏,您可以获得 Rachel K Collier 完整的标志性音色,
这些音色是由强劲的底鼓和军鼓驱动的电子音乐基础 House 的律动而构成的,

If you've ever seen her perform, you'll already have a good idea of the sort of sonic goodies you'll be getting in this XOpak.
Rachel K Collier's live performances are more like mini studio masterclasses than simple songs.
Each part is sung, sampled, or played, building up layer upon layer until the individual pieces seem to find their final form almost by magic as a perfectly balanced club banger is born.
如果您曾经看过她的表演,您就会很好地了解您将在这款 XO 扩展音色中能够获得的美妙音色。
Rachel K Collier 的现场表演更像是小型工作室大师秀,而不是简单的歌曲。
每个部分都被演唱、采样或演奏,一层一层地组建,直到整个乐曲似乎魔法般的完成,因为完美平衡的 Club Banger 诞生了。

These infectious, perfectly balanced grooves come fully formed with vocal samples and delicately constructed percussion and drum tracks.
Great to use as a starting point in your productions, and thanks to XO's inbuilt sequencer and the infinite hot-swapping capabilities of the software, each one is ultimately customizable.
Wonky Woo sounds pretty heavy right out the box, but those toms can just as quickly become synth stabs,
or why not swap them out for kettle drums, and you're ready to set the dance floor alight!
With XO, the possibilities are literally endless.
非常适合您在制作时来用于起步,并且由于 XO 的内置音序器和软件的无限热切换功能,每个最终节奏都是完全不同的。
Wonky Woo 刚打开时听起来很重,但那些嗵鼓也可以立即变成变成合成器来使用,
或者你也可以将它们换成 Kettle 鼓,这样你就可以点燃整个舞池了!
有了 XO,就有无限可能。

This expansion requires XO
XO is a beat-making plugin that makes sample browsing a creative part of the production process.
The plugin allows you to organize and seamlessly explore your drum samples in a new and exciting way.
这些扩展需要 XO 原版才能使用
XO 是一个节拍制作插件,它将采样浏览成为制作过程的创意思维。