这才是真正的同步木管 Synchron Woodwinds,以前的那套 Synchron-ized Woodwinds 可算是不用往正规军这里凑了。

这才是真正的同步木管 Synchron Woodwinds,以前的那套 Synchron-ized Woodwinds 可算是不用往正规军这里凑了。
When renowned composer, orchestrator and conductor Conrad Pope stepped onto Stage A of Synchron Stage Vienna before it re-opened its doors back in 2015,
he happily exclaimed that this was finally a scoring stage big and especially high enough for the piccolo to sound as great as it should.
As it turned out in the following years, not only was he right,
but all the instruments and ensembles benefit immensely from the outstanding acoustics of this hall,
making the sound of Synchron Stage a landmark in film scoring.
当著名作曲家、管弦乐演奏家和指挥家 Conrad Pope 在 2015 年重新开放之前登上维也纳 Synchron Stage 的 Stage A 时,
使 Synchron Stage 的声音成为电影配乐的里程碑。
The euphonic sound of the instruments playing in the exceptional acoustics of this hall is not only important for the pristine quality of the recorded samples,
it also contributes tremendously to the performance of the players.
Musicians who feel inspired, who are moved by the sound of their instruments springing to life in this stirring environment,
deliver brilliant performances, not only for film scores, but also for sampling sessions well known for being rigorous and highly demanding.

For many of the woodwind players contributing to this Collection, working on the subtlest variations of their tone is a challenge they’re eager to take on,
rediscovering the sonic possibilities of their instruments and even exploring new facets.
Ultimately it’s this symbiosis of musicians, their instruments and the recording hall that entices Europe’s best musicians to not only join recording sessions,
but also make themselves available for sample recordings.
Consistent and Well-Balanced Articulations
Another benefit of the musicians’ commitment to extensive sampling sessions was the ability to record all of the instruments in uninterrupted recording blocks,
which guarantees a consistent sound across all articulations and dynamic layers,
an essential feature that lets you create effortlessly coherent and fluid performances.

Creating agile and at the same time expressive legatos was paramount for the Synchron Woodwinds Collection.
All solo instruments feature regular and fast legato variants,
and by selecting the “auto-speed” patch the Vienna Synchron Player provides you with authentic note transitions depending on the tempo of your playing.
A large pool of assorted short note articulations allows for a variety of accentuation and virtuosic non-legato performances.
While special attention was given to capturing musical and tasteful vibrato by all of the soloists, equal emphasis was applied to the expressive non-vibrato articulations,
which are needed for ensemble playing where vibrato is not typically used.
创造敏捷且同时富有表现力的连奏对于 Synchron Woodwinds Collection 来说至关重要。
Vienna Synchron Player 会根据您的演奏节奏为您提供真实的音符过渡。
Woodwind Ensembles
Synchron Woodwinds features ensemble recordings that are also included in the Big Bang Orchestra Packs Neptune, Orion and Solaris.
The “Tutti Woodwinds” ensemble consists of 13 instruments, from the piccolo to the contrabassoon, that are played in unison and octaves.
Each of the “Woodwind Sections” consisting of flutes, oboes, clarinets in Bb and bassoons is made up of three musicians playing together in unison.
The “Low FX Woodwinds” section of three contrabassoons, two bassoons, one contrabass clarinet and two bass clarinets provides dramatic fundamental lows in unison and octaves as well as in clusters.
The “High FX Woodwinds” section consists of one piccolo, three flutes, two oboes and four clarinets, playing long notes in unison and octaves, as well as runs and arpeggios in a wide variety of scales and chords.
Synchron Woodwinds 的合奏录音也包含在 Big Bang Orchestra Packs Neptune、Orion 和 Solaris 中。
“Tutti Woodwinds” 合奏由 13 种乐器组成,从短笛到低音大管,以同音和八度演奏。
每个 “Woodwind Sections” 音色由长笛、双簧管、Bb单簧管和巴松管组成,由三位音乐家齐声演奏。
三个低音大管、两个巴松管、一个低音单簧管和两个低音单簧管的 “Low FX Woodwinds” 音色提供了木管组的基本低音特效。
“High FX Woodwinds” 音色部分由一支短笛、三支长笛、两支双簧管和四支单簧管组成,演奏同音和八度的长音符,以及各种音阶和和弦的乐段和琶音。

Multiple Microphone Positions
To capture the spectacular ambience of “Stage A” of Synchron Stage, our engineers employed seven separate phase-coherent microphone configurations to provide a broad range of room options.
All of them are available as separate channels in the mixer section of the Vienna Synchron Player.
为了捕捉 Synchron Stage 的“Stage A”的强大空间感,我们的工程师采用了七个独立位置的麦克风配置来提供全面的房间选择。
所有这些都在 Vienna Synchron Player 的混音页面部分中作为单独的通道提供。
Included and upcoming instruments
* Also included in the Big Bang Orchestra Series
** These four solo instruments will be available to all registered users of Synchron Woodwinds in early 2022.
* 这些乐器也包含在 Big Bang Orchestra 系列中
** 这四款独奏乐器将于 2022 年初向 Synchron Woodwinds 的所有注册用户提供。
* 这些乐器也包含在 Big Bang Orchestra 系列中
** 这四款独奏乐器将于 2022 年初向 Synchron Woodwinds 的所有注册用户提供。
| Standard Library | Full Library |
1. Close Mic – Mono | • | • |
2. Mid Mic – Stereo (L/R) | • | • |
3. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R) | • | • |
4. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center) | • | • |
5. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R) | | • |
6. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R) | | • |
7. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R) | | • |
| Standard Library | Full Library |
下载大小 | 36.2 GB | 59.2 GB |
安装大小 | 84.4 GB | 137.9 GB |
Standard Library 基础版:595欧元,12月31日之前首发促销445欧元。
Full Library 完整版:850欧元,12月31日之前首发促销640欧元。
已经拥有BBO系列Neptune、Orion 和 Solaris的用户可享受交叉升级价格。
https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=662704492958* 可处理交叉升级,详情请咨询客服