United Plugins 发力了!将 API / Neve / Telefenken 的经典硬件通道条纷纷建模了个遍,并做到了一个插件中。
这个插件就是 UniChannel!它将融合三种经典控台的音色,并随时进行交叉应用,简直爽到家咯!

这个插件就是 UniChannel!它将融合三种经典控台的音色,并随时进行交叉应用,简直爽到家咯!
Having a vintage gear collection in the studio is nice and inspirational but unfortunately, it is also time-consuming and expensive.
SounDevice Studio's owner, Boris Carloff, knows this very well, as he has been collecting vintage gear for more than 20 years:
"There is always something not working. From tubes to scratchy pots, from meters to noisy caps. And the units are so rare that you can hardly ever use them on multiple channels simultaneously."
To avoid these limitations, we were inspired to create a solution that included the best of these devices into one plugin. The result is UniChannel.
SounDevice Studio 的所有者 Boris Carloff 非常清楚这一点,因为他收集复古设备已经有20多年了:
为了避免这些限制,我们受到启发,创建了一个解决方案,将这些设备中最好的部分都包含在一个插件中。它就是 UniChannel 。
Complete vintage studio
UniChannel delivers the warm analogue sound, but unlike its real hardware counterparts, it can be connected to every channel of your mix.
You can also change the components with one click (instead of using a screwdriver or a patch bay).
UniChannel has a preset for every occasion. And there are no ageing and broken components to maintain!
UniChannel 提供温暖的模拟声音,但与真正的硬件不同,它可以连接到混音中的每一个声道。
UniChannel 为每种场合都设置了一个预设值。而且没有老化和损坏的零件需要维护!
27+ plugins
UniChannel includes 3 preamp types, 3 kinds of EQ, and 3 compressor types.
That makes a total of 27 combinations, with a unique character for each of them. That’s 27 unique plugins in one!
Bypass the EQ or the Compressor and you will hear that the sound variety is almost endless. Variety inspires.
27+ 个插件
UniChannel 包括3种前置放大器类型、3种均衡器类型和3种压缩器类型。
总共有27个组合,每个组合都有唯一的特性。这是 27 个独特插件的合体!
绕过 EQ 或压缩器,你会听到无穷无尽的声音多样性来激发灵感。

VARM II is technology based on knowledge of chaotic behaviour and randomness of the analogue world.
Thanks to VARM II, each plugin instance acts slightly differently.
VARM models randomness of the subtle differences of the values of the electrical parts - exactly as in the real electrical units and the real console channels.
The result is the truest representation of the hardware units’ sound.
VARM II 是一种基于对模拟信号音色特性和随机性的认知技术。
基于此 VARM II,每个插件使用时的行为略有不同。
VARM 对电气零件细微差别的随机性进行建模,与实际电气设备和实际控制台通道中的情况完全一样。
The Germans
The full German Channel is amazing on the drum buss. It is something like magic on voice, and we wouldn’t use anything else for jazzy styles or ballad intimacy.
German features a fifties-style tube preamp, sixties-style rare EQ, and a very early fifties tube vari-mu compressor.
德系通道条中有一个 50 年代风格的电子管前置放大器,60 年代风格的罕见均衡器,以及一个非常早期的 50 年代电子管 Vari-Mu 压缩器。

American sound
The US eighties-style op-amp preamp and the eighties-style EQ have mid punch, great for electric guitar or toms,
and the US early fifties tube compressor is a fat monster that makes vocals silky with amazing colour.
美系 80 年代风格的运算放大器前置放大器以及 80 年代风格的EQ有着适当的冲击力,非常适合电吉他或 TOM 鼓,
而美国 50 年代初的电子管压缩器像是一个巨大的怪兽,能让声音变得柔滑,具有令人惊叹的染色。

Classic British
The Classic British channel brings you fat transformer colour for aggressive bass, kick drum, and rock attitude.
It includes a British seventies-style transformer fat preamp, a seventies-style EQ, and a seventies-style diode bridge compressor.
它包括一个英国 70 年代风格的 FAT 变压器前置放大器,一个 70 年代风格的均衡器,和一个 70 年代风格的二极管桥式压缩器。

Realistic 3D yet flexible GUI
The photorealistic graphic user interface of the plugin gives you the feeling you are touching the real hardware.But it easily adapts to your needs.
You can always drag the arrow in the bottom right corner to change its size - make it smaller to save valuable screen space, or enlarge it to make it easier to use.

64-bit audio quality at ANY sampling rate
The plugin provides the maximum audio quality you can get.
It uses internal 64-bit audio processing and can handle any sampling rate. 192 kHz or even higher.
它使用内部64位内部算法,可以处理任何采样率。192 kHz 或更高。
Intelligent sleep on silence
This plugin intelligently detects whether it makes sense to perform processing at all. And if not, it temporarily turns on sleep mode.
In such a state, it requires virtually no CPU at all saves the computing sources for other processes.
在这种状态下,它实际上根本没有 CPU 占用,从而为其他进程节省了 CPU 资源。