由 Sonuscore 为 Best Service 定制打造的科幻配乐音色 Elysion 已经发布了第 2 代,
这是 Elysion 1 的全方位升级!

这是 Elysion 1 的全方位升级!
Best Service proudly presents Elysion 2 by Sonuscore
We started a journey into the future of sound – and we arrived! Elysion 2 enriches your synthetic palette with more aggressive, powerful and driving sounds.
If you’re scoring trailers, blockbusters or just want to hear the universe burn – Elysion 2 will get you covered!
Best Service 自豪地推出了 Sonuscore 的 Elysion 2
我们开始了通往声音未来的旅程——我们到达了! Elysion 2 以更具侵略性、强大和驱动的声音丰富您的合成音色库。
如果你正在为预告片、大片配乐,或者是想听到宇宙燃烧的声音 - Elysion 2 会让你满意!
Interstellar Sound. Instant Inspiration. Supernatural Workflow.
Elysion 2 is our massive and incredibly fast scoring tool.
Press a key and unleash a raw and vivid sonic scenario with our breakthrough and award-winning ensemble engine, known from "The Orchestra".
Elysion 2 – The Encounter takes you to the very extremes of our universe – within one modwheel-turn.
Elysion 2 是我们强大且令人难以置信的快速配乐工具。
使用我们屡获殊荣的突破性合奏引擎(以“The Orchestra”而闻名),按下一个键并释放出生动的声音场景。
在一个调制轮的控制下,Elysion 2 – The Encounter 将你带入我们宇宙的极限。

Single-Instrument NKIs – We included every instrument as a single-instrument NKI to freely play it outside Elysion’s engine.
Distortion & Saturation FX – Elysion 2 comes with various built-in effects to enable a more aggressive and driving sound.
Switchable GUI – Choose freely between the two GUIs of Elysion and Elysion 2.
The Elysion 2 themes are named after the planets of our solar system and other interstellar objects, each one representing a different sonic character.
单乐器 NKI – 我们将每件乐器都做成了单音色 NKI 文件,以便在 Elysion 的引擎之外自由演奏。
Distortion & Saturation FX – Elysion 2 带有各种内置效果,可实现更具侵略性和驱动力的声音。
可切换的界面 – 在 Elysion 和 Elysion 2 的两个界面风格之间自由选择。
Elysion 2 主题以我们太阳系的行星和其他星际物体命名,每一个都代表不同的声音特征。
Key Features:
All instruments available as single NKI, to freely play them outside the engine
New distortion and saturation FX for a more aggressive and driving sound
Sampled Synthetic Instruments, containing up to 3 Round Robins and 5 Velocity Layers
Refined Ensemble Engine 2.0 with new, powerful functionalities
Unique Motion Engine allowing fundamental customizations
Massive synth hybrid twin of The Orchestra for a new level of cinematic composing
Over 400 complex animated and fully customizable themes, featuring up to 5 fully controllable instruments
Over 207 instantly playable hybrid organic instruments
12.500+ individual samples. All carefully recorded, sampled and handcrafted
MIDI-Export: Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template
Elysion 2 takes off to an exciting chapter of our popular synth Elysion.
It comes with a variety of driving and powerful instruments, themes, effects and features.
Elysion 2 further includes the complete original ambient synth Elysion!
所有乐器都可作为单个 NKI,在引擎外自由演奏
采样合成乐器,包含多达 3 个循环和 5 个力度层
改进的 Ensemble Engine 2.0 具有新的、强大的功能
The Orchestra 的大型合成器混合双胞胎,将电影配乐提升到一个新的水平
超过 400 个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题,具有多达 5 个完全可控的乐器
超过 207 种可立即演奏的混合乐器音色
所有经过精心录制、采样和手工制作的采样数量高达 12.500+ 个。
MIDI 导出:将 Ensemble 引擎的力量释放到您的个人模板上
Elysion 2 开启了我们流行的合成器 Elysion 激动人心的续集。
Elysion 2 还包括完整的原始环境合成器 Elysion!

Elysion 2 is available now as a download version for only €/$ 249
Elysion 2 Upgrade for users of Elysion is available for € 39
Registered users of "The Orchestra Essentials", "The Orchestra", "Strings of Winter", "Horns of Hell" or "The Orchestra Complete" can get a crossgrade for only €/$ 179
Users that registered Elysion in the last 4 weeks will automatically get a free upgrade added to their bestservice.com customer account.
Elysion 2 现已作为下载版本提供,价格 249 欧元/美元
Elysion 1 用户 升级到 Elysion 2 只需 39 欧元
“The Orchestra Essentials”、“The Orchestra”、“Strings of Winter”、“Horns of Hell”或“The Orchestra Complete”的注册用户购买仅需 €/$179
在过去 4 周内注册 Elysion 1 的用户将自动得到免费升级。
中国地区的用户请到 Best Service 代理商飞来音电脑音乐技术购买。