LiquidSonics Lustrous Plates 升级到 v1.1,增加三种新的板式建模

LiquidSonics 光泽板 Lustrous Plates 也迎来了大型升级,
原本以拥有 7 种不同板式材质建模而著称的超级板式混响器现在变成了牛逼大发的 10 种!


Lustrous Plates v1.1 is now available, this free update offers new features including three new plate models, a resizable UI and extra presets.
There are also bug fixes relating to macOS Monterey and improved support for VST3 in FL Studio.​

Lustrous Plates v1.1 发布了!这次免费更新提供了新的功能,包括三个新的板式建模,可调整大小的UI界面和额外的预置。
还有与 MacOS Monterey 相关的错误修复,以及 FL Studio 对 VST3 的改进支持。
New Models
The new plates are:
Osmium: A rich reverb capable of very clean, short ambiences
Platinum: Very dense and bright, with rich lows on longer decays
Gold: Simulation of the rare ‘gold foil’ compact plate reverberator
Osmium and platinum are wonderfully rich sounding plates perfect for drums and vocals, but the gold model is the star of the show.​

Gold:罕见的“Gold Foil”紧凑型板式混响器的模拟。(哈哈哈——EMT 240!)
Osmium 和 Platinum 都是非常常用的板式类型,非常适合鼓声和人声,但 Gold 的建模是这场表演的亮点。

Lustrous Plates 1.1.jpg

The Golden Ticket
The classic EMT 240 gold foil plate on which this model was based has a very different acoustic profile to the much larger steel 140s many of us are more familiar with. It is less widely known than the 140s which became ubiquitous.
When plate reverbs were invented they were the alternative to building a physical chamber in a studio – clearly preferable unless you happened to have space and money to burn!
The 140s were still very large and heavy though, so the 240 models were designed to be lighter and more compact. Ideal if you has less money, space, or needed to transport a synthetic reverberator in a van or truck.
If you’ve ever seen a 140 in real life you’ll understand there was certainly a need for that if you were a mobile audio professional in need of synthetic reverb on location!​

该型号基于经典的 EMT 240 金箔板混响器,与我们许多人更熟悉的钢制 EMT140 相比具有非常不同的声学轮廓,虽然它不如无处不在的 EMT140 被大众所熟悉。
EMT140 本身非常大和重,因此 240 型号设计得更轻、更紧凑。 如果您的资金、空间较少,或者需要用货车或卡车运输这台硬件混响器,则是理想之选。
如果您在现实生活中见过 EMT140,您就会明白,假设您是需要现场使用混响的移动音频从业者,那么您肯定需要它!
With the change in form factor and materials came a change in the acoustic profile, so you will certainly hear a difference in tone and damper behaviour when selecting the gold model.
While the units themselves were lighter, the reverbs were much darker and moodier.​

随着外形和材料的变化,声学特性也发生了变化,因此在选择 Gold 建模时,您肯定会听到音色和阻尼行为(反射频率响应)的不同。
Each of the new plates has a greater range: the shortest reverbs that can be achieved with these models are a little tighter than the original set.
If you need extremely short ambiences with the unmistakable character of classic plate reverb, these are the ones to go for.​



Other Changes and Additions
The update also adds new features and corrects a number of compatibility problems that have been identified:
Stepped plug-in interface scaling added to the settings menu (from 75% to 200%)
Fixes an issue with the operation of the VST3 in some hosts including FL Studio
Address compatibility issues with macOS Monterey
11 new presets added​

设置菜单中添加了步进式插件界面缩放(从 75% 到 200%)
修复了包括 FL Studio 在内的某些宿主中 VST3 操作的问题
解决与 macOS Monterey 的兼容性问题
新增了 11 个新预设


To update, simply download the plug-in and install over the top of your original installation. The update is free for all Lustrous Plates perpetual license holders.
Important: the plug-in requires iLok License Manager v5.4.0 or greater - please ensure you update the license manager if it is not new enough here.​

要更新,只需下载插件并直接安装。 此更新对所有 Lustrous Plates 正版用户免费。
该插件需要 iLok License Manager v5.4.0 或更高版本 —— 如果你电脑中的 iLok 驱动程序不够新,请确保更新它:

If you've never tried Lustrous Plates it's a great time to check out the free 14-day demo.
If you like what you hear then don't forget to use your loyalty coupons for the best prices if you already own any LiquidSonics products.​

如果您从未尝试过 Lustrous Plates,那么现在是查看 14 天免费演示的好时机。
如果你喜欢你听到的,那么如果你已经拥有 LiquidSonics 的产品,别忘了(向飞来音)咨询老客户优惠价格。

插播一段小教程:如何试用 Lustrous Plates 混响插件 ?

这里先提供一个14天的 Lustrous Plates 试用的 iLok 许可证兑换码:



搞定上述许可证授权后,在下面的下载地址中下载 Lustrous Plates 并安装即可。

Lustrous Plates v1.1 更新 Windows 下载地址:
Lustrous Plates v1.1 更新 Mac OSX 下载地址:


中国地区的用户如需购买 Lustrous Plates ,请到 LiquidSonics 中国区正规总代理飞来音电脑音乐技术官方淘宝店购买: