Martinic 发布 80 年代 AKAI 合成器的建模插件 AX73

Martinic 是一个专注于建模老式键盘(合成器)的品牌,这是一家来自于荷兰的公司。
虽然 Martinic 的产品不算很多,但是其声音设计师相当具有资历和背景,他们把1986年的 AKAI 合成器做成了插件。


In 1986, the synth skies were studded with digital technology. That’s why the original AX73, with its proudly all-analog signal path ended up flying under the radar.
Martinic has taken what was great about the original AX73 and elevated it into a powerful, flexible software instrument that fits right into the modern producer’s lineup of go-to synths.​

1986 年,当数字技术被普及在合成器领域。 当年的 AX73 则因保持着完全使用模拟信号的方式而继续存在。
Martinic 吸收了当年 AX73 硬件的优点,并将其提升为功能强大、灵活的软件音源,使其适应现代音乐人使用合成器的首选方式。
With four analog oscillators across two synth layers, unique modulation features, extended performance options,
and an eight-module effects section, this plugin AX73 (VST/AU) unleashes the full power of the original hardware and more.
no menu diving required, and all perfectly modeled through our Advanced Circuitry Emulation technology.
And, it includes a generous lineup of 600+ inspiring presets to get you started right away.​

在此插件 AX73(VST/AU 格式)的两个合成音色层中多达四个模拟振荡器、具备独特的调制功能和扩展选项,
而且,它包括 600 多个令人振奋的预设,可以让你立即开始使用。
An interface for the 21st century
Settings View offers a clean, easy-to-use set of parameters for quick editing.
The Keys View, which emulates the look of the original hardware, has also been upgraded with many more functions – no menu-diving required!
The robust Preset Manager allows you to quickly save and sort your favorite presets into "collections" that you can easily export and share with friends!​

面向 21 世纪的界面
键位界面模拟了原始硬件的外观,也升级了更多功能 - 无需切换菜单!
强大的预设管理器允许您快速保存您最喜欢的预设并将其分类储存到 “收藏” 中,您可以轻松导出并与朋友分享!
New Effects Section
Process the synth’s output with eight built-in effects units:
Compressor, Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, and EQ
These effects can be routed in any order you like – simply rearrange them by dragging and dropping them in the FX Chain.​



Something Borrowed
The best elements from other synths in the AX range have been distilled into a feature-rich reinterpretation of the AX73.
Notable examples include: extra chorus settings and the arpeggiator from the AX60, a second VCO and sub-oscillator from the AX80, and an extended VCO octave range down to 32’, as seen in both the AX60 and 80.​

AX 系列中其他合成器的优势已被 AX73 丰富的功能所重新诠释。
值得注意的例子包括:AX60 的特属合唱设置和琶音器,AX80 的第二个VCO和子振荡器,以及在AX60 和 AX80中被扩展到 32‘ 的 VCO 八度范围。
Mod Power!
The AX73 plugin also offers far greater modulation capabilities than the original. It features four envelopes per layer (three of which are assignable), and four assignable LFOs per layer.
aking both layers into account, this gives a formidable eight envelopes and eight LFOs.​

AX73 插件还提供比原来更强大的调制能力。它具有每层四个包络发生器(其中三个是可分配的),以及每层四个可分配的低频振荡器。
Split or Stack Layers to build your sound
Uniquely, the AX73 has two layers that can be split across the keyboard - allowing you to play two patches simultaneously - or stacked, providing an extra dimension of sound design.
And, each layer has its own independent arpeggiator with 11 built-in modes - including some unusual modes such as Shuffle and Improv - that you can use to quickly create melodies.​

而且,每一层都有自己的独立琶音器,有11种内置模式:包括一些非比寻常的模式,如 Shuffle 和 Improv,你可以用它们来快速创作旋律。


Sound Designers
Our AX73 comes with 600+ genre spanning presets created by a lineup of highly respected sound designers
who have left their imprint on some of the most loved synthesizers of all time. Let’s learn about a few of them.​

我们的 AX73 带有 600 多个不同的预置,由一些备受尊敬的音色设计师创建,
Nori Ubukata
Nori Ubukata is a highly accomplished musician whose sound design work has been heard countless times.
Contributing presets to the Yamaha DX7 when it was first launched, Ubukata has truly left his mark on musical history.
His AX73 preset collection ranges from otherworldly SFX and rhythmic patches to lush, warm organ and keys sounds.​

Nori Ubukata
Nori Ubukata 是一位非常有成就的音乐家,他的声音设计作品已经被无数次听到。
在 YAMAHA DX7 首次推出时,Ubukata为它设计了预置音色,这确实在音乐史上留下了他的印记。
他的 AX73 预置覆盖了独特的氛围音效和节奏型,以及浓郁温暖的管风琴和键盘音色。
A professional sound designer for over two decades, Summa has helped to define the personality of some of the greatest soft synths of this millenium - now he adds another to the list.
With presets for Massive, Absynth, DX7 V and many more under his belt, Summa’s work has appeared on countless songs, soundtracks and more over the past 20 years.
His AX73 bank ranges from the gorgeous, ethereal pluck of Bellerina 7th, to the raw, in-your-face throaty bass of Smacking Reso Ld.​

作为一名20多年的专业声音设计师,Summa 为这个世纪一些最伟大的软合成的定义了个性,现在他又增加了一个。
在过去的20年里,Summa 的作品已经出现在 Massive、Absynth、DX7 V 这些插件和更多的歌曲、配乐中。
他的 AX73 音色库从华丽的,空灵的 Bellerina 7th,到原始的,拍到脸上的沙哑低音 Reso LD。
Synth Guru Wiffen
Synth Guru Wiffen is, as his name suggests, a sound design expert who has been working with synthesizers for over three decades.
He worked with Vangelis as a programmer on perhaps one of the most loved pieces of synthesizer based music of all time; the Blade Runner soundtrack.​

顾名思义,Synth Guru Wiffen 是一位声音设计专家,他已经在合成器方面工作了三十多年。
他作为程序员与 Vangelis 合作,创作了可能是有史以来最受欢迎的合成器音乐作品之一:银翼杀手配乐。


产品售价:$119 美元,10月内首发折扣半价 $59 美元。
中国地区的用户请在中国区总代理飞来音电脑音乐技术购买,在半价的基础上再提供半价仅售RMB 188 元。​