因插件医生和魔法之眼插件而广受好评的插件厂商 DDMF 发布了一个新的混响插件 MagicVerb,
虽然界面看上去确实很魔幻……但这可是与 Capitol Studio 的母带大师 Ian Sefchick 联合开发的。

虽然界面看上去确实很魔幻……但这可是与 Capitol Studio 的母带大师 Ian Sefchick 联合开发的。

MagicVerb is the latest result of the collaboration between MagicDeathEye aka Ian Sefchick and DDMF.
This journey was a little more creative as we weren’t modeling a piece of hardware. We were modeling spaces and experimenting with EQ and texture.
Ian spent a decade working at a studio known for its chambers and that dark beautiful feeling of space was always with him when creating these models.
We had a lot of his engineer and producer buddies check em’ out and used their feedback to tighten everything up.
We also put a really cool plate and model of a classic digital reverb in there as well.
MagicVerb 是 MagicDeathEye(著名的 Ian Sefchick 大佬)和 DDMF 合作的最新成果。
这段旅程更有创意,因为我们不是在为硬件建模。我们正在对空间进行建模,并对 EQ 和氛围进行实验。
Ian 在一家著名的工作室(这里不解释了)工作了十年,当他开发这些建模时,那种又黑暗又美丽的空间感一直伴随着他。
There’s nothing new under the sun and this has all been done before, so the objective was to make a reverb plugin as useful as the Magic Death Eye compressor plugins.
A real utility reverb that works on everything and is super easy to operate. A reverb with depth, texture, and lots of love.
A MagicVerb!
Available in 32 and 64 bit format, as a VST, VST3, AU and AAX plugin.
On Mac, OSX 10.7 or higher is required. Intel and Apple Silicon are both supported.
支持 32 位和 64 位插件, 具有VST、VST3、AU 和 AAX 格式。
在 Mac 上,需要 OSX 10.7 或更高版本。英特尔和Apple Silicon均受支持。
中国地区的用户请在 DDMF 总代理飞来音电脑音乐技术购买。
这混响听上去,有股Lexicon 480L + PCM 91混合在一起的味道。