Reverberate 3 是以口碑著称的混响插件世家 LiquidSonics 发布的高性价比采样混响插件,
这一波除开升级了新功能,还为用户带来了一套新的扩展采样库,它来自于著名的 Lexicon PCM 91硬件混响。

这一波除开升级了新功能,还为用户带来了一套新的扩展采样库,它来自于著名的 Lexicon PCM 91硬件混响。
Reverberate has been updated to v3.2, it's available to download right now from the downloads page!
In this update you will find a new contouring tab. It is perfect for simple reverb time editing jobs that before required the use of envelopes and cropping tools.
What's more it's now a cinch to dial in those high and low reverb time adjustments above and below crossovers as you are already familiar doing in regular algorithmic reverbs to tame low rumble or turn up the sizzle of a reverb's frequency high decay.
Reverberate 已经更新到3.2版,现在可以从下载页面下载。(注:本文末尾会提供百度网盘)
在此更新中,您将发现一个新的 Contouring 选项卡。它能让你很简单的完成关于混响时间编辑,而以前则需要使用包络和裁剪工具。

NEW Classic Reverb Expansion Pack FREE
But wait, that's not all...
if you've been looking for some fresh content then don't miss your chance to pick up the new FS-91 Fusion-IR expansion pack which features 8 banks of wonderful reverb from the late-90's.
Delve into nearly 400 new captures including concert halls, random halls, rooms, plates and even two banks dedicated to post spaces.
To get this free update and free FS-91 expansion pack, just download the latest plug-in builds for Windows or macOS from the software downloads page and re-install over the top of your existing installation.
The FS-91 pack can be downloaded there too, or head to the Fusion-IRs for Reverberate 3 page (see the Heritage Series section).
如果你一直在寻找一些新鲜的内容,那么不要错过机会拿起新的FS-91 Fusion-IR扩展包,它具有8个来自于90年代末混响器的采样库。
FS-91包也可以在那里下载,或者前往 Fusion-IRs 的 Reverberate 3 页面 (查看 Heritage Series Section 部分)。

Important: the plug-in requires iLok License Manager v5.4.0 or greater - please ensure you update the license manager if it is not new enough here.
Try Reverberate 3 NOW
If you've never tried Reverberate 3 it's a great time to check out the demo. You can use all of the captures for free in the version demo for 14-days.
If you like what you hear then don't forget to use your loyalty coupons for the best prices if you already own any LiquidSonics products.
如果您从未使用过 Reverberate 3,那么现在是试用的好时机。您可以在试用版本中免费使用所有IR采样,使用期限为14天。
插播一段小教程:如何试用 Reverberate 3 混响插件 ?
这里先提供一个14天的 Reverberate 3 试用的 iLok 许可证兑换码:
搞定上述许可证授权后,在下面的下载地址中下载 Reverberate 3 并安装即可。
Reverberate v3.2 更新 Windows 下载地址:
Reverberate v3.2 更新 Mac OSX 下载地址:
新扩展 FS-91 扩展包 Windows 下载地址:
新扩展 FS-91 扩展包 Mac OSX 下载地址:
中国地区的用户如需购买 Reverberate 3 ,请到 LiquidSonics 中国区正规总代理飞来音电脑音乐技术官方淘宝店购买: