THE ABSOLUTE COLLECTION - 为您的音乐制作提供最好的虚拟乐器。

Get tons of creative instruments, with over 130 GB of sound content for every kind of music production.
Explore over 7,500 presets, next-generation synthesizers like Padshop and,
with Groove Agent and Backbone, some of the best VST drum plug-ins available.
And if that is not enough, you can easily build your own sample instruments with HALion.
获得大量的创意乐器音色,总计超过130 GB的音色内容用于音乐制作。
以及与Groove Agent和Backbone配合使用的一些最好的VST鼓插件。
ABSOLUTE 5 新增内容:

One of the most innovative plug-ins for drum sound design and re-synthesis.
Layer, re-synthesize and decompose samples into noise and tonal parts. Thanks to many unique features and superior workflows,
you can make 808s fatter than ever, design cinematic hits, and craft your own signature drum sounds.
Amped Elektra

A rare vintage electric piano which has been completely restored by the manufacturer,
sampled from the DI signal and reamped through three legendary amps like “The Tower” from 1949, a Fender Twin and Ampeg V4.
If that was not enough classic gear, we have also included unique impulse responses from different reverb units through the decades.
Now that’s what we call a character instrument.
并通过三个传奇放大器进行重放,如1949年的The Tower、Fender Twin和Ampeg V4。
Electric Bass

This awesome electric bass library is based on samples and combines these with advanced physical modeling.
This new concept allows you to create the sound of classics in no time at all, from J-bass to P-bass and even the MM-bass.
It comes with seven articulations from fingerstyle and muted to slapped and an authentic auto legato and slide function.
这个新的概念可以让你在任何时间内创造出经典的声音,从J Bass到P Bass,甚至MM Bass。
Polarities for Padshop 2

The Padshop 2 expansion Polarities plays with the concept of contrasts and confrontation, like divine and evil, tonal and noisy, frozen and moving.
You can morph the sounds or split polarized sounds on the keyboard. It’s another great expansion by sound designer Simon Stockhausen.
Padshop 2 扩展包 Polarities 运用了对比和反义的概念,如神仙与恶魔、韵律与嘈杂、静止与移动。
您可以在键盘上对声音进行变形或分割极化声音。 这是声音设计师 Simon Stockhausen 的又一次伟大扩展。
Sounds of Soul

This Retrologue expansion covers the greatest synth sounds from more than four decades of soul music.
More than 400 presets programmed by Dave Polich, who programmed and produced for artists like Michael Jackson, David Foster and Sergio Mendes.
这个 Retrologue 扩展覆盖了四十多年灵魂音乐中最经典的合成器音色。
超过 400 个预设由 Dave Polich 编程,他为 Michael Jackson、David Foster 和 Sergio Mendes 等艺术家编程和制作。
Future Past Perfect

Future Past Perfect is the perfect drum toolkit for music in the style of New York House, Future House, Progressive House and Techno.
This expansion is exclusively created for Groove Agent by producer, DJ and composer Dean Coleman,
who moves crowds in global hot spots from Brazil, Paris and Ibiza to New York.
Future Past Perfect 是适用于 New York House、Future House、Progressive House 和 Techno 风格音乐的完美鼓音色包。
此扩展包是由制作人、DJ 和作曲家 Dean Coleman 专门为 Groove Agent 创建的,
Absolute 5 直接购买的价格是3785元,
从Absolute 4 升级的话是 758元。
从Absolute 4 升级的话是 758元。