Lunaris 2 - 技术规格

Lunaris 2
Luftrum Sound Design - Lunaris 2 | 月球漫步音色库

Lunaris 2:Lunaris 2, Unparalleled Pads
Lunaris 2:Lunaris 2,精彩绝伦的铺底

Lunaris 2 is the premier pads instrument for NI Kontakt.
Lunaris 2 是为 NI Kontakt 设计的顶级合成器铺底乐器。

积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣:
积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:

概述信息 技术规格 附加信息

Specifications 技术规格​

The premier pads instrument for Kontakt
530 pads created by world-class sound designers
13.7GB cinematic Kontakt Player Library (full version of Kontakt not required)
Downloaded & installed in Native Access, just enter serial and click install​

主打的 Kontakt 合成器中的顶级铺底乐器
由世界级音效设计师创造的 530 个音色
13.7GB 的史诗级 Kontakt Player 库(不需要完整版 Kontakt)
通过 Native Access 下载和安装,只需输入序列号并点击安装
240 high-quality multisampled synth pads sound sources
117 sound sources of field recordings, synth transients and synth textures
NKS ready for Komplete Kontrol and Machine
Official Native Instruments third-party library
Requirement: The free Kontakt Player v6.7.1 and later, or the full version of Kontakt v6.7.1 or later​

240 个高质量的多采样合成音色源
117 个野外录音、合成瞬态和合成纹理的音色源
支持 Komplete Kontrol 和 Machine 的 NKS 准备就绪
官方认可的 Native Instruments 第三方库
要求:免费的 Kontakt Player v6.7.1 或更高版本,或者完整版 Kontakt v6.7.1 或更高版本
Windows: Windows 10 or 11, Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 4 GB RAM
Mac: Mac and Apple Silicon, macOS 10.14 (Mojave) 10.15 (Catalina) or macOS 11 or 12
Note: Lunaris 2 will not work on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and earlier versions, since these do not support Kontakt/Kontakt Player 6.7.1
Lunaris 2 requires temporary free space during the automatic download and installation. Make sure to have at least 42GB available for the installation process.
Recommended: 16GB RAM and SSD drive for optimal performance.​

Windows:Windows 10 或 11,Intel Core i5 或等效的 CPU,4GB 内存
Mac:Mac 和 Apple Silicon,macOS 10.14(Mojave)10.15(Catalina)或 macOS 11 或 12
注意:Lunaris 2 在 macOS 10.13(High Sierra)及更早版本上无法工作,因为它们不支持 Kontakt/Kontakt Player 6.7.1
Lunaris 2 在自动下载和安装过程中需要临时的可用空间。请确保至少有 42GB 可用于安装过程。
推荐配置:16GB 内存和 SSD 驱动器以获得最佳性能。​


Kontakt 6 Kontakt Player 6
Luftrum Sound Design
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