Cherry Audio 发布致敬 Korg Rhythm 55 的建模鼓机插件 KR-55C


    作为建模插件品牌的翘楚,Cherry Audio 又带来了一款新的建模鼓机插件 KR-55C
    这款插件致敬了经典的 Korg Rhythm 55 鼓机,结合了 KR-55A 和 KR-55B 的功能,让我们一起来看下。


    Cherry Audio's KR-55C is a supercharged, best-of-both-worlds software emulation,
    that combines features from two lesser-known drum machines of the post-punk era: Korg's "Rhythm 55" KR-55A and KR-55B.
    KR-55C boasts all the rhythms from both models, for a total of 240 factory patterns, intros, and fills.
    Additionally, it adds 200 original patterns and kits that cover a wider range of genres.
    KR-55C's user interface shifts based on whether the A or B model is selected,
    and includes extra pages that let this beatbox "step out" even further.
    It features a familiar X0X-style 16-button layout for step-editing and real-time pattern programming,
    as well as a song mode for chaining up to 99 patterns.​

    Cherry Audio 的 KR-55C 是一款超强、集两者之长的模拟软件,
    融合了后朋克时代两款鲜为人知的鼓机 Korg 的 Rhythm 55 KR-55A 和 KR-55B 的功能。
    KR-55C 拥有这两种型号的所有节奏,共计 240 种原厂节奏型、前奏引子和加花。
    此外,它还增加了 200 个原创节奏型和套件,涵盖了更多流派。
    KR-55C 的界面会根据选择的是 A 型还是 B 型进行切换,并包含额外的页面,让这个产品更出众。
    它采用熟悉的 X0X 风格 16 键布局,用于步进编辑和实时节奏型编曲,
    还具有歌曲模式,可串联多达 99 个节奏型。


    Unlike sample-based instruments, Cherry Audio has emulated the Rhythm 55's tones through analog modeling.
    The Instrument Edit panel allows extensive parameter editing like tuning and EQ for each instrument,
    enabling a range of sonic possibilities far surpassing the original.
    The Mixer and Effects sections allow for separate processing of each sound,
    with features including panning, mute/solo, overdrive, flanger/chorus, delay, and reverb.
    It also includes a bus compressor and limiter for master amplitude control.
    KR-55C offers DAW-friendly features such as auto-sync, drag-and-drop MIDI export, individual outputs, and complete automation capabilities.​

    跟基于采样的乐器不同,Cherry Audio 通过建模模拟了 Rhythm 55 的音色。
    KR-55C 具有自动同步、拖放 MIDI 输出、独立输出和完整的自动化功能等对宿主友好的功能。
    Korg's "Rhythm 55," also known as the KR-55,
    was introduced in 1979 as a replacement for the simpler Mini Pops 35 and Mini Pops 120 machines.
    Although all of these models were preset-only with no option for user-programmed rhythms, the KR-55 represented a significant advancement.
    It featured 48 preset rhythms, 16 intro patterns, and 16 fill patterns.
    The flexible mixer section allowed users to easily mute or solo individual drum sounds,
    creating countless variations of the preprogrammed rhythms.
    Legendary early synth-pop producer Daniel Miller effectively utilized this on early Depeche Mode and Fad Gadget albums,
    where the KR-55 provided most of the percussion sounds while an ARP2600 synthesizer supplied the kick drums, triggered via the KR-55.​

    Korg 的 Rhythm 5,又称 KR-55,
    于 1979 年推出,用于替代较为简单的 Mini Pops 35 和 Mini Pops 120 鼓机。
    虽然所有这些型号都只有预设,没有用户编程节奏的选项,但 KR-55 代表了一项重大进步。
    它拥有 48 种预设节奏、16 种前奏引子节奏型和 16 种加花节奏型。
    传奇的合成器流行音乐制作人 Daniel Miller 在早期的 Depeche Mode 和 Fad Gadget 专辑中有效地利用了这一功能,
    其中 KR-55 提供了大部分打击乐音效,而 ARP2600 合成器则提供了底鼓音效,并通过 KR-55 触发。


    In 1982, Korg released the updated KR-55B version.
    This version came with a sleek new design and doubled the internal pattern memory,
    to include 96 preset rhythms, 32 intro patterns, and 32 fill patterns.
    The patterns and fills were also revised, with very few identical patterns shared between the KR-55A and KR-55B.
    The KR-55 has been used by many artists, including Depeche Mode and Fad Gadget, as well as Soft Cell, Cabaret Voltaire, Jean-Michel Jarre,
    and most famously in Joe Jackson's 1982 hit "Steppin' Out."​

    1982 年,Korg 推出了升级版 KR-55B。
    包含了 96 个预设节奏、32 个前奏节奏型和 32 个加花节奏型。
    此外,还对节奏型和加花进行了修改,KR-55A 和 KR-55B 之间的相同节奏型寥寥无几。
    许多艺术家都使用过 KR-55,包括 Depeche Mode 和 Fad Gadget,以及 Soft Cell、Cabaret Voltaire、Jean-Michel Jarre,
    其中最著名的是 Joe Jackson 1982 年的热门歌曲《Steppin'Out》。
    KR-55C Features:
    Includes all of the original preset rhythms from both the KR-55A and the KR-55B, resulting in a total of 240 factory patterns, intros, and fills
    200 additional rhythm and sound presets, including new kits of instruments matched and tuned to specific genres
    with patterns that demonstrate each of the sounds in sequence
    Instrument panel for mild or extreme sound editing with Parametric EQ, Tone, Tune, and Decay settings for each instrument
    Familiar X0X-style 16- or 24-step pattern programming
    Flexible pattern and instrument copy-and-paste capabilities​

    KR-55C 特点
    包含 KR-55A 和 KR-55B 的所有原厂预设节奏型,共 240 个原厂节奏型、前奏引子和加花
    200 种额外的节奏和声音预设,包括根据特定流派匹配和调整的新音源套件
    熟悉的 X0X 风格 16 或 24 步节奏型编程


    Swing percentage setting
    Real-time step entering via Trigger button
    Unlike original, all sounds are independently addressable in user pattern mode
    Easy to use Song Mode with up to 99 patterns and 99 steps per song
    External MIDI sound triggering with velocity sensitivity and user-assignable note mapping
    Mixer panel with independent level, pan, and solo/mute for each instrument
    Effects Routing Matrix with easy-to-use toggle buttons to apply effects to individual instruments in any combination
    Effects panel with studio-quality effects for separate processing of each instrument sound,
    including overdrive, flanger/chorus, delay, and reverb
    Effects panel also includes a colorful and fun global master compressor and a global bus limiter​

    Swing 百分比设置
    易于使用的歌曲模式,每首歌最多可有 99 步 和 99 个节奏型
    外部 MIDI 声音触发,具有力度灵敏度和可指定的音符映射
    Drag-and-drop export function allows simple mouse-drag conversion of patterns to DAW MIDI tracks (plug-in version) or Standard MIDI Files on the desktop (standalone version)
    Individual outs plug-in version for independent processing of each instrument in a DAW
    Super accurate DAW sync
    User-adjustable oversampling control
    Complete MIDI control and DAW automation for all controls, with easy-to-use MIDI learn and mapping (Preset and Global)
    Cherry Audio’s popular Focus zoom-in feature, as well as standard UI zoom and resize via drag​

    拖放导出功能可通过鼠标拖动简单地将节奏型转换为 DAW MIDI 音轨(插件版)或桌面上的标准 MIDI 文件(独立版)
    超精确的 DAW 同步
    所有控制均可实现完整的 MIDI 控制和宿主自动化,并提供易于使用的 MIDI 学习和映射(预设和全局)
    Cherry Audio 广受欢迎的 Focus 缩放功能,以及标准用户界面缩放,可通过拖动调整大小功能


    KR-55C is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.
    A free 30-day demo is available. This demo will play white noise periodically, but is otherwise unlimited.
    macOS Requirements: macOS Requirements: macOS 10.13 or above. 64-bit required.
    Native Apple M1 or greater processor support, including Ultra.
    3.4 GHz Quad-Core or M1 CPU with 8GB of RAM recommended. Hard disk space: 150 MB.
    Windows Requirements: Windows 7 or above (including Windows 11), 64-bit required. 3.4 GHz Quad-Core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended. Hard disk space: 97 MB.
    NOTE: Internet connection required for product activation​

    KR-55C 提供 AU、VST、VST3、AAX 和独立运行。
    提供为期 30 天的免费试用。试用会定期播放白噪声,除此之外不受限制。
    macOS 要求:macOS 10.13 或以上。要求 64 位。
    支持原生 Apple M1 或更高版本处理器,包括 Ultra。
    建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核或 M1 CPU 和 8GB 内存。硬盘空间:150 MB。
    Windows 要求: Windows 7 或更高版本(包括 Windows 11),要求 64 位。
    建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核电脑,8GB 内存。硬盘空间:97 MB。


    KR-55C 正常定价 $49 美元,