合成器复刻先锋品牌 Cherry Audio 再次带来一款建模产品,这次瞄准了一台老式苏联合成器 Polivoks。
Atomika 是这台苏联合成器的建模插件,听上去风格异常凶猛粗犷,明显有别与之前的欧美风格。

Atomika 是这台苏联合成器的建模插件,听上去风格异常凶猛粗犷,明显有别与之前的欧美风格。
Atomika is Cherry Audio's painstakingly crafted emulation of the Polivoks synthesizer
manufactured at the Formanta Radio Factory between 1982 and 1990.
Featuring the circuit-modeled DSP designs of award-winning developer Mark Barton,
Atomika goes far beyond duplicating the notorious Soviet synth.
Atomika expands it with extended filter options, full polyphony, an arpeggiator, integrated studio-quality effects, and more.
Atomika 是 Cherry Audio 精心打造的 Polivoks 合成器的建模产品,
该合成器于 1982 年至 1990 年间在 Formanta Radio Factory 制造。
Atomika 采用了屡获殊荣的开发人员 Mark Barton 的电路建模 DSP 设计,
Atomika 扩展了它的滤波器选项、完整复音、琶音器、集成录音室品质的效果器等。

The Polivoks synthesizer was developed by sound engineer Vladimir Kuzmin and his designer wife, Olympiada.
At first glance, Polivoks appears to be a typical compact analog synthesizer,
but several of its unique features have made it highly desirable among synthesizer enthusiasts.
Polivoks 合成器由音响工程师 Vladimir Kuzmin 和他的设计师妻子 Olympiada 开发。
乍一看,Polivoks 似乎是一款典型的紧凑型模拟合成器,

The Polivoks is best known for its iconic filter.
Instead of using the transconductance amplifiers found in typical state-variable filters,
Kuzmin developed a way to use programmable op-amps not initially intended for audio filter circuits,
resulting in a distinctive and gritty filter sound.
Other notable features include two loopable envelopes, a duophonic mode,
and an industrial design aesthetic evocative of the Soviet era.
Polivoks 以其标志性的滤波器而闻名。
Kuzmin 没有使用典型状态可变滤波器中的跨导放大器,

In a new collaboration with renowned DSP engineer Mark Barton (GX-80, Miniverse, Pro Soloist),
Cherry Audio has revived its distinctive sound with Atomika.
The original filter circuit has been enhanced with new controls like Starve, Filter Drive, and Amp Drive,
as well as new highpass, notch, and peak response filter modes.
Together, these radically extend Atomika’s already twisted sonic palette.
在与著名 DSP 工程师 Mark Barton(GX-80、Miniverse、Pro Soloist 的开发者)的新合作中,
Cherry Audio 通过 Atomika 恢复了其独特的声音。
原始滤波器电路已通过 Starve、Filter Drive 和 Amp Drive 等新参数
这些功能共同彻底扩展了 Atomika 已经扭曲的声音调色板。

Atomika also boasts a powerful upgrade from duophonic to 16-voice polyphony.
We’ve added unison oscillator stacking, expanded the LFO with more waveforms
and incorporated velocity, tracking, aftertouch, pitch and mod wheel response,
and glide options missing from the original hardware for enhanced performance possibilities.
Atomika 还拥有从双音到 16 声部复音的强大升级。
我们加入了同音振荡器堆叠,扩展了 LFO 以提供更多波形,

The new second panel features a flexible arpeggiator and four studio-quality effects:
a new Phasor effect, Flange/Chorus, Echo, and Reverb with a unique dedicated effects LFO for expanded parameter modulation.
The panel labels of the immersive UI can be optionally set to Cyrillic text.
A “hide keyboard” option also allows users to maximize on-screen real estate.
沉浸式界面的面板标签可以选择性地设置为 Cyrillic 文本。

With over 350 professionally crafted presets and extensive MIDI mapping capabilities,
Atomika offers a perfect blend of singular classic character and modern innovation,
appealing to both rare synth enthusiasts and today’s professional producers.
Atomika 拥有超过 350 个专业制作的预设和全面的 MIDI 映射功能,
Atomika 正常定价 $49 美元,