
UVI 推出古老 WaveFrame AudioFrame 硬件采样机器的音色库 PX WaveFrame
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UVI 继续鼓捣老硬件音源,这次瞄准了 WaveFrame AudioFrame 这款老数字采样机器。
WaveFrame AudioFrame 是 80 年代昂贵的数字采样机,具有那个年代的经典风味!

The Digital Sampling Revolution
PX WaveFrame captures the groundbreaking essence of the WaveFrame AudioFrame,
a high-end digital sampler and audio production system that made waves in the late 1980s.
Developed in Boulder, Colorado, this system was a formidable competitor to the Synclavier and Fairlight,
featuring advanced capabilities like non-aliased transposition, phase-coherent polyphony, and 24-bit processing features that were light years ahead of their time.
Even with a focus on post-production, the AudioFrame was embraced by forward-thinking musicians and producers for its pristine sound and unique sonic character,
with artists like Peter Gabriel, Stevie Wonder, and many others utilizing it for both studio and stage.​

PX WaveFrame 捕捉了 WaveFrame AudioFrame 的突破性精髓,
WaveFrame AudioFrame 是一款高端数字采样器和音频制作系统,在...​
卧室录音变录音棚效果:Sonible 发布专用于人声音轨的智能增强插件 Prime Vocal
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Sonible 的智能系列已经玩遍了一圈混音组合之后到头了吗?
显然没有,一个新的系列诞生,Prime:Vocal 将使用 AI 智能让你在卧室录出的效果变成录音棚录制的效果。

prime:vocal lets you achieve world-class studio-quality vocals, regardless of your recording environment.
Available as standalone software and ARA plug-in (Beta),
prime:vocal is packed with features that will transform demo sketches or vocals recorded under less-than-ideal circumstances into commercial-standard audio ready for mixing.​

prime:vocal 可让您获得世界一流的录音室品质人声,无论你的录音环境如何。
prime:vocal 可作为独立软件和 ARA 插件(测试版)使用,它具有多种功能,


AI-technology trained especially for vocals
Easy vocal clean-up, noise and room reduction
Enhances spectral balance and dynamics in seconds​

专门为人声训练的 AI 技术

PSPaudioware 发布新版本的易用型算法混响插件 PSP EasyVerb
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效果器插件老牌 PSPaudioware 发布了一个全新版本的 PSP EasyVerb 混响器,

Complex Sound That's Easy To Use!
PSP EasyVerb is a multipurpose algorithmic reverberation processor that can simulate physical spaces or popular reverb machines such as plate and spring reverbs.
We’ve made PSP EasyVerb simple to use, while offering enough control to quickly customize each effect to your specific needs.
In other words, we wanted to offer you a reverb that is operationally “easy,” but sonically complex!​

PSP EasyVerb 是一款多用途算法混响处理器,可以模拟物理空间或流行的混响设备,如板式混响和弹簧混响。
我们让 PSP EasyVerb 易于使用,同时提供足够的控制,以便快速自定义每个效果以满足你的特定需求。
PSP EasyVerb gives you a choice of ten beautiful algorithms: Ambience, Room, Chamber, Club, Hall, Arena, Cathedral, Spring, Plate and Reverse.
Each algorithm interacts differently with the same set of simple controls, so you don’t have to re-learn...​
Best Service 发布一系列阿拉伯打击乐 Engine Audio Arabic Percussion Collection
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一系列高品质的阿拉伯打击乐器系列现在已经登录最新的 ENGINE 新采样器,
Arabic Percussion 包含了一系列共 5 套各种中东打击乐,可购买合集。

Arabic Percussion Collection – The Heartbeat of the Desert
Dive into the rhythmic magic of the East with the Arabic Percussion Collection by Bassam Ayoub – a journey through the rich tradition of Arabic percussion.
This extraordinary library, inspired by the bustling markets, endless dunes, and lively celebrations, captures the essence of Arabic percussion in its purest form.​

Arabic Percussion Collection——沙漠的心跳
通过 Bassam Ayoub 的阿拉伯打击乐合集,沉浸在东方的节奏魔力中——这是一场穿越阿拉伯打击乐丰富传统的旅程。

13 authentic instruments, each with its own story, tone, and soul,
come together to form a collection that effortlessly brings traditional rhythms and modern compositions to life.​

13 种正宗乐器,每种都有自己的故事、音色和灵魂,...​
United Plugins 发布建模谐波放大饱和器效果器插件 DarkFire
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插件小联盟 United Plugins 旗下的 JMG Sound 团队又为我们带来了一款新的饱和处理器,

Sculpt your harmonics
We all know and love the sound that saturation adds to audio, but have you ever wanted to take COMPLETE creative control over exactly WHAT is added? Well,
now you can! DarkFire enables you to sculpt only the added harmonics before layering them back with your original signal.
This makes Darkfire an extremely flexible enhancer that adds excitement, movement, depth, and colour to your sounds.
Whether you're adding low-end punch and warmth to a kick or bass, high-end width and sparkle to a vocal or guitar, or enhancement and richness to the whole mix.
Darkfire makes ANY sound more exciting.​

现在你可以了!DarkFire 使你能够仅塑造加入的谐波,然后再将它们与原始信号叠加。
这使得 Darkfire 成为一种极其灵活的增强器,可为你的声音带来刺激、动感、深度和色彩。
Darkfire 使任何声音都更加令人兴奋。...​
数字 EQ 新高度?肥波 Fabfilter 升级全功能升级的数字均衡器 Pro-Q 4
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肥波 Fabfilter PRO Q 3 这款数字 EQ 是音频行业最受欢迎的产品之一,距离发布到现在已经 6 年了!
今天,Fabfilter 终于发布了 PRO Q 4,具有大量开创性的新功能,再一次拉高了数字 EQ 的可能性。

Unrivalled sound and workflow
An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best.
With FabFilter Pro-Q 4, you get the highest possible sound quality, a very extensive feature set, and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use.​

使用 FabFilter Pro-Q 4,你可以获得最高的音质、非常全面的功能集以及具有无与伦比的易用性的华丽创新界面。


Mixing and mastering features
Pro-Q 4 offers everything that a demanding engineer could wish for: top-quality linear phase operation in addition to the zero latency and unique Natural Phase modes,
smooth dynamic and spectral EQ, per-band mid/side processing, full...​
Cherry Audio 推出 80 年代 Prophet-10 双排键合成器建模插件 P-10
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SCI 的 Prophet 系列合成器一直是业界经典,你可能不知道还有一款双排键的合成器 Prophet-10,
现在 Cherry Audio 将它的插件版本带到了市场上,建模合成器家族再添 Prophet 色彩!

Cherry Audio P-10 is based on one of the most desirable flagship analog polysynths ever created.
Released by SCI in 1980, the original instrument was essentially two of the revolutionary P5 programmable synths in one behemoth dual-manual case,
plus a "poly sequencer" built into the bottom-manual end cheek.
It could be configured to play as two independent five-voice synths, a single ten-voice synth, dual-patch layered, or alternating between layers with each keystroke.​

Cherry Audio P-10 是基于有史以来最受欢迎之一的旗舰模拟复音合成器。
SCI 于 1980 年发布这款乐器,其原始版本本质上是两个革命性的 P5 可编程合成器,


P-10 exactingly reproduces all that is...​
VSL 发布 Studio Brass 和 Studio Special Brass 工作室系列铜管音源,铜管全场打折!
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最近,VSL 维也纳宣布了将旗下的 Synchron-ized 改变为全新的 Studio 系列,
也就是代表着亲密的干声音色现在有了标准的铜管 Studio Brass 和特殊的铜管 Studio Special Brass。

基于这些铜管的发布,VSL 在本月也启动了铜管促销周,旗下的所有铜管几乎都打折了!

VSL 2024 铜管促销.png

Studio Brass​


Dynamic Brilliance
From the deep resonance of trombones to lush horn ensembles perfect for symphonic scores to solo trumpets that cut through any arrangement, this collection delivers the full spectrum of brass performance straight to your studio.
Whether you need a close-mic’d, vibrato-rich trumpet for a jazzy solo or a cinematic horn section that envelops your mix with cinematic flair,
this collection has you covered with a brassy variety that knows no limits in this easy to use package.
Use these...​
迎接新 Engine 采样器升级!中世纪传说 ERA II 与 森林王国 Forest Kingdom 3 升级促销!
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Best Service 的 ENGINE 系列音源一直都是配乐作曲家的最爱,尤其是森林王国和中世纪这些东西。
现在这些 ENGINE 音色库一个个的升级进入到新版本的 ENGINE AUDIO 新引擎,现在轮到中世界传说 2 了!
此外,森林王国 3 现在也发布了一个更新,现在这两款产品都在以 6 折提供促销!

With ERA II Medieval Legends, embark on a musical journey into the Middle Ages.
This library for Engine Player features historical instruments and impressive soundscapes, developed by sampling expert Eduardo Tarilonte.​

通过 ERA II Medieval Legends,踏上中世纪音乐之旅。
此 Engine Player 音色库包含历史乐器和令人印象深刻的音景,由采样专家 Eduardo Tarilonte 开发。
With the latest version of Engine Player, ERA II Medieval Legends shines brighter than ever.
Thanks to the integration of Elastique Pro by Zplane, tempo adjustments happen automatically in the background,
ensuring your productions always sound perfect at any speed.​

利用最新版本的 Engine Player,ERA II Medieval Legends 比以往任何时候都更加耀眼。
得益于 Zplane 的 Elastique Pro 集成,节奏调整会在后台自动进行,
Rhodes 发布四合一经典电钢音源套装 Rhodes Anthology,开始黑五促销!
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电钢传奇品牌 Rhodes Music 曾经发布了一系列经典 73 键舞台电钢,每一种都有自己的特性。
现在,Rhodes Music 又将这些经典产品做成了插件音源,4 款 73 键电钢放到了一套合集之中!

Introducing Rhodes Anthology
Imagine stepping into the world of music legends, playing the same renowned Rhodes instruments that shaped some of the greatest hits of the past,
from Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock to Stevie Wonder, The Doors, Ray Charles, Steely Dan, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and countless others.​

介绍 Rhodes Anthology
想象一下踏入音乐传奇的世界,演奏同样著名的 Rhodes 乐器,这些乐器塑造了过去一些最伟大的热门歌曲,
从 Miles Davis 和 Herbie Hancock 到 Stevie Wonder、The Doors、Ray Charles、Steely Dan、The Beatles、Led Zeppelin 和无数其他人。
an authentic collection of classic and rare Rhodes pianos, restored and optimised for ultimate sound and playability.
The models included in this package are a testament to the iconic Rhodes legacy, meticulously sampled by Rhodes’ world-renowned team of expert sound designers.​
维也纳 VSL 史诗大更新,新 Logo 新网站,产品线重组,每位用户提供一次半价机会!
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VSL 都以全面、丰富、完整的产品线而令人目不暇接。
VSL 在最近,终于决定走出了这一步,整合和精简了这一复杂的产品目录,并以全新的形象示人!
VSL 还启用了全新的 Logo 和全新的网站,从此新一代的维也纳软件时代从此拉开序幕!

- 5 折狂欢机会 -​

首先,大家最关心的事情是,好不容易等来了 VSL 的全场大更新,
为了庆祝 VSL 的新网站和新风格(包括所有的产品图标),
在 11 月 17 日之前,每一位 VSL 用户账户,都将获得 3 个优惠机会:
1 - 挑选一个产品,直接以 5 折半价购买,
2 - 挑选一个产品,直接以 6 折优惠购买,
3 - 挑选一个产品,直接以 7 折优惠购买,
什么?居然有 5 折的机会,要知道 VSL 两个月前的教育版优惠都没到这么低呀!
这里有一个规则限制:这个优惠不能与当前打折的产品使用,并且不能购买 Bundle。
盘点一下,目前正在打折的产品只有 Synchron Prime Edition 与 Duality Strings Essentials 首发,
尤其是有一次 5 折的机会,前所未有,不要错过!每个账户机会只有 1 次!
就算你不买音色库,也可以购买很少打折的 MIR PRO 或者 VE PRO!
千万记住了!在 11 月 17 日之前,联系我们的淘宝客服买下来 5 折机会!


- 新品:Duality Strings Essentials...​

拒绝机械!Pitch Innovations 发布人性化逻辑高级琶音器插件 Eternal Arps
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专门研发 MIDI 辅助工具的品牌 Pitch Innovations 这次吐槽了市面上所有的琶音器,
他们认为那些琶音器毫无感情,太过于机械,因此推出了一款具有人性感的专用琶音器插件 Eternal Arps!

Next-Gen Instrument That Brings Arpeggios To Life
Say goodbye to robotic, repetitive arpeggios—Inspired by real performances,
Eternal Arps is a next-gen arpeggiator instrument that produces human-like
arpeggios by transforming your MIDI input into musical patterns,
breaking free from the robotic limitations of traditional arpeggiators.​

告别机械、重复的琶音——Eternal Arps 的灵感来自真实的演奏,
Eternal Arps 是一款新一代琶音器乐器,通过将 MIDI 输入转换为音乐律动,

Feature 1
Human Like Arpeggiation
While traditional arps were made for Synths and can sound robotic,
Eternal Arps is modeled after real instruments —
so your patterns can now feel natural and dynamic.​

功能 1
但 Eternal Arps 是仿照真实乐器制作的,...​
VSL 维也纳发布对偶弦乐精选版,不仅便宜还带有人气爆棚的 Flow View 新界面!
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近两年来,VSL 一直在致力于打造一系列新概念的弦乐系列——Duality Strings 双子系列,
Duality Strings 系列真的牛逼但是也真的贵!现在精选版来了,价格亲民,而且还带新界面!

Two Ensembles, Infinite Flow
Duality Strings Essentials brings you the best of both worlds:
the lush, cinematic sound of Hollywood-proven strings and the intimate, immediate tone of smaller ensembles,
all in one powerful and accessible package.
Featuring our acclaimed new Flow View, playing has never been more intuitive and enjoyable.
This streamlined edition of our acclaimed Synchron Duality Strings provides a perfect balance of a versatile and expressive string sound,
offering a carefully curated set of articulations for effortless playability – all at an irresistible price.​

Duality Strings Essentials 为你带来两全其美的效果:
采用 VSL 广受好评的全新 Flow View 界面,演奏从未如此直观和愉快。
VSL 广受好评的 Synchron Duality Strings 的精选版完美平衡了多功能和富有表现力的弦乐音色,...​
格莱美效果器多面手:DJ Swivel 发布多功能模块化数字通道条插件 HITSTRIP
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格莱美获奖制作人 DJ Swivel 因不满世面插件而创建自己的插件品牌设计新一代牛逼插件,
HITSTRIP 是 DJ Swivel 最新力作,集合了均衡和动态等多达 9 种功能的数字通道条插件就此诞生!

HITSTRIP delivers unparalleled versatility and control over your sound. From dynamic processing to tonal shaping,
HITSTRIP offers everything you need to create your next hit.​

HITSTRIP 提供无与伦比的多功能性和对声音的控制。从动态处理到音色塑造,
HITSTRIP 为你提供创作下一首热门歌曲所需的一切。
Featuring 9 expertly crafted effect modules from a Grammy winning pedigree,
and over 61,000 possible strip combos, HITSTRIP rivals the best EQ’s and channel strips.​

9 种效果和超过 61000 种通道条组合
HITSTRIP 拥有 9 种精心制作的效果模块,来自格莱美获奖血统,
以及超过 61000 个可能的通道条组合,可与最好的 EQ 和通道条相媲美。


Dynamic. Transient. Tonal...​
LANDR 推出智能编曲软件 LANDR Composer,AI 再次接手编曲世界!
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以在线母带和发行计划闻名的 LANDR 现在开始奋力进军音乐创作市场,
LANDR Composer 是基于 AI 驱动的智能编曲软件,为你提供新的创作灵感!

Break down creative barriers and speed up your workflow
with AI-powered chord progressions, melodies, basslines, and arpeggios—designed for 
music creators of any skill level.​

利用 AI 人工智能驱动的和弦进行、旋律、低音和琶音打破创意障碍
Generate stunning ideas
Unlock AI-powered composition assistance with 1 intuitive plugin that aligns unique sounds to your personal music style.​

1 款直观的插件可根据个人音乐风格调整独特的声音,解锁人工智能作曲辅助功能。
Effortless Chord Creation
Generate complex chord progressions and individual chords with ease—no music theory knowledge required.​

Smart MIDI Generation
Automatically create unique and inspiring MIDI performances for chords, basslines, melodies, and...​
LANDR 进一步进军作曲音源市场,发布波表合成器插件 LANDR Synth X
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以在线母带和发行计划闻名的 LANDR 现在开始奋力进军音乐创作市场,
LANDR Synth X 是一个全方位的波表合成器,为 LANDR 音乐产品打开新格局!

Explore a world of creative freedom and expressive sounds
with a cutting-edge wavetable synth for music producers and sound designers.​

Effortless sound creation
Create with an intuitive interface and advanced synthesis tools
that allow you to create rich, dynamic tones without a steep learning curve.​



Import your sounds, create your signature
Transform any sound into a custom wavetable,
unlocking limitless possibilities for unique, personalized sound design.​


Kiive Audio 推出基于元年金属旋钮 33609 压缩器复刻版本的建模插件 MK-609
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带有金属旋钮的 Neve 33609 元年版本的压缩器是音乐人梦寐以求的神器,但是拥有谈何容易?
Kiive Audio 再次造福音乐圈,带来了建模元年 33609 的 AudioScape MK-609 压缩器的插件版本!

Meet The MK-609
The original 1969 circuit this units based off of is better known as one of the most classic bus compressors to exist,
and integral to some of the most famous large format consoles.​

认识 MK-609
MK-609 的电路基于 1969 年的原始硬件电路,是众所周知的最经典的总线压缩器之一,

With built-in limiting and compression, dual independent channels,
and a compression style that WANTS to be heard, you can truly bring any source to life.​

MK-609 内置限制和压缩功能,具有双独立通道,


Working directly with AudioScape we've stayed true to their philosophy of more-real-than-recreated,
and have come up...​
脱胎换骨 UVI Falcon 3.1 升级到来,我彻底迷上了它,现在竟然如此的好用!
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法国插件大厂牌 UVI 通过不断的推出新内容受到了越来越多的用户的关注,
而很多音乐人或者音效制作人都很少关注到他们的另一款旗舰平台 Falcon。


虽然 Falcon 并不是近两年才刚刚推出的新产品,其实它已经存在了有些年头了,
在现在之前,Falcon 对于用户的印象仅仅停留在可以访问专属的扩展音色库,
这让不少用户不得不购买 Falcon 来使用那些专属扩展音色库,这群人也包括了我,
而你要说除开这一点外,是否能用上其它 Falcon 独有的其它实质性功能,可能并不会太让我们印象深刻。

在我看到了 Falcon 3.1 的升级到来了,我真的非常意外,
没想到,这次的升级真的将 Falcon 升级到了另一种维度,
用我激动的话来说——让我彻底疯狂的爱上了 Falcon,无法回去了!




幻境金字塔:Mntra Instruments 发布空灵实验氛围音色插件 Pyramids
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插件品牌 Mntra Instruments 总是带来神神秘秘的音色插件,这次带来了三座金字塔造型的东西。
Pyramids 通过提供声音设计的三角塔型乐器带你进入空灵的幻境世界,适合悬疑、奇幻、宗教作品!

Augmented Ancient Sonic Geometry
Pyramids invites you into a world where ancient geometry meets modern sound alchemy.
Crafted from pure quartz, these instruments resonate with crystalline clarity, offering a vast and immersive soundworld of harmonic depth.
Their precise ratios, inspired by the Great Pyramids of Egypt,
produce transparent tones that can be shaped through movement, rhythmic beating, and the addition of other vibrating sources.​

Pyramids 将你带入一个古老几何与现代声音设计相融合的世界。


Each pyramid resonates with a crystalline purity that’s both transparent and deeply immersive.
When spun, the...​
Boz Master Keys 发布贝森朵夫 VC 170 采样钢琴软音源插件 Vienna 170
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位于 Boz Digital 旗下的子品牌 Master Keys 专注于打造采样钢琴软音源,之前他们还生产了一款中国钢琴音色。
现在,他们瞄准了欧洲大牌钢琴贝森朵夫的 VC 170 型琴,打造了这款欧洲风味的钢琴软音源。

Discover the European Tradition
Step away from the American pianos we’ve been sampling and immerse yourself in the rich European tradition with the Vienna 170.
Despite its compact size of just 5’7″, this piano delivers an astonishingly powerful sound.
Its clean low end and robust midrange defy expectations, showcasing the unique character that different pianos can offer.​

远离我们一直在采样的美国钢琴,用 Vienna 170 沉浸在丰富的欧洲历史中。
尽管这款钢琴尺寸紧凑,只有 5.7 寸,但它却能发出令人惊讶的强大声音。


Bold and Articulate
The Vienna 170 is a tribute to the piano that defined European design in the 19th century.
It unapologetically exudes this heritage with a strong attack and clear, piercing...​