
Boz Master Keys 发布贝森朵夫 VC 170 采样钢琴软音源插件 Vienna 170
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位于 Boz Digital 旗下的子品牌 Master Keys 专注于打造采样钢琴软音源,之前他们还生产了一款中国钢琴音色。
现在,他们瞄准了欧洲大牌钢琴贝森朵夫的 VC 170 型琴,打造了这款欧洲风味的钢琴软音源。

Discover the European Tradition
Step away from the American pianos we’ve been sampling and immerse yourself in the rich European tradition with the Vienna 170.
Despite its compact size of just 5’7″, this piano delivers an astonishingly powerful sound.
Its clean low end and robust midrange defy expectations, showcasing the unique character that different pianos can offer.​

远离我们一直在采样的美国钢琴,用 Vienna 170 沉浸在丰富的欧洲历史中。
尽管这款钢琴尺寸紧凑,只有 5.7 寸,但它却能发出令人惊讶的强大声音。


Bold and Articulate
The Vienna 170 is a tribute to the piano that defined European design in the 19th century.
It unapologetically exudes this heritage with a strong attack and clear, piercing...​
UVI 发布两款 Falcon 节奏扩展 Pulsacion 和 Modular Drums,现在买一送一!
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UVI 旗舰音源平台 Falcon 现已升级到 3.1,并推出两款新的扩展音色:
现代拉丁节奏 Pulsacion 和 模块化鼓节奏 Modular Drums。
Falcon 3 本身顺势拥有半价促销机会,其所有扩展全部买一送一!

- Pulsacion -​

The Heat of Modern Latin Music
Expand Falcon with 105 expertly crafted presets
20 construction kits with sounds and sequences for seamless production
Deep editing capabilities of Falcon allow limitless customization​

以 105 个精心制作的预设扩展 Falcon
20 个包含音效和音序的结构套件,可实现无缝制作
Falcon 的深度编辑功能可实现无限定制


Bring the pulse of modern Latin music into your productions with Pulsación,
an exciting Falcon expansion inspired by reggaeton and Latin pop.
Pulsación delivers 105 presets that encapsulate the vibrant energy and rhythmic drive of Latin music,
including everything from thumping basslines to melodic keys, and infectious drum...​
PSPaudioware 推出 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块建模插件 PSP Datamix A567
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Datamix 控制台你可能没听说过,但是这台机器在 Eddie Kramer 大师手中完成了 Jimi Hendrix 等人的传奇作品,
PSPaudioware 将这个控台上的 EQ 模块专门进行了分析和建模,推出了 PSP Datamix A567,并由 Eddie Kramer 制作了预设。

PSP Datamix A567 models an equalizer module from the classic first-generation Datamix console.
Officially approved and endorsed by Eddie Kramer - who recorded legendary bands such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, KISS,
and more on the original Datamix consoles during the golden era of The Record Plant and Electric Lady studios -
the plug-in captures the essence of that iconic sound. models an equalizer module taken out of the classic first -generation Datamix console.​

PSP Datamix A567 模拟了经典第一代 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块。
该插件由 Eddie Kramer 正式批准和认可,
他在 The Record Plant 和 Electric Lady 工作室的黄金时代在原始 Datamix 控制台上录制了 Jimi Hendrix、Led Zeppelin、KISS 等传奇乐队,
该插件捕捉了标志性声音的精髓。模拟了经典第一代 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块。
PSP Datamix A567 is designed in such a way that it almost never...​
Toontrack 发布用于 EZkeys 2 的管弦乐大钢琴扩展音色库 Orchestral Grand EKX
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EZkeys 2 是 Toontrack 旗下的经典虚拟钢琴插件,可加载众多扩展和 MIDI 演奏包,深受用户喜爱。
Orchestral Grand EKX 是基于 EZkeys 2 的新扩展库,是一款达到管弦乐演奏厅级别的大钢琴音色。

Colossal in anything from size and musical scope, the grand piano is the unequivocal centerpiece in any orchestral setting.
With its limitless expression – resonant, wild and untamed while ever-so articulate – it can take on any thinkable musical scenario, from the roaringly loud to the velvety frail.
In this EKX expansion for EZkeys 2, we’ve taken arguably the grand piano of grand pianos and, to add, placed it in one of the most flawlessly crafted studio rooms ever built
and utilized the absolute best the world has to offer in terms of recording technology to capture it. The result is an immaculate grand, breathtakingly epic in any and all respects imaginable.​

在 EZkeys 2 的这个 EKX...​
黄金削波 Gold Clip 升级到 1.3,加入新的 Alchemy 2 算法免费升级,国区特价供应!
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由格莱美提名制作人 / 白金混音师 / 母带工程师 Ryan Schwabe 创建的插件品牌 Schwabe Digital 发布的 Gold Clip 黄金削波器大受欢迎,

GOLD CLIP 1.3 with ALCHEMY 2 is Now Available
Alchemy is a high-frequency dynamic processor intended to soften the harshness that clipping can cause.
We designed Alchemy when we originally built Gold Clip, and it sounds excellent,
but the mastering engineer in me believes that everything in audio can be improved.
So, we made Alchemy 2.​

带有 ALCHEMY 2 的 GOLD CLIP 1.3 现已推出
Alchemy 是一种高频动态处理器,用于减轻削波可能造成的刺耳声音。
Schwabe Digital 在最初构建 Gold Clip 时设计了 Alchemy,它听起来很棒,
但作为母带工程师的 Ryan Schwabe 相信,音频中的一切都可以改进。
因此,Schwabe Digital 开发了 Alchemy 2。

The idea remains the same, but Alchemy 2 now has a smooth, polished tape-like sound quality.
I introduced a smoothing factor, reduced unwanted artifacts, modified the...​
声音超猛!Cherry Audio 推出来自于苏联的 Polivoks 合成器建模插件 Atomika
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合成器复刻先锋品牌 Cherry Audio 再次带来一款建模产品,这次瞄准了一台老式苏联合成器 Polivoks。
Atomika 是这台苏联合成器的建模插件,听上去风格异常凶猛粗犷,明显有别与之前的欧美风格。

Atomika is Cherry Audio's painstakingly crafted emulation of the Polivoks synthesizer
manufactured at the Formanta Radio Factory between 1982 and 1990.
Featuring the circuit-modeled DSP designs of award-winning developer Mark Barton,
Atomika goes far beyond duplicating the notorious Soviet synth.
Atomika expands it with extended filter options, full polyphony, an arpeggiator, integrated studio-quality effects, and more.​

Atomika 是 Cherry Audio 精心打造的 Polivoks 合成器的建模产品,
该合成器于 1982 年至 1990 年间在 Formanta Radio Factory 制造。
Atomika 采用了屡获殊荣的开发人员 Mark Barton 的电路建模 DSP 设计,
Atomika 扩展了它的滤波器选项、完整复音、琶音器、集成录音室品质的效果器等。


The Polivoks synthesizer was developed by sound engineer...​
Accentize 发布全景声版本的变色龙混响捕捉匹配插件 Chameleon Surround
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现在,这款变色龙插件已经迎来了全景声格式:Chameleon Surround,目前最高支持 9.1.6。

Accentize Chameleon has long been the go-to solution for audio engineers and sound designers seeking to replicate natural room reverbs.
But Chameleon isn’t like any other reverb, it excels at analysing audio and recreating a room’s acoustic profile with precision, yet operation is incredibly simple.
However, a surround version has been a much requested feature from those who use Chameleon every day.​

Accentize Chameleon 长期以来一直是音频工程师和音响设计师寻求复制自然房间混响的首选解决方案。
但 Chameleon 与其他混响不同,它擅长分析音频并精确重现房间的声学特征,而且操作非常简单。
然而,环绕声版本一直是每天使用 Chameleon 的用户所需求的功能。
Chameleon Surround is the Atmos reverb you’ve always wanted.
Now with the introduction of Chameleon Surround, the capabilities have expanded beyond standard stereo reverb into immersive, multi-dimensional sound.
This new version takes the acclaimed reverb-matching...​
沁弦乐 Qin Studio Strings 1.2 发布,现已可通过 Native Access 下载更新!
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为 V1.2 版本的弦乐提供了大量的程序代码,
以让现在最新版本的 Qin Studio Strings 做到了真正意义上的脱胎换骨,

- 更新内容 -

1. 全新的大横版界面。

2. 提升连奏/滑音/滑奏性能。可设置力度来影响连奏状态,力度越大,音头起音越强。

3. 颤音控制从 CC11 改为 CC2。


4. 加入了 KeySwitch 键位切换功能。

5. 重新调整了采样。

6. 删除释放采样中的噪音。

7. 采样音量更加平衡。

8. 修复了非颤音表演中出现颤音的一些问题。

9. 采样源更改为 DFD 模式读取。

10. 键位切换开关中添加了通道设置。

11. 加入了新的混响 IR 采样。

12. 增加了用于控制连奏过渡部分音量的新按钮/滑块。


13. 增加了新的技巧(Marcato)。

14. 增加了用于 Leg/Port/Gliss 自定义的功能。

15. 增加了用于 Legato/Sustain/Marcato/Tremolo/Trills 的采样循环。

16. 增加了用于采样循环 Round Robin 的新按钮。

17. 增加了新的按键开关,用于选择和锁定特定音符的采样循环样本。

18. 增加了高频搁架均衡器(默认情况下由 CC1 控制)以模拟真实音色动态

Tokyo Scoring Strings 2.0 正式发布,现已更新,老用户免费升级!
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近两年火爆整个作曲圈的东京作曲弦乐 Tokyo Scoring Strings 在经历三年后终于迎来了 V2.0,
对于之前购买过 Tokyo Scoring Strings 1 的用户,现在已经可以通过 Pulse 下载器下载 2.0 了!

TSS2.0 is a complete reworking of the entire library from the ground-up.
We've redone everything from the audio (from the original sessions) to the script engine
to create the very best version of this instrument possible.​

TSS2.0 是对整个音色库的彻底改进。
ISW 重做了从音频(来自原始工程)到脚本引擎的所有内容,
With this update we have what our team believes is the most playable,
versatile, AND easy-to-use string library out there.​

通过此更新,ISW 的团队认为这是目前演奏性最高、
Existing projects will not be affected or changed to maintain compatibility.​

重要提示:对于现有用户,这是 100% 免费更新!

Relab 扩大混响产品线:REV6000 Essentials 与 QuantX Essentials 入门版促销发车!
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曾经以建模过著名的 Lexicon 480L 混响器的插件厂商而闻名的 Relab 再次对另外两款经典混响器建模:
TC Reverb 6000 与 Quantec Room Simulator。
尤其是在国内,Reverb 6000 曾被认为是 Lexicon 的同级别对手。

对于 TC Reverb 6000,实际上 Relab 在很久之前就已经发布过一款名为 VSR24 的产品来致敬,
但是后来这款插件突然就停产了,也从 Relab 的网站上下架了。
几年过去了,现在 Relab 搬出了全新的 REV6000 插件,
而 REV6000 Essentials,则是这款插件的简化版本。


对于 Quantec,这是一个在国外特别受欢迎的硬件混响品牌,
Quantec Room Simulator 这台数字混响机器简称为 Quantec QRS,
也是 QuantX Essentials 建模的参考原型。
Relab 找了来自于美国、日本和德国三个地区的 Quantec 机器来研究其特性,
通过 12 个月的时间来完成了这个逆向工程,其插件命名为 QuantX,
QuantX Essentials 则是这个插件的轻量级简化版本。


请不要忘记了 Relab 还有一款基于 LX480 的简化版插件 LX480 Essentials,
双剑合 Bi!United Plugins 发布双引擎组合交叉混响器插件 Biverb
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小联盟 United Plugins 带来了一款牛逼混响插件 Biverb,具有非常创意的双混响组合应用思维,

Double Reverb, Infinite Impact
There are tasks a single reverb cannot handle. Unless it is Biverb.
Biverb is a cutting-edge dual reverb plugin designed to elevate your mixes and bring depth to your soundscapes.
With two independent reverb units packed into one plugin, Biverb offers unparalleled flexibility and creative control,
making it the ultimate tool for any producer or sound designer.​

有些任务是单个混响无法处理的。除非是 Biverb。
Biverb 是一款尖端的双引擎混响插件,为了提升你的混音效果并为你的声音带来深度。
Biverb 将两个独立的混响处理器打包成一个插件,提供无与伦比的灵活性和创造性控制,


Two Reverb Units
Biverb boasts two independent reverb units, each offering a wide range of meticulously crafted algorithms,
including Spring, Room, Plate...​
Kiive Audio 发布高级电子管饱和染色处理器插件 Tubetizer,包含压缩功能
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超一流品质和最具超性价比的音频插件品牌 Kiive Audio 又爆出一款新品 Tubetizer。
Tubetizer 拥有多种饱和染色电路建模,并不具体建模自哪一款设备,但是综合了多种音色!

Tubetizer brings 3 Tube Saturation circuits, alongside built-in compression to be the perfect color-box for any element in your mix!
From subtle warmth to aggressive distortion, the 3 included circuits have you covered for any element in your mix!​

Tubetizer 带有 3 种电子管饱和电路,以及内置压缩,是你混音的超级染色盒!
从轻微的温暖到强烈的失真,3 种内置电路可满足你混音中的任何元素!

Meet Tubetizer!
It's no secret that tube saturation is many producers go-to saturation type when they want to make their mix feel expensive.
With complete control over the tonality, through various controls like the Type, Tone, and Mode controls,
you'll find just how easy Tubetizer will fit into your mixing projects as it brings life, and excitement to any signal!​

认识 Tubetizer!...​
VSL 维也纳发布 Synchron-ized Orchestral Strings 同步化群奏弦乐音源
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VSL 维也纳进一步将 VI 系列同步化升级,Synchron-ized Orchestral Strings 同步化群奏接踵而来。
这款弦乐是包含了 大编制的群奏弦乐音色库,纯干声录音,但在同步播放器中使用。

The Full Spectrum of String Expression
5 Regular-sized string ensembles
Clear, defined sound – lively, energetic, assertive
Recorded in the controlled environment of the Silent Stage
Utmost flexibility with a multitude of dry and reverb options
Easy placement of the ensemble​

5 个常规大小的弦乐合奏


Discover the dynamic potential and expressive variety of these regular-sized string ensembles, offering an exceptional number of articulations with utmost sonic clarity and flexibility.
Recorded in the pristine, relatively dry and controlled environment of our second studio, the Silent Stage, these versatile ensembles...​
Musical Sampling 发布独奏巴松管连奏音色库 Harrington Bassoon
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Musical Sampling 之前已经发布了一系列连奏的独奏木管音色库,

Harrington Bassoon is a versatile, true-legato bassoon library performed by Kody Harrington,
principal bassoonist of the Victoria Symphony Orchestra in Texas.
Recorded at Orb Studios in Austin, our goal was to create a responsive, emotive,
and agile instrument capable of fitting into various orchestral contexts.​

Harrington Bassoon 是由得克萨斯州维多利亚交响乐团的
录制地点在奥斯汀的 Orb 工作室,Musical Sampling 的目标是创造
The Workhorse patch is the all-rounder, performed with a confident mezzo-forte dynamic.
Emotional delivers an expressive, lyrical performance at mezzo-piano, while also capable of softer, more jovial passages.
The Marcato Legato patch variations offer enhanced phrasing capabilities.
We’ve also included a polyphonic marcato patch with multiple dynamics.​
Musical Sampling 发布全新 NEO 系列的指弹电吉他音色库 Hinterland
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擅长连奏独奏乐器的音色厂牌 Musical Sampling 带来了一个全新的 NEO 吉他系列音色库,
首款产品 Hinterland 是一套基于 KONTAKT 的电吉他音色库,特色是指弹演奏,带有真实连奏。

Hinterland is a warm and intimate fingerstyle electric guitar library.
Built on an enhanced engine adapted from our Hoard Fingerstyle guitar,
this library is crafted to deliver versatile, nuanced tones, ideal for softer, emotive contexts,
while also featuring a selection of properly distorted presets for added versatility.​

Hinterland 是一个温暖而亲和的指弹电吉他音色库。
该音色库基于从我们的 Hoard Fingerstyle 吉他改编而来的增强引擎,
Eleven of the thirteen presets feature four distinct patches:
Sustains (with hammer-ons and pull-offs), legato, harmonics, and fret slides.
Each patch brings its own unique character, ranging from the smooth,
mellow tones of the ‘Subway’ preset to the bold, distorted edge of ‘Take The Lead’.​

Audiomodern 发布新的音色插件平台 Soundbox,首发三套音色库!
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Audiomodern 已经开发了一款属于自己的采样器插件平台 Soundbox,

A Powerful Virtual Instrument Platform
Soundbox is our new fully customizable MPE sampler crafted to introduce cutting-edge virtual instruments with enhanced power and capability.
It comes with a plethora of features and is entirely customizable allowing you to create your own bespoke virtual instruments from scratch.
A powerful combination of features make Soundbox the do-it-all sampler instrument that helps create anything you can imagine.​

Soundbox 是 Audiomodern 全新推出的完全可定制的 MPE 采样器,为了打造具有增强功能和性能的尖端虚拟乐器。
强大的功能组合使 Soundbox 成为万能的采样乐器,可帮助你创建任何你能想象到的东西。
Effortless Navigation & Advanced mapping editor
Soundbox features flawless sound browsing, with genre and style tags, ensuring rapid access to your sounds categorized by their musical characteristics.
It also includes a...​
三体科技发布新一代动态共振抑制器 SpecCraft,助你瞬间获得平滑频谱!
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它专门用来消除您混音时的最大敌人:难听的, 过大的共鸣。

精准的共鸣压制, 简洁的工作流



又或者纯手动控制阈值、又或者七成听您的,让SpecCraft辅助三成。您做刘邦, SpecCraft当您的张良。





VI LABS 发布现代施坦威 D 型采样三角大钢琴音色库 Modern D
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钢琴世家 VI LABS 是一个只关注于钢琴采样音源的品牌,旗下的 Ravenscroft 275 因高品质风靡整个制作界!
时隔很多年之后,VI LABS 终于带来了新品:Modern D——全新的现代施坦威 D 型采样钢琴软音源。

The Modern D is our impeccable simulation of the world's most well-known concert grand.
Sampled from a 2021 New York Steinway© Model D, chosen for its exquisite tone and immense power,
the Modern D is our most ambitious and largest piano sample library ever.
The library contains 34,615 pristine samples in five stereo microphone setups, all controlled from a beautiful, easy-to-use interface.
Our new Natural Response method recreates the full dynamic range of each key within each mic,
so every touch input generates the true and accurate response of the real piano.
Many notes have over 50db of dynamic range and some sustains can last well over two minutes.
This is the ultimate studio concert grand simulator, at your fingertips.​

Modern D 钢琴是我们对世界上最著名的三角钢琴无可挑剔的模拟。
Modern D 钢琴采样自 2021 年纽约施坦威 D...​
Strezov Sampling 发布不需要绘制表情信息的弦乐音色库 String Contours
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采样大厂 Strezov Sampling 带来一款全新的弦乐音色库 String Contours,具有新颖的设计思路。
这款弦乐音色库在使用时摆脱了繁琐的 CC 表情控制,具有自动符合淡化合表情曲线的流动听感。

String Contours
Venture beyond traditional string samples! String Contours is a new trajectory in “contextual sampling”.
Both in tempo and expression.
Elevate the sound of your tracks seamlessly and stop tweaking CC data -
let the performances carry the programming, and focus on the music itself!​

String Contours
超越传统弦乐采样!String Contours 是“情境采样”的新路线。
不间断提升音乐的表达,停止调整 CC 数据,
A contour is a recorded performance with a fixed length and dynamic shape.
For example a swell with 1 bar of crescendo leading into 1 bar of diminuendo with a bow change in the middle of it.​

什么是 Contour 轮廓?
Contour 是具有固定长度和动态形状的演奏录音。
例如,1 小节渐强的渐强,引出 1 小节渐弱,中间有弓的变化。

新一代响度之王!Leapwing Audio 发布全新算法母带限制器插件 LimitOne
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Leapwing Audio 是数字效果器插件领域高品质的代表之一!尤其是 ONE 系列深受母带应用的追捧。

Limiting, but not limited
Audio limiting is the art of managing and controlling sound energy.
Often the goal is to increase loudness by changing level dynamics in the most transparent way possible.
Historically, this was done by using an electric circuit that follows the envelope of an audio signal
and steers a variable gain to reduce peaks and boost low levels.
These methods were later emulated in the digital domain and many variations and flavors have been created since.​



LimitOne is different.
Our goal was not to eliminate all other clippers or...​