
AAS 发布新一代物理建模的模块化合成器系统插件平台 Multiphonics CV‑3
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物理建模插件的先驱者 AAS 再一次升级了他们旗下的模块化合成器平台 Multiphonics CV‑3,
新一代的 Multiphonics CV‑3 支持了 MPE,并增加了新的合成方式,正在进军主流制作工具!

Your modular playground
Multiphonics CV-3 is a creative modular rack for musicians and sound designers.
Build and play unique synths or assemble tailored effects to transform your audio tracks.
Dive into the mind-bending world of modular synthesis with this cleverly crafted ecosystem for sonic exploration, music making, learning, and fun.​

Multiphonics CV-3 是一款面向音乐家和声音设计师的创意模块化机架。


What's new in Multiphonics CV‑3
Here are the main features you get when upgrading to Multiphonics CV‑3​

Multiphonics CV‑3 中的新功能
以下是升级到 Multiphonics CV‑3 后可获得的主要功能:
UJAM 发布两款新的 UFX 效果器插件:创意延迟和滤波
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UJAM 在虚拟乐器领域似乎噪得差不多了,现在将目标转向创意效果器领域。
UFX 系列是最新的创意效果系列,之前已经发布了 UFX REVERB,
现在又迎来两款新成员 UFX DELAY 和 UFX FILTER。



The Musical Delay
Delays Your Tracks, Not Your Workflow​

Echoes Galore, Fun and Inspirational
Although UFX DELAY is a powerful delay plus 2 multi-FX sections, it is incredibly easy to use:
Get instant goodness from the 150+ presets, dive into the 20 delay modes and tweak away, or let the intelligent randomization vary or even invent delays for you.​

尽管 UFX DELAY 是一个强大的延迟加上 2 个多重效果部分,但它使用起来非常简单:
从 150 多个预设中获得实时效果,深入研究 20 种延迟模式并进行调整,或者让智能随机化变化甚至为你发明延迟。

旗舰吉他效果工作站终于更新!新一代 Overloud THU 2.0 已来,十分强大!
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Overloud THU 是一款口碑极好的一站式综合吉他效果器插件工作站,包含单块到箱头模拟的一系列吉他效果完整流程。
经过多年的等待,THU V2 版本终于来了!毫无疑问这款旗舰吉他效果工作站的大更新会为你的吉他音色带来非凡效果!

THU is the most comprehensive software modeler, integrating MODELING, CAPTURING,
and FLUID IR PROCESSING into a single plugin for both computers and mobile devices.
It offers the world's largest collection of add-ons, featuring over 32,000 Captured Rigs and 42,000+ Fluid IRs.​

THU 是最全面的吉他效果器建模,将建模、采样和 IR 处理集成到一个适用于计算机和移动设备的插件中。
它提供了世界上最大的附加组件集合,包括超过 32000 个采样箱体和 42000 多个 IR 卷积。

Created with the unique Fluid Modeling technology,
includes 89 guitar amplifiers and 4 bass amplifiers, 50 guitar cabinets and 2 bass cabinets, 85 pedal and rack effects, 18 microphone models.​

248 个高级建模
采用独特的 Fluid 建模技术创建,
包括 89 个吉他放大器和 4 个贝司放大器、50 个吉他箱体和 2 个贝司箱体、85 个单块和机架效果、18 个麦克风建模。

VSL 维也纳发布新一代 Synchron Smart Orchestra 2,全新元素全新界面友好!
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全新的 VSL Synchron Smart Orchestra 2 正好符合这一点,不但可以创作管弦乐,
还带有混合声音设计,并且使用了大家期待且大获好评的 Flow View 直观界面!

Hands-on Hybrid Scoring
Get your hands on a full-blown orchestra that’s easy to use and fun to play – now more versatile than ever!
Experience symphonic brilliance in seconds with this modern all-in-one package that brings the power of the Hollywood-proven Vienna Synchron Orchestra straight to your DAW or studio.
The all-new Flow View interface keeps you in the creative zone, whether you’re sketching ideas, experimenting, performing live, or crafting full-scale orchestrations.
Play the entire orchestra at once, including choir and percussion, focus on individual sections and solo instruments – or do both at the same time!
Newly added Smart Spheres and Smart Hits expand your orchestra with modern electronic and organic textures, FX and sound-design elements – perfect for hybrid scoring.
Be smart, be creative, and...​
THR Audio 发布一站式人声通道条模块效果器插件 VoxGuru
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THR 全名为 The Home Recordings,主张在家里录音,并为此设计简单易用的插件。
VoxGuru 是一个拥有 5 种模块的人声通道条效果器插件,主打一个插件搞定人声混音。

The ultimate Vocal Mixing Suite that gives you all the tools you need to
easily record and mix flawless professional vocals in any genre, from hip hop to pop, R&B, Rock, and more.​

VoxGuru modules included as 5 separate plugins
Included are 5 distinct modules as separate plugins: Dynamics, EQ, Saturation, Time (Reverb & Delay effects), and FX,
designed to give you total control over your vocal chain.
Each module comes with its own set of presets designed to speed up your mixing workflow.​

VoxGuru 模块包含 5 个独立插件
包含 5 个不同的模块作为独立插件:动态、均衡、饱和、时间(混响和延迟效果)和特效,


Strezov Sampling 发布大型阿拉伯民族乐器音色库 Arabian Ethnic Orchestra
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Strezov Sampling 之前发布了广受好评的 JADE 民乐,许多人都期待着他们再带来新的世界民族音源。
作为史诗级采样音色库大品牌,Strezov Sampling 带来了新的产品:ARABIAN Ethnic Orchestra!

This collection features over 50 diverse instruments,
ranging from playable plucked and bowed strings to vocals, winds, percussion, and sound design,
capturing the essence of a true Middle Eastern orchestra.
It includes advanced tuning capabilities to deliver an authentic regional sound,
along with improvisations and phrases based on the most popular licks and grooves.​

世界交响乐团系列的第三部: 阿拉伯民族管弦乐。
该系列包含 50 多种不同的乐器,


创作灵感枯竭?UVI 发布音乐灵感工具音源 Mosaiq,上千款创意袭来!
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UVI 刚刚发布的音乐灵感工具音源 Mosaiq 正好解决你的难题,上千条创意预设让你立刻充满欲望!

Your new go-to music creation playground
Discover an innovative approach to modern music production.
Play chords progressions, sequences, and kits like never before.​


Refine with advanced controls and interactive effects.
Put creativity at the forefront with a nimble and adaptive interface.​



Browse 1,200 innovative presets within 8 modern genre-based collections.
Boost your inspiration with an endless combination of sounds through advanced randomization options.​

浏览 8 种现代流派合集中的 1200 个创新预设。...​
VSL 发布 Concert D-274 Essentials 斯坦威钢琴精选版,同步钢琴全打折!
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维也纳 VSL 的 Synchron Concert D-274 可以说是全世界最逼真且采样最精密的斯坦威 D 型钢琴采样音源,
其巨大的体积和高昂的价格让人却步,现在这款 Concert D-274 Essentials 轻量级版本完全降低了入门门槛。

Essence of Greatness
Experience the pinnacle of piano perfection with this software instrument that delivers the legendary Steinway & Sons sound straight to your studio and DAW.
By focusing on the core tonal characteristics that make the D-274 a favorite among pianists worldwide, this edition offers all the nuances this instrument is famous for in a streamlined, accessible virtual instrument.
Handpicked by virtuoso Stefan Mendl of Vienna Piano Trio fame, our very own Concert D-274 ranks among the best sounding pianos in Vienna.
Expertly sampled to perfection in the lush Hollywood-proven ambience of our acclaimed Stage A, this iconic concert grand fascinates with its warm, resonant, and detailed tone.
Unleash the immense power and rich tonal depth of the D-274 in a sleek, efficient package at an attractive price...​
Pitch Innovations 为创意音序插件 Groove Shaper 推出 6 套节奏风格扩展
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Groove Shaper 是 Pitch Innovations 旗下的创意节奏音序器,通过安排各种集合图形来为你带来 MIDI 节奏律动。
这次,Pitch Innovations 带来了 6 种不同的 Groove Shaper 风格扩展包,使其可以用它来创建更加专业的节奏 MIDI。

Add Expansions To Groove Shaper
Upgrade Groove Shaper with essential genre-perfect expansion packs.​

为 Groove Shaper 添加扩展
使用适合各种类型的必备扩展包升级 Groove Shaper。
Groove Shaper Expansions Bundle
Get the complete Essential Expansions Bundle—a collection of six expansion packs designed exclusively for the award-winning Groove Shaper plugin.
This bundle includes 1000+ ready-to-use groove presets, covering a wide range of genres, from Cinematic and African to Middle Eastern and beyond.
Each expansion is crafted to bring out the full potential of Groove Shaper, making it easier than ever to create striking epic drums, short string patterns, energetic synth leads, and more.​

Groove Shaper 扩展套装合集
获取完整的 Essential Expansions Bundle — 专为屡获殊荣的...​
Arturia 再次更新发布新一代旗舰级波表合成器插件 Pigments 6
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Pigments 是老牌合成器插件品牌 Arturia 的招牌合成器,
大年初一发布了最新的一代 Pigments 6,变得进一步完善!

Sound design synthesizer
Pigments is an all-in-one software synthesizer for modern producers,
blending 6 cutting-edge synthesis engines, a color-coded interface, effortless drag-and-drop modulation, premium effects and generative sequencing.
Shape your sonic vision with boundary-pushing sound design.​

Pigments 是一款面向现代制作人的一体化软件合成器,
融合了 6 个尖端合成引擎、彩色编码界面、轻松的拖放调制、高级效果和生成式音序器。
Shape your sonic vision
Explore in-depth sound design with every synthesis type you could need and a responsive,
color-coded interface that rewards experimentation - from playful discoveries to intricate modulation and patch creation.​

颜色编码的界面,该界面鼓励你进行实验 - 从有趣的发现到复杂的调制和预设创建。

Zynaptiq 推出高级智能瞬态轮廓处理插件 Punch
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Zynaptiq 也明白这一点,推出了 Punch,基于背后的算法经验,争取在瞬态处理中获得优势!

Intelligent Dynamics Contouring
Add organic, musical punch and contour to your sounds, tracks, stems or mixes with our mastering-grade, intelligent impact inductor PUNCH.
Built on our expertise in source separation, signal statistics, frequency domain processing, and filter design,
PUNCH adds anything from airy snap to beefy long attack compressor overshoot impact to smooth dynamics contouring to your audio easily, quickly, and with zynaptiq quality.​

使用 Zynaptiq 的母带级智能冲击感应器 PUNCH,为你的声音、音轨、分组或混音带来动感的音乐冲击力和轮廓。
基于 Zynaptiq 在声源分离、信号统计、频域处理和滤波器设计方面的专业知识,
PUNCH 可轻松、快速的为你的音频增加从空灵的脆响到强劲的慢启动压缩器过程冲击,再到平滑的动态轮廓,并且具有 Zynaptiq 的品质。


PUNCH works equally well for individual sounds and complex material like...​
Xils Lab 发布经典 CS-80 建模模拟合成器插件 The Eighty
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YAMAHA CS-80 合成器算是模拟合成器领域的一座圣杯,具有标志性的意义!
老牌合成器建模品牌 Xils Lab 刚刚发布了这款经典神作的建模插件!

The Eighty: Redefining Analog Brilliance
The Eighty is a groundbreaking synthesizer inspired by the legendary CS-80, delivering unmatched warmth and expressiveness.​

The Eighty:重新定义模拟光辉
The Eighty 是一款突破性的合成器,灵感来自传奇的 CS-80,可提供无与伦比的温暖感和表现力。


It features three synthesis lines : two that faithfully recreate the linked high-pass and low-pass filters that defined the CS-80’s iconic sound,
and a third line, seamlessly blendable through an innovative 2D mixer for expanded sonic possibilities.​

它具有三条合成路径:两条忠实地重现了定义 CS-80 标志性声音的链接式高通和低通滤波器,
第三条路径可通过创新的 2D 混音器无缝混合,以扩展声音可能性。
With its rich analog character, extensive modulation capabilities, and intuitive interface,
PSPaudioware 发布 Alan Parsons 合作的相位镶边调制效果插件 PSP Wobbler
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老牌插件厂商 PSPaudioware 与传奇录音师 Alan Parsons 合作了一款新的调制插件 PSP Wobbler,
PSP Wobbler 具有非常丰富的调制功能,能够重现经典 Pink Floyd 唱片的标志性效果!

PSP Wobbler is a modulation effect plug-in, inspired by and developed in collaboration with the legendary recording engineer, producer, and musician Alan Parsons.
PSP Wobbler faithfully recreates the sound of Alan’s secret weapon,
the Frequency Translator - a handmade experimental device built by Keith Adkins,
which created the unique modulation effect heard on “Time” from Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon.​

PSP Wobbler 是一款调制效果插件,其灵感来自传奇录音工程师、制作人和音乐家 Alan Parsons,并与其合作开发。
PSP Wobbler 忠实再现了 Alan 的秘密武器 Frequency Translator 的声音,
Frequency Translator 是 Keith Adkins 手工打造的实验设备,
它创造了 Pink Floyd 的《The Dark Side of the Moon》中的 “Time” 独特的调制效果。


PSP Wobbler uses frequency shifting...​
Gforce Software 推出硬件同名建模贝斯合成器插件 Novation Bass Station
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Novation Bass Station 是一台经典的硬件贝斯合成器,现在由 Gforce Software 授权建模推出。
令人惊讶的是,Gforce 连名字都不改,直接就叫做 Novation Bass Station,完全重名也是狠!

Novation Bass Station – Bold, Booming, and Buzzing.
The original Novation Bass Station, launched in 1993, is celebrated for its raw, punchy, and unmistakably analogue character.
Designed during a period when digital synthesisers dominated, the Bass Station brought analogue warmth and grit back into the spotlight, making it a cult favourite among producers.​

Novation Bass Station – 大胆、轰鸣、震撼。
原版的 Novation Bass Station 硬件于 1993 年推出,以其原始、有力且明显的模拟特性而闻名。
Bass Station 是在数字合成器占主导地位的时期设计的,它将模拟的温暖和粗犷带回了聚光灯下,成为制作人中的狂热追捧对象。
The Novation Bass Station by GForce, whilst remaining sonically faithful to the original, has been extensively enhanced,
now offering polyphony, unison modes, a powerful modern sequencer, and expansive modulation capabilities with the advanced X-LFO and X-ADSR.
VSL 维也纳发布新的特效声音设计钢琴音源 Studio FX Piano
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对一台三角钢琴进行锤打拉弹,来获取特别的非正常钢琴音色!维也纳鼓捣的这款新音源叫做 Studio FX Piano。
虽然这款琴被列为 Studio 系列产品,但它可是在 Vienna Synchron Stage B 使用多话筒录制的,具有多话筒选项和版本!

The Well-Prepared Piano
The Studio FX Piano goes far beyond the playing techniques of a traditional Prepared Piano. Painstakingly captured in the pristine, controlled environment of Stage B at Vienna Synchron Stage, this unique collection redefines what a piano can be – and sound like.
Expanding significantly on the “prepared piano” concept popularized by avant-garde composer John Cage in the 1940s, we transformed our Yamaha CFX into a groundbreaking instrument of sonic exploration.
By manipulating its strings with objects such as screws, bolts, rubber, felt wedges, chains and paper, or utilizing an EBow for infinite sustain, it now produces a myriad of adventurous tones far removed from its classical origins.
The controlled ambience allows you to shape your custom FX sounds any way you want, while the optional...​
AcousticSamples 带来建模爵士铜管音源的扩展系列 VHorns Extended Brass
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AcousticSamples 的 VHorns 系列建模铜管深受用户喜爱,现在又来了一系列新品种!
VHorns Extended Brass 包含了 6 种特殊的铜管乐器,是喜欢特殊管乐编制的心头好!

Our final VHorns library is here! Following on from the success of VHorns Brass Section and VHorns Saxophones,
VHorns Extended Brass fills the gaps from missing standard instruments, offers a true muted trumpet to lead a section and also brings a new option to the table, in our choice of brass band and marching band instruments.
Thanks to our work on a revolutionary hybrid technology (which we call H.A.T.), we are able to blend the authentic recorded sound of world-class instrumentalists with state-of-the-art modeling techniques,
giving users unparalleled playability and impeccable sounds which are all but indistinguishable from the real thing.​

AcousticSamples 最终的 VHorns 音色库来了!继 VHorns Brass Section 和 VHorns Saxophones 大获成功之后,
VHorns Extended Brass...​
Soundiron 发布 Radiant Decay 辐射衰变末日废土氛围 KONTAKT 音源
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Soundiron 联合声音设计师 Erick McNerney 发布了一款适合科幻氛围的辐射衰变 KONTAKT 音源 Radiant Decay,
听这款音色,让我想起了末日废土题材的 RPG 游戏——《重装机兵》,需要 KONTAKT 完整版使用。

Embark on an extraordinary sonic adventure with Radiant Decay, the ultimate journey into organic analog sound.
Crafted by acclaimed composer and sound designer Erick McNerney in collaboration with Soundiron,
this immersive collection pushes the boundaries of sound design, featuring expertly crafted atmospheric synths, intricate textural pads,
evolving soundscapes, and mesmerizing drones—perfectly suited for rock, pop, and cinematic compositions.​

踏上 Radiant Decay 的非凡声音冒险之旅,探索有机模拟声音的终极旅程。
这个沉浸式音色库由著名作曲家兼声音设计师 Erick McNerney 与 Soundiron 联合制作,


Inside Radiant Decay, you'll uncover a treasure trove of...​
Toontrack 为 EZmix 3 推出 AI 多风格人声扩展预设包 Vocals EZmix Pack
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自从基于 AI 技术的 EZmix 3 推出后,这套史上最早的一件式混音工具品质突飞猛进,
Vocals EZmix Pack 是最新推出的多种风格的人声预设扩展预设,必须基于 EZmix 3 使用!

Expansion for EZmix 3
Includes AI-assisted presets that present a starting point based on your own source audio
Presets for vocals based on full signal chains including saturation, compression, EQ and more
Presets tailored for genres ranging from pop to hard rock and metal
Covering the whole range from traditional vocal sounds to the textured, expansive and elaborate​

基于 EZmix 3 扩展
包括 AI 辅助预设,可根据你自己的声音特征提供起点


Being stuck with a song that has vocals that stand out without fitting in is one of those classic mix scenarios that virtually any music creator has found themselves in at one point or another.
This expansion...​
Nomad Factory 更新老 Neve 建模套装 British Bundle V2,已原生支持 M 芯片
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Nomad Factory British Bundle 是一个蓝管家 Nomad Factory 非常受欢迎的组合,
建模自老 Neve 2254 压缩器和 1081 均衡器,现在新版本已经原生支持苹果 M 芯片。

For the British Bundle, Nomad Factory digitally recreated the Equalizer and Master Bus Compressor/Limiter which were part of a well known 'British' mixing console.
Designed to improve the quality of digital sound recordings, these two plug-ins provide a simple and functional "vintage-style" interface, as well as low CPU consumption for lightening-fast processing:​

关于 British Bundle,Nomad Factory 以数字方式重新创建了均衡器和主总线压缩器/限制器,它们是著名的“英式”混音控制台的一部分。
这两个插件为了提高数字录音的质量,提供简单实用的“复古风格”界面,以及低 CPU 占用以实现闪电般的快速处理:
British MCL-2269 - A Master Compressor Limiter modeled from the legendary 2254 compressor.
British NEQ-1972 - A Four-Band equalizer modeled from the classic-vintage 1081 EQ module.​

British MCL-2269 - 总线压缩限制器,以传奇的 2254 压缩器为模型。
British NEQ-1972 - 四频段均衡器,以经典的老式 1081 EQ...​
Premier Sound Factory 推出发烧级卡哇伊大钢琴采样音源 KAWAI Legend
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Premier Sound Factory 是一家专注于高精度 Hi-Res 格式采样的 KONTAKT 音源厂牌,
其下产品都使用 96kHz 高精度码率采样,KAWAI Legend 是基于 KONTAKT 标准库的卡哇伊大钢琴音源!

This piano is Formula 1!
The Shigeru Kawai EX (SK-EX), a top-of-the-line full concert grand piano made by Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
is the ultimate model born to win at world competitions.​

Shigeru Kawai EX(SK-EX)是 Kawai 乐器制造有限公司制造的顶级全尺寸音乐会三角钢琴,

The touch is extremely delicate, playing a rich and luscious sound from a weak touch.
It has a silky smooth bass, and the treble coexists with warmth in its brightness.
When you play its keys, you will understand why the KAWAI “SK-EX” is chosen by many top pianists
and has won awards at prestigious competitions, including the Chopin International Piano Competition.​
