福利 MonsterDAW 发布免费吉他插件 MONSTER Guitar

一款免费的 VST 吉他,
用于为您的歌曲制作 MIDI 进行


MonsterGuitarVST is a Free Guitar VST with various Preset, including Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, and soon some Ukulele Preset too.
It covers multi music genres, from Reggae to Pop to Rock and everything in between.
I made this Monster Guitar as a tool to make a MIDI mockup when I composed a song.​

MonsterGuitarVST 是一款免费的吉他 VST,具有各种预设,包括原声吉他、电吉他,以及一些 Ukulele 预设。
当我创作一首歌时,我制作了这个 Monster Guitar 作为制作 MIDI 进行的工具。
It is not meant to replace a real guitarist, but rather to help everybody so abstract ideas become more fixed.
Because of this, if you compare Monster Guitar VST with any other VST like AmpleSound or Shreddage or anything else,
my VST doesn’t have detailed and realistic sound, let alone if you compare it to a real guitarist!​

因此,如果您将 Monster Guitar VST 与任何其他 VST(例如 AmpleSound 或 Shreddage 或其他任何东西)进行比较,
我的 VST 没有细致和逼真的声音,更不用说将它与真正的吉他手进行比较了!
In this 1st release, Monster Guitar will have 5 Presets, a reggae skank preset, an electric guitar picking preset, a strumming pop preset, a 12-stell string preset,
and homage to the music of my country Indonesia, the Dangdut preset.
Thanks to Vian Electone, Mr. Gatut from Fanada Pro, Topan Abimanyu, Odod, Heman Garde,
and all for donating their own playing to this VST, you’re the best!​

在第一个版本中,Monster Guitar 将有 5 个预设,一个雷鬼 skank 预设,
一个电吉他拨弦预设,一个弹奏流行预设,一个 12 星弦预设,
以及向我的国家印度尼西亚的音乐致敬,即 Dangdut 预设。
感谢Vian Electone、Fanada Pro 的 Gatut 先生、Topan Abimanyu、Odod、Heman Garde
以及所有为这个 VST 贡献自己的演奏的人,你们是最棒的!
Here are the complete features of Monster Guitar:
Simple GUI / easy to use.
Every preset is unique because it’s tailored to a spesific guitar sound and/or spesific music genre.
Every sound preset are recorded and sampled and crafted beautifully (I hope so)
and mixed with users in mind so everybody can use them right away.
There are 2 Modes, i.e; CHORD MODE where user use it as a chord generator
and NOTES MODE which user can play a full range notes on MIDI Controller.
See this video of Bedroom Guitarist YT Channel
which show casing CHORD MODE (The Strumming part) and the NOTES MODE (The Lead Guitar part) :​

以下是 Monster Guitar 的完整功能:
有2种模式,即;CHORD MODE 用户可以将其用作和弦发生器,
而 NOTES MODE 用户可以在 MIDI 控制器上播放全音域的音符。
观看Bedroom Guitarist YT Channel 的视频,
其中显示了 CHORD MODE(弹奏部分)和 NOTES MODE(主音吉他部分):
