Impact Soundworks - Shreddage 3 Abyss | 声音冲击者 - Muckelroy 6弦电贝司音色库
Shreddage Bass 2 is now Shreddage 3 Abyss! Superb realism, depth, and stunning tone from a custom six-string Muckelroy bass, now upgraded to the S3 Engine.
Shreddage Bass 2 已变身 Shreddage 3 Abyss! 来自定制的六弦 Muckelroy 贝司,是超现实主义、深度和令人惊叹的音色,现在升级到 S3 引擎。
more realistic performances, easier editing, custom articulation mapping, and tons of built-in FX (amps, cabs, pedals & more!)
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