Impact Soundworks - Shreddage 3 Hydra | 声音冲击者 - Ibanez RGIF8 8弦金属电吉他音色库
The ultimate badass 8-string guitar for rock and metal music! Write crystal-clear clean tones, screaming leads, or brutal chugs with incredible realism.
摇滚乐和金属乐的终极毁灭者 8 弦吉他! 以令人难以置信的真实感描绘出水晶般清晰的干净音色、尖叫的旋律和凶猛的节奏。
With two distinct pickups, 30,000+ samples, and over 50 included tone snapshots, Shreddage 3 Hydra is the most complete Shreddage guitar ever.
Shreddage 3 Hydra 拥有两个不同的拾音器、30000 多个采样和超过 50 个音色快照,是迄今为止 Shreddage 吉他系列中最完整的。
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