Various Komplete 14 Ultimate - 技术规格

Komplete 14 旗舰版
Komplete 14 Ultimate
Native Instruments - Komplete 14 Ultimate | Komplete 14 旗舰版

Komplete 14 Ultimate: CREATE WITHOUT LIMITS
Komplete 14 Ultimate: 无限制地创作

KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE packs a punch, with even more synths, sampled instruments, and studio-grade effects
KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE 有着重量级的身躯,囊括了更多的合成器、采样乐器以及专业工作室级效果器

积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣:
积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:

概述信息 技术规格 附加信息

System Requirements 系统需求​

Total download size is 680 GB. You don't have to download all products at once: Native Access allows you to download and install individual KOMPLETE products any time you want.​

总下载大小为 680 GB。 你可以无需一次性下载安装所有产品: Native Access 允许您随时下载和安装单独的 KOMPLETE 产品。
macOS 10.15, 11 or 12 (latest update)
Windows 10 (64-bit, latest Service Pack) or Windows 11 (latest Service Pack)
Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, or Apple Silicon (using Rosetta 2), 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
Supports ASIO, Core Audio, WASAPI
Runs in 64-bit VST, AU, AAX hosts​

macOS 10.15, 11 或 12 (最新版本)
Windows 10 (64位,最新服务包) 或 Windows 11 (最新服务包)
Intel Core i5 或等效的处理器,或是 Apple Silicon(Rosetta 2),4 GB 运行内存(建议 6 GB)
支持 ASIO, Core Audio, WASAPI
运行于支持 VST, AU, AAX 格式的64位宿主。
An internet connection is required to install and activate the products in this collection.Once installed, all products can be used offline.
Certain products may require additional free downloads.
Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher, and Direct 3D 11.1 or higher.
Massive X requires an AVX compatible CPU.
Required hard disk space depends on how many products/libraries you want to install. To install all products and libraries, 770 GB free disk space is required.
Please note: The installation process may temporarily require up to 12 GB of additional free disk space on your system-drive – even if you're installing KOMPLETE on an external hard drive.
This number significantly decreases for smaller products, or if products are being installed one by one.​

此套装的安装及激活需要连接网络。 一经安装,所有产品皆可离线使用。
图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本,以及 Direct 3D 11.1 或更高版本。
只有支持 AVX 的 CPU 才能够运行 Massive X。
要安装所有产品和音源库,需要 770 GB 空闲磁盘空间。
请注意:即使你在外部硬盘驱动器上安装 KOMPLETE,安装过程也需要系统驱动器临时提供额外的 12 GB 空闲磁盘空间。


Native Instruments
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