AVA Mastering EQ

AVA Mastering EQ
Harrison Consoles - AVA Mastering EQ | MPC控台移植母带EQ均衡器插件

AVA Mastering EQ: The AVA Mastering EQ is explicitly designed for the task of mastering your mixes.
AVA Mastering EQ:AVA Mastering EQ 是专为混音工作的母带处理而设计的。

Managing a powerful full-range EQ has never been so fast and easy.
使用强大的全频段 EQ 进行管理从未如此快速和简便。

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积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:

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Product Introduction 产品介绍​

AVA Mastering EQ
The AVA Mastering EQ is explicitly designed for the task of mastering your mixes.
When 2 adjacent bands of the AVA-MtE are adjusted, the resultant curve is “flat” across the band edges, rather than discrete humps and valleys.
The resulting curves are perfectly suited for the broad, musical changes needed for final tone-control while retaining the harmonic balance between the elements of your mix.
Managing a powerful full-range EQ has never been so fast and easy.
The results are quintessentially “Harrison”: effortless, smooth and transparent.​

AVA Mastering EQ
AVA Mastering EQ 是专为混音工作的母带处理而设计的。
当调整 AVA-MtE 的两个相邻频段时,结果曲线在频段边缘处是“平坦”的,而不是离散的凸起和凹陷。
使用强大的全频段 EQ 进行管理从未如此快速和简便。
结果具有典型的 “Harrison” 特点:毫不费力、流畅和透明。
The AVA-ME has 31 control bands ranging from 20hz to 20kHz and increasing by ⅓ octave increments.
By default, the scale shows +/-4dB, but if you increase a band beyond 4dB, the scale will increase to show the changes up to +/-14 dB.​

AVA-ME 具有 31 个控制频段,范围从 20Hz 到 20kHz,以 1/3 个八度增量递增。
默认情况下,刻度显示为 +/-4dB,但如果你将一个频段增加到 4dB 以外,刻度将扩大以显示变化,最高可达 +/-14dB。


Effortless Mouse Control
The AVA-ME is most easily controlled by clicking and dragging the mouse across the frequency spectrum.
You can also point your mouse at a control band or the output trim and increase the gain by dragging up/down or by using the scroll function on your mouse or touchpad.
You can right-click and drag to reset bands to zero and hold shift while dragging the mouse to smooth any unwanted bumps between adjacent curves.
(These options are indicated in the bottom-right corner of the plugin window).
All controls have a “fine” mode which can be accessed by holding Control or Command while adjusting the control.​

你可以通过在频率谱上单击并拖动鼠标来最轻松地控制 AVA-ME。
你可以右键单击并拖动以将频段重置为零,并在拖动鼠标时按住 Shift 键以平滑相邻曲线之间的任何不需要的凸起
所有控件都有“细微”模式,可以通过按住 Control 或 Command 键来访问。
Zoom: Auto or Manual
By default, AVA-ME shows a +/-4dB scale.
If you increase a band beyond this value, the scaling will automatically increase to accommodate your moves.
You can also click and drag the left or right dB scale to manually adjust the displayed scale.
If you manually set the scale, then a “lock” icon will appear at the lower-left corner of the EQ display.
Click the “lock” icon to disengage the manual lock, and allow the AVA-ME to automatically set the scaling for you.
Output Trim - The “Trim” control adjusts the output level. Double-click the control to reset it to 0dB.​

默认情况下,AVA-ME 显示 +/-4dB 的刻度。
你还可以单击并拖动左侧或右侧的 dB 刻度以手动调整显示的刻度。
如果你手动设置了刻度,则在 EQ 显示的左下角会出现一个“锁定”图标。
单击“锁定”图标以取消手动锁定,并允许 AVA-ME 自动为你设置刻度。
输出修剪 - “Trim” 控件调整输出电平。双击该控件将其重置为 0dB。
The AVA-ME has high-pass and low-pass filters with a gentle slope.
The slope is selectable between 6dB/Oct and 12dB/Oct,
and the frequency can be adjusted using the sliders above and below the curve.​

AVA-ME 具有斜率较小的高通和低通滤波器。
斜率可在 6dB/Oct 和 12dB/Oct 之间选择,


Additional Features
The “Ear” icon engages the momentary-bypass function, which allows you to audition the un-affected signal while you hold the mouse button; then restores the settings when you release the button.
The “Gear” icon launches a menu with additional features including resizing, theme selection, and plugin version number.
The alternative “Vintage” theme uses the colour scheme of Harrison’s large-format console software.​

“Ear” 图标启用瞬时旁路功能,允许你在按住鼠标按钮时试听未受影响的信号;释放按钮时恢复设置。
“Gear” 图标启动菜单,包括调整大小、主题选择和插件版本号等其他功能。
“Vintage” 主题使用 Harrison 大型控制台软件的配色方案。​


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