
  1. Impact Soundworks

    Tokyo Scoring Drum Kits

  2. Impact Soundworks

    Orchestral Bundle

  3. Impact Soundworks


    Impact Soundworks - Tetralogy | 声音冲击者 - Tetralogy 四部曲 Zebra 2 扩展预设包Enhance your copy of Zebra 2 with TETRALOGY, a comprehensive collection of over 350 highly-usable synth sounds! 利用 TETRALOGY 增强你的 Zebra 2,这是一个全面的合集,包含 350 多种实用的合成器音色!This inspiring set of presets covers all the bases from...
  4. Impact Soundworks

    Super FX Volume 1

  5. Impact Soundworks

    Charisma Volume 1

    Impact Soundworks - Charisma Volume 1 | 声音冲击者 - Charisma Volume 1 魅力女声独唱音色库Dive into bold cinematic experiences with Charisma Volume 1, where over a hundred ready-to-use, versatile vocal phrases await. Charisma Volume 1 将带你沉浸在大胆的影视氛围中,其中有超过 100 个随时可用的多用途人声乐句等待着你。Featuring transcendently...
  6. Impact Soundworks

    Super Audio Cart Complete

  7. Impact Soundworks

    Shreddage 3 Hollomatic

    Shreddage 3 Hollomatic
  8. Impact Soundworks

    Shreddage 3 Fretless

    Ibanez SRF705 无品电贝司音色库
  9. Impact Soundworks

    Shreddage 3 Precision

    Impact Soundworks - Shreddage 3 Precision | 声音冲击者 - Fender Precision 5弦电贝司音色库The most classic electric bass is at your fingertips! Recorded in impeccable detail with 5 flatwound strings and a warm analog signal path. 最经典的电贝司触手可及!用温暖的模拟信号对5根琴弦录制了无可挑剔的细节。Shreddage 3 Precision features...