
福利 Audio Damage 品牌旗下 33 款音频老插件全部免费下载!
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音频效果器插件制造商 Audio Damage 将所有老产品全部更新换代,
而之前的老产品则全部免费放出来给大家使用,多达 33 款。

Legacy Products
These products have been discontinued or upgraded to new versions.
Feel free to download and enjoy them!​

PLEASE NOTE: No support whatsoever is provided for these products.
Most of them will work on most systems, but some of the oldest ones will most likely not work on a modern Mac or PC.
Each installer contains VST2.4 versions, and in almost all cases AU.
There are no VST3, AAX, or Linux versions in these older products.
If the product requires a registration code, one is provided in the Zip.​

它们中的大多数可以在常见系统上运行,但一些最古老的系统很可能无法在现代 Mac 或 PC 上运行。
每个安装程序都包含 VST2.4 版本,并且几乎在所有情况下都是 AU 格式。
这些旧产品中没有 VST3、AAX 或 Linux 版本。
如果产品需要注册码,Zip 中会提供一个(在免费网页中提供 zip 下载)。

33 款原收费转免费赠送插件包括:...​
福利 Waves 又来一波免费惊喜预约活动,2月15日派发惊喜!
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Waves 又又又一次开启了神秘的预约活动,本次活动官方只是说明了:

Sign up to get your new surprise

On Tuesday, Feb 15th,
we’re releasing a BRAND NEW surprise for EVERYONE using samples in their music.​

2 月 15 日,星期二,

福利 Musical Sampling 发布免费飞天小号 Legato Solo Trumpet
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Legato Solo Trumpet is our debut offering from “The Freebies” series.​

Legato Solo Trumpet 是我们在“The Freebies”系列中的首次亮相。
Performed by Mikio (Miki) Sasaki, this patch originated from a lengthy test session conducted in Aaron’s studio
that helped pave the way to recording and producing Sasaki Trumpet at Orb Studios in Austin, TX.​

该音色组由 Mikio (Miki) Sasaki 执行,源于在 Aaron 的工作室进行的长时间测试,
这为在德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 Orb 工作室录制和制作 Sasaki Trumpet 铺平了道路。
Before the session began, we asked Miki if he knew the trumpet solo from James Horner’s Apollo 13 score.
He said “of course!” – and that became the initial inspiration behind the performances driving this instrument.​

在会议开始之前,我们问三木他是否知道詹姆斯霍纳的阿波罗 13 号配乐中的小号独奏。
他说“当然!” ——这成为驱动这乐器的表演背后的最初灵感。

福利 IK Multimedia 吉他效果单块 AmpliTube 5 X-DRIVE 领取
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据可靠线报,截至 2 月 25 日 可以在 IKM 领取吉他效果器工作站 AmpliTube 5 的组件 X-DRIVE,

Your free entry into the world of AmpliTube
Build your virtual guitar rig, “one small step” at a time.
AmpliTube Custom Shop offers a revolutionary new way to expand your virtual gear library: however you want!
Over 400 gear models, available to demo and purchase a la carte, so you can unlock just the gear you want or need.​

您可以免费进入 AmpliTube 的世界
AmpliTube Custom Shop 提供了一种新方式来扩展您的虚拟装备库:随心所欲!
超过 400 种设备模型,可用于演示和购买,因此您可以只解锁您想要或需要的设备。
To start, you’ll get 42 iconic, “must-have” pedals, amps, speakers, cabinets, mics and rack FX.
They’re yours free, forever, to use stand-alone or as a plug-in in your favorite recording software.​

首先,您将获得 42 个标志性的“必备”单块、放大器、扬声器、音箱、麦克风和机架 FX。
From there, you'll have...​
福利 MonsterDAW 发布免费吉他插件 MONSTER Guitar
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一款免费的 VST 吉他,
用于为您的歌曲制作 MIDI 进行

MonsterGuitarVST is a Free Guitar VST with various Preset, including Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, and soon some Ukulele Preset too.
It covers multi music genres, from Reggae to Pop to Rock and everything in between.
I made this Monster Guitar as a tool to make a MIDI mockup when I composed a song.​

MonsterGuitarVST 是一款免费的吉他 VST,具有各种预设,包括原声吉他、电吉他,以及一些 Ukulele 预设。
当我创作一首歌时,我制作了这个 Monster Guitar 作为制作 MIDI 进行的工具。
It is not meant to replace a real guitarist, but rather to help everybody so abstract ideas become more fixed.
Because of this, if you compare Monster Guitar VST with any other VST like AmpleSound or Shreddage or anything else,
my VST doesn’t have detailed and realistic sound, let alone if you compare it to a real guitarist!​

因此,如果您将 Monster Guitar VST 与任何其他...​
福利 Softube 调制失真饱和 Lo-Fi 效果器插件 Dirty Tape 限免中
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Softube 又搞了一个饱和失真插件,在1月31日之前居然免费领取,

A tape dirt machine effect with Softube-quality sound
Add warm, low fidelity vibes to any sample, instrument, or beat
From the makers of Tape, Tape Echoes, Harmonics, and Saturation Knob​

具有 Softube 品质声音的磁带和饱和染色效果
其算法来自 Tape、Tape Echoes、Saturation Knob 插件
From the Swedish distortion masters and makers of the acclaimed Tape, Tape Echoes, Harmonics, and Saturation Knob plug-ins comes Dirty Tape.
The tape effect you need when you want to get down and dirty and keep the sound quality savage. Dirty Tape gives you warm, analog vibes from the moment you load it on a track.
Capable of fiercely gritty distortion and saturation, Dirty Tape can also add subtle texture and movement to a sound.
Like a photo filter for your tracks, Dirty Tape will take you from static and dull to lively and colorful in a snap.​
福利 Analog Obsession 推出免费的 V-MU 类型压限器插件 YALA
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免费又牛逼的模拟偏执狂再次改进 YALA,推出了最新版本依旧给人免费使用。
注意,偏执狂就是不支持 AAX,没有 AAX,你看着办~

Iconic Vari-Mu limiting amplifier with extra features!​

具有额外功能的标志性 Vari-Mu 限幅放大器!
- VOLUME: -30 to +30dB input volume to drive circuit.
You can drive circuit and get saturation plus more compression or vice versa.
- ATTEN: Output volume to adjust final level after process.
- THRESHOLD: Will let you set threshold to make compressor works. If you use VOLUME knob to boost input,
you can leave THRESHOLD at default position and get mojo slightly compression. It has 30dB range.
- RELEASE: 300ms to 1.5sec release time
- HPF: 20 to 500Hz HPF to keep low frequencies from sidechain circuit. So, compressor won’t touch to low-end.
- EXT-SC: This will let you use external signal to compressed input signal.
- POWER: Plugin Bypass (Big Red Light)
- ANALOG OBSESSION: Oversampling (Label)
*Fixed Attack Time: 10ms...​
福利 Slate Digital 新推出采样包 SEISMIC 2 限时免费领取
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板岩放出了免费得采样素材包,以鼓为主的 Loop 素材,

The sequel to our hugely popular SEISMIC Drum Sample Pack has finally landed. Introducing: SEISMIC 2!​

我们广受欢迎的 SEISMIC Drum Sample Pack 的续集终于登陆了。 介绍:SEISMIC 2!
SEISMIC 2 is packed with more than 500 Earth-shattering drum loops,
one-shots and custom FX that will help take your latest productions into the stratosphere.
Elevate your current drum library with fresh sonic landscapes and radio-ready ear candy straight out of the box.
Every sound in this pack has been carefully crafted to ensure that each sample is uniquely extraterrestrial, industrial, and ethereal.​

SEISMIC 2 包含 500 多个惊天动地的鼓 Loop、单音和自定义音效,
Don't have a Slate Digital account? No problem!
Click the button below & sign in for free to get SEISMIC 2 now.​
福利 IK Multimedia 限时订阅免费领取均衡插件 T-RackS EQ 81
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IK Multimedia 为订阅邮件服务的用户免费赠送原价 99 美元的 EQ 插件 T-RackS EQ 81,

The T-RackS EQ 81 delivers that legendary British warmth and tone with a few twists.
The EQ 81 is based on another classic piece of hardware whose character was instrumental in shaping the sound of many hit songs,
the EQ 81 can be considered the evolution of its older brother, the EQ 73.​

T-RackS EQ 81 通过一些曲线传递出传奇的英式温暖和音色。
EQ 81 基于另一款经典硬件,其特性有助于塑造许多热门歌曲的声音,
EQ 81 可以被认为是其哥哥 EQ 73 的演变。
However, there are a few twists that make the EQ 81 capable of delivering a voice of its own.
The key here is in the versatility of the EQ section, sporting four independent bands (high / low shelving, plus two midrange peaking filters)
rounded out by high and low pass filters this module is particulary useful when a more precise intervention on a track is needed,
still maintaining tone and organic, analog warmth in the signal path.​
福利 Fanan Team 发布免费的北欧风格贝斯模块插件 Djup
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Djup is a light weight nordish style bass module that based on 8 classic nordish bass models from the past 40 years.
It's main advantage is solid, powerful electric bass sound that can perform loudly in full legato without any additional amplification or compression.
It's armed with lo pass - hi pass filter, tube effect, profoundly resonating filter, amp and filter envelopes as well as 4 effects: 8 voices unison, chorus, wah-wah and reverb.​

Djup 是一款轻量级的北欧风格贝斯模块,基于过去 40 年的 8 款经典北欧风格贝斯模块。
它配备了低通 - 高通滤波器、电子管效果器、深度共振滤波器、放大器和滤波器包络以及 4 种效果:8 种同音、合唱、哇音和混响。
It also equipped with 3 modes portamento effect (mono mode),
midi learn manager (easy midi learning on right mouse click on any knob or button) and resizable GUI.​

它还配备了 3 种模式的滑音效果(单音模式)、
MIDI 学习管理器(鼠标右键单击任何旋钮或按钮即可轻松捕捉...​
福利 Engine Artists Library 免费的综合预览音色库合辑
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想知道 Engine 采样器里的音色库有多么精彩么?

Your free entry into the world of Best Service Engine 2
The Engine Artists Library includes a total of 21 demo libraries for the Best Service Engine 2.
From acoustic and electronic drums, to unique virtual synthesis, to precious, ethnic sounds of the past,
the Engine 2 universe offers a wide range of instruments and sounds for professional use.​

您可以免费进入 Best Service Engine 2 的世界
Engine Artists Library 包括总共 21 个用于 Best Service Engine 2 的演示库。
Engine 2 Universe 为专业用途提供了广泛的乐器和声音。





福利 Strezov Sampling 情景配乐钢琴音色 The Felt Seiler 免费版
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KONTAKT 音色大厂 Strezov Sampling 的新品,一种温暖而又柔和的钢琴音色库:The Felt Seiler 的免费简化版,
其声音特点非常暗淡和深邃,非常适合于抒情场景,在 KONTAKT PLAYER 上运行,是 KONTAKT 标准音色库。

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, we think of THE FELT SEILER in the same way,
only in a musical context, instead - you can convey so many different emotions only with a few strokes of your hands.
othing too complex or “puffy”, yet powerful and moving enough to allow you to express yourself freely, with nothing holding you back.​

如果一张图片真的值一千个字,我们会以同样的方式思考 THE FELT SEILER,
The content of the library was recorded in the Sofia Session Studio B with a variety of close microphones,
later summed into one microphone position.​

音色库的采样是在 Sofia Session Studio B 中使用各种近距离麦克风录制的,
Along with that, The Felt Seiler...​
福利 Splash Sound 钢琴音色库 Gentle Keys 圣诞限时免费领取
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温柔的钢琴音色,带有 Pad 和多种场景的预置,适合电影配乐使用。

Gentle Keys - is a truly universal piano.
We’ve recorded the instrument as clear and transparent as it’s possible,
so you can add it to every mix - would it be jazz or cinematic sound-track.​

Gentle Keys - 是一款真正通用的钢琴。
因此您可以让它进入你的作品中 - 无论是爵士乐还是电影配乐。
Additional patches with layering pads, strings, etc.,
prepared by professional composers will allow you to concentrate on work flow and don‘t be distracted by the search for the right sound.​

Made for KONTAKT 5.6.8 or higher (not compatible with free KONTAKT PLAYER)
2143 WAV format samples
44.1kHz / 24bit, stereo
Total samples size: 1108 Mb​

适用于 KONTAKT 5.6.8 或更高版本(不兼容免费的 KONTAKT PLAYER)
2143个WAV 格式采样
44.1kHz / 24 位,立体声
福利 Fluffy Audio 发布免费的日本筝 KONTAKT 音色库 Koto
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The Koto is a plucked zither-like instrument which features 13 strings (sometime 17) and movable bridges for tuning.
Traditionally played with fingerpicks, its sound could be described as halfway between an harp and a dulcimer
but the best way to know it is to download this tiny elegant RARITY!​

6 Articulations (Tremolo included)
3 Mic Positions
670 MB installed (compressed in NCW format)
1059 Samples
24 bit / 48 kHz stereo
Innovative and smooth engine with easy to use GUI
Velocity Control Curve
5 Reverb Preset​

6 种技法(包括颤音)
3 个麦克风位置
已安装670 MB(以 NCW 格式压缩)
24 位/48 kHz 立体声
具有易于使用的 GUI 的创新和流畅的引擎
5 混响预设

福利 Skybox Audio 发布免费采样 KONTAKT 界面 Drop Designer
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使用来自 Skybox 的独特的全新拖放采样器,

Pitch and Volume Detection
Smart Auto-Mapping
Instantly map samples to the most usable range while making up for missing volume

Velocity Modeling
Expression From A Single Sample
Turn single samples into expressive instruments with an organic multi-sampled feel​

Fast Tweaking
Make It Yours
Finesse or mangle the original sample's tone and timbre quickly with easy controls​

Time Stretching and Sync
Grid Life
Keep samples in time while changing pitch and sync rhythmic loops to your host tempo​

Inspiring FX Presets
福利 Rast Sound 发布新民族吹管音色库 Didgeridoo 并限时免费
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专注于开发世界民族风情的 KONTAKT 音色厂牌 Rastsound 再次带来一款民族音色库,并且在圣诞期间限时免费。
Didgeridoo 是一种国外民族大型吹管,音色非常特别,此 KONTAKT 音色库为非标用于 KONTAKT 完整版。

Aboriginal instrument Didgeridoo is now available as a free christmas gift for a limited time.
The library comes with playable solo styles, barks, roars and patterns for Kontakt (in WAV format as well).​

原住民乐器 Didgeridoo 现在作为限时免费圣诞礼物提供。
该音色库带有演奏的独奏音色、吹气声和咆哮声,使用 Kontakt 模式(也拥有 WAV 格式)。
+ Multiple Playable Solo Styles
+ Barks, Roars & Patterns
+ 210MB Unzipped for Kontakt & WAV
+ 70 Samples
+ Kontakt full version 5.8+​

+ 多种可演奏的独奏音色
+ 吹气声、咆哮声和节奏型
+ 解压缩后 210MB 大小的 Kontakt 和 WAV 文件
+ 70 个采样
+ 需要 5.8+以上的 Kontakt 完整版


福利 Acustica Audio 插件圣诞礼物 Eminence 通道条限时免费!
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那么你应该领取由 Acustica Audio 发布的圣诞礼品,也就是建模自超稀有硬件的 Eminence 通道条!

Please give a warm welcome to Eminence, a 'vintage' tool to add "mojo" to your music and give you that old-school sound!​

请热烈欢迎 Eminence,这是一个免费的复古风格插件,可以为您的音乐添加“魔力”,并为您带来怀旧的声音!
an ultra-rare '60s British 3-band EQ, famously used in probably one of the most famous and mythical worldwide broadcast studios,
produced and developed at a time when record labels and companies maintained their own recording studios,
going so far as to design and build most of their own recording equipment.​

Eminence 包括一个极为罕见的 60 年代英国 3 频段均衡器,可能在全球最著名和最神秘的广播工作室之一中使用。
A 'Frankenstein' compressor that fuses two different seriously ‘Old school’ solid-state dynamic processors in one
(591: an Optical Compressor – 612: FET Limiter) from...​
福利 SNFK Music 发布免费易用的饱和效果器插件 OrangeFlavor
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OrangeFlavor is a saturation beast designed after analog principles.
It features a slick UI and a frequency viewer for added harmonics
(and also an impeccable sound engine!).​

OrangeFlavor 是根据模拟原理设计的饱和野兽。
The design of the plugin went through several stages of development before being considered ready for release
- from UI to sound engine redesigns.
It is tuned to blend in with other high-quality paid plugins.​

——从 UI 到声音引擎的重新设计。
OrangeFlavor also features an impressive anti-aliasing algorithm behind-the-scene
which removes digital artifacts that affect the overall sound.​

OrangeFlavor 还具有令人印象深刻的幕后抗锯齿算法,
If you enjoy any of the plugins made here, please consider becoming a...​
福利 原价 99 美元的 iZotope Trash 2 失真效果器限时免费领取
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Trash 2 是 iZotope 公司的高级创意失真效果器,

Trash 2’s multi-band, dual-stage distortions and advanced post-filtering enable immediate sonic transformation.​

Trash 2 的多频段、双级失真和先进的后置滤波功能可实现即时的声音转换。


Sonic versatility for creative production
Choose from over 60 different distortion algorithms (or design your own using the graphic waveshaper) and distort up to 4 frequency bands.​

从 60 多种不同的失真算法中进行选择(或使用图形波形器设计您自己的算法)并失真多达 4 个频段。

福利 8DIO 免费节奏音色库 The New Hybrid Rhythms
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The New Hybrid Rhythms is specialized library dedicated to epic and cinematic grooves.​

New Hybrid Rhythms是专门用于史诗和电影律动的专业库。
The library comes with over 950 different epic grooves and an assortment of stems for each groove – offering you full control of each part.
Everything is tempo-synced to your DAW and grooves were recorded at 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 and 140 BPM.​

该音色库带有超过 950 个不同的史诗律动以及每个律动的分类词干——让您可以完全控制每个部分。
一切都与您的 DAW 同步,并且以 80、90、100、110、120、130 和 140 BPM 录制了律动。
The New Hybrid Rhythms is the logical extension to our Hybrid Tools- and Rhythmic Aura Series.
The core concept is based on a strong, epic and modern hybrid percussive sound that will just sit in the mix and do its business.
The library ranges from absolute, merciless epic grooves to more subtle grooves for the underscoring.​