
  1. Arturia

    Exploration Sound Library

    Exploration Sound Library
  2. Arturia

    Pigments 4

    Arturia - Pigments 4 | 软件合成 - 多色彩旗舰合成器插件Pigments 4:Quickly craft the ultra-fat, hard-hitting, soul-stirring sounds you need Pigments 4:使用功能强大、功能全面且易于使用的软件合成器With a software synthesizer that’s powerful, versatile, and easy to use. 快速制作出你需要的声音,它们既超厚实、又震撼人心与激动人心。积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣: 积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:...
  3. Arturia

    FX Collection 4

    Arturia - FX Collection 4 | 旗舰插件 - 旗舰合成器效果器合集FX Collection 4:A curated selection of 30 creative audio effects for modern music makers FX Collection 4:这是一套为现代音乐制作人精心挑选的 30 种创意音频效果Nail your mixes quicker than ever with next-level plugin flexibility and accessibility...
  4. Arturia

    V Collection 9

    V Collection 9 - V Collection 9 | 旗舰音色 - 大量旗舰音色插件合集Immerse yourself in the perfect music-making experience with essential tools and sounds to fit your flow. 使用适合你流程的基本工具和音色,让自己沉浸在舒适的音乐制作体验中。33 instruments, thousands of world-class presets, and a creative experience like no other. 3...
  5. Arturia

    Sound Explorers Collection

    Arturia - Sound Explorers Collection | 超级套装 - 四组合包扩展音色库大套装Sound Explorers Collection: Containing the broadest selection of Arturia instruments and effects, alongside thousands of premium presets Sound Explorers Collection:包含最广泛的 Arturia 乐器和效果选择,以及数千种高级预设Discover legendary keyboards, iconic...