Pulsar Audio的最近内容

  1. Pulsar Audio

    Analog Style Pulsar Echorec

    Pulsar Audio - Pulsar Echorec | 磁盘延迟回声效果插件Pulsar Echorec: The Pulsar Echorec is a software emulation of the iconic echo/delay unit of the same name produced by the Italian brand Binson in the 1960s. Pulsar Echorec:Pulsar Echorec 是一款软件模拟插件,模拟了上世纪 60 年代意大利品牌 Binson 生产的同名经典回声/延迟设备。The sound of...
  2. Pulsar Audio

    Analog Style Pulsar Mu

    Pulsar Audio - Pulsar Mu | 电子管压缩器插件Pulsar Mu: The sound of Pulsar Mu is impressively transparent with a touch of warmth. Pulsar Mu:Pulsar Mu 的声音令人印象深刻,具有出色的透明度和一丝温暖感。The most faithful emulation of a modern yet legendary tube compressor/limiter – perfect glue for mixing and mastering...
  3. Pulsar Audio

    Analog Style Pulsar Smasher

    Pulsar Audio - Pulsar Smasher | FET 压缩器插件Pulsar Smasher: Straightforward but extreme “British mode” compression, a faithful emulation of a uniquely modified 1176 Pulsar Smasher:直截了当但极端的“英式模式”压缩,对独特修改的 1176 进行忠实模拟Smasher can add thickness and grit to any drum or bass track, or completely...
  4. Pulsar Audio

    Analog Style Pulsar 1178

    Pulsar Audio - Pulsar 1178 | 立体声FET压缩器插件Pulsar 1178: A perfectly emulated and enhanced FET compressor. Pulsar 1178:一个完美模拟和增强的 FET 压缩器。Fast, characterful and versatile, it is the ultimate control for modern mixes 快速、富有特色和多功能,它是现代混音的终极控制工具。积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣: 积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励: