Analog Style Pulsar Smasher

FET 压缩器插件
Pulsar Smasher
Pulsar Audio - Pulsar Smasher | FET 压缩器插件

Pulsar Smasher: Straightforward but extreme “British mode” compression, a faithful emulation of a uniquely modified 1176
Pulsar Smasher:直截了当但极端的“英式模式”压缩,对独特修改的 1176 进行忠实模拟

Smasher can add thickness and grit to any drum or bass track, or completely crush a bus, producing an aggressive sound that’s impossible to achieve with other plugins.
Smasher 可以为任何鼓或低音音轨增添厚度和颗粒感,或完全压碎一个总线,产生其他插件无法实现的激进声音。

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Product Introduction 产品介绍​

All buttons in, all the time
Smasher is an unprecedented custom modification of the classic Urei 1176 compressor circuit,
a unique formula that we stumbled upon while fine-tuning other algorithms.
The original 1176 compressor hardware offered a selection of four ratios,
but studio engineers soon discovered that pressing them all at once led to a distorted, explosive and highly compressed sound.
It’s this “All buttons in” or “British” mode that Smasher was painstakingly designed to recreate.​

Smasher 是经过前所未有的定制改造的经典 Urei 1176 压缩器电路,
原始的 1176 压缩器硬件提供了四个压缩比选项,
正是为了再现这种"全开状态"或者"英式"模式,我们费尽心思地设计了 Smasher。
While remaining very close to the original circuitry,
the modifications we’ve built into Smasher will add definition to transients and make your tone more aggressive.
We love using it to enhance the ambience in drum busses, but there are many more creative uses too.
Smasher won’t work on every single track, but where it does, it works magic.
Smasher excels at raw and gritty sounds, calling to mind bands like Vulfpeck, The Whitefield Brothers and The Black Keys.​

但我们在 Smasher 中内置的改进措施将增强瞬态的定义,并使音色更加激进。
Smasher 并不适用于每个音轨,但在适用的地方,它可以创造出奇迹。
Smasher 在原始和粗糙的音色上表现出色,让人想起Vulfpeck、The Whitefield Brothers和The Black Keys等乐队。
Why it's unique
Based on an internal feedback configuration, FET compressor designs like the Urei 1176 are known for their super-quick attack times and a colorful tonal response that ranges from soft limiting to heavy saturation.
When running in all-buttons-in mode, several things happen to the 1176’s circuit, including changes to the bias voltages.
In Smasher, all these phenomena have been perfectly reproduced for the first time using our proprietary Topology Preservation Technology,
bringing the full sonic capability of this classic effect to your DAW.
With our unique tuning and its beautiful, uncomplicated interface, Smasher gives this mythical circuit a new personality.​

基于内部反馈配置,FET 压缩器设计(如 Urei 1176)以超快的攻击时间和多样化的音色响应而闻名,从柔和的限制到重度饱和。
当处于全开状态时,1176 的电路会发生几件事情,包括偏置电压的改变。
在 Smasher 中,我们首次使用自有的拓扑保护技术完美再现了所有这些现象,
将这种经典效果的完整声音能力带到你的DAW 中。
通过我们独特的调音和简洁美观的界面,Smasher 赋予了这个神秘的电路新的个性。
How does it sound ?
Smasher can add thickness and grit to any drum or bass track,
or completely crush a bus, producing an aggressive sound that’s impossible to achieve with other plugins.​

On a drum buss
Smasher embues drum mixes with the typical sound of the 1176’s all-buttons-in mode.
You get that signature delayed transient squashing and an explosive sound which instantly propels your drums to the front of the mix.​

On a snare drum
Add body and sustain to bring out a snare’s tone.
Try thickening your snare drum by reaching between -6 and -10dB of gain reduction,
then mix a few percent of the resulting huge snare drum sound back into your original dry sound.​

尝试通过达到 -6 到 -10dB 的增益减少来加厚小军鼓的音色,
On a bass
Since bass often requires a combination of compression and saturation, Smasher is the ideal tool to get it dirty,
letting you control precisely how much grit to add.
Use the Mix knob to add just a small amount of fuzzy saturation.​

由于低音通常需要压缩和饱和的组合,Smasher 是使其变脏的理想工具,
On lead vocals
Please don’t try this at home.​

Main Features
Topology Preservation Technology
Our proprietary modelling technology guarantees a perfect emulation of the original 1176’s behavior.
From the saturation of the magnetic flux in the inductors, to the precise response of the transistors and the tiny calibration effects,
everything is perfectly reproduced.​

我们的专有建模技术确保完美模拟原始 1176 的行为。
Low CPU consumption
We’ve spent ages optimizing Smasher to consume as few system resources as possible while keeping the same complex sonic results.
Smasher takes full advantage of modern CPUs to do more with less,
but also allows oversampling at rates up to 384kHz.​

低 CPU 消耗
我们花费了大量时间对 Smasher 进行优化,以尽可能少地消耗系统资源,同时保持复杂的音效效果。
Smasher 充分利用现代 CPU 的能力,以更少的资源完成更多工作,
并且还允许在最高达 384kHz 的采样率下进行超采样。
Parallel compression
Smasher’s Mix knob lets you blend in the original unprocessed signal.
This means that you can really squash the transients with extreme compression, then bring back just a hint of the processed signal to add sustain to a sound without compromising its dynamic qualities.​

Smasher 的混合旋钮允许你混合原始未处理的信号。
Linked sidechain
On a stereo bus, channels are usually compressed independently to get smoother control of dynamics…
but when you’re compressing audio more brutally, it’s essential to keep the stereo image stable.
That’s why Smasher uses a single detector to process a stereo track.​

这就是为什么 Smasher 使用单个检测器处理立体声音轨的原因。​


Pulsar Audio
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