Bosendorfer Imperial Full

Bosendorfer Imperial Full
VSL - Bosendorfer Imperial Full | 维也纳同步贝森朵夫钢琴音源

Warm, orchestral sound, rich in depth and tone color.

The Bösendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial represents the apex of the famed Austrian piano manufacturer’s precious heritage.
Bösendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial 是这家著名奥地利钢琴制造商珍贵的巅峰之作。

积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣:
积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:

概述信息 技术规格 附加信息

Product Introduction 产品介绍​

Grand Passion
Full 8 octaves in tonal range – 97 keys (with bass extension)
Warm, orchestral sound, rich in depth and tone color
Powerful bass
Six pre-configured Main Presets: Concert, Intimate, Player, Pop, Ambience, Mighty
Proprietary Vienna Synchron Pianos engine with adjustable sympathetic resonances, pedal noise, key noise and so much more
Per-note EQ, volume, dynamic range and tuning
Advanced Release Sample Technology
Recorded at Stage A of Synchron Stage Vienna​

8 个八度的音域 - 97 个键(带低音扩展)
六个预设主预置: 音乐会、亲密、演奏者、流行、氛围、强大
专有的 Synchro Piano Player,可调节共鸣、踏板噪音、琴键噪音等等
在 Vienna Synchro Stage A 录制
The Bösendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial represents the apex of the famed Austrian piano manufacturer’s precious heritage.
Its nine additional sub-bass notes extend the instrument’s key range downward to the low C –
for a total range of eight octaves.
The extra bass strings create additional harmonic resonance with every key you strike,
providing warmth, richness and depth across the entire instrument.
The massive soundboard projects an unusually broad frequency range,
evoking a sonorous, orchestral timbre.​

Bösendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial 代表着这家著名奥地利钢琴制造商珍贵传统的顶峰。
它的九个附加低音将音域向下延伸至低音 C,总音域达八个八度。
The Imperial’s magically unfolding tonal character,
especially apparent in the pianissimo to mezzoforte range,
was meticulously sampled in finely calibrated velocity steps
using our proprietary piano robot that we’ve further developed and perfected.
To guarantee a consistent sound over all keys, velocities and note lengths,
the total recording production time was scheduled as tightly as possible
to minimize even the smallest changes in the instrument’s sonic behavior.
A sufficient block of time was reserved at the Synchron Stage,
but after recording nearly 24 hours a day it still took several weeks
to capture the 290 Imperial in its entirety.​

Bösendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial 具有神奇的音调特性,
特别是在 Pianissimo 到 Mezzoforte 的范围,
在 Synchron Stage 预留了足够的时间,
但在每天录制近 24 小时后,仍需要数周时间,
才能录制完整的 290 Imperial。
What’s more, our proprietary Release Sample Technology was even further refined,
allowing the Synchron Player to automatically match hundreds of individual
and finely stepped release samples per key to your played notes in real-time.
The result is a hyper-realistic playing feel and 100% timbral authenticity.​

让 Synchron Player 能自动匹配,
这就带来了超逼真的演奏感觉和 100% 的音色真实性。
As with all the instruments of our Synchron Pianos series,
this Bösendorfer 290 Imperial enjoys permanent,
climate-controlled residency at Synchron Stage Vienna,
whose main hall is characterized by its particularly warm and natural ambience.
The 540 m2 Stage A has lent its acoustic signature to numerous international productions,
from classical chamber music to international, large-scale orchestral film scores.​

与我们 Synchron Piano 系列的所有乐器一样,
这架 Bösendorfer 290 Imperial 钢琴长期驻留在 Vienna Synchron Stage,
占地 540 平方米的 A 场地已为众多国际演出提供了独特的音响效果,
The Vienna Synchron Pianos software player offers multiple options
for shaping your sound and the playing experience.
Hosting a high-performance playback engine,
the software provides a musician-friendly user interface that allows for quick and easy timbral control.
Create your sound intuitively by filtering particular key ranges or even single keys,
adjust the body resonance of the instrument
or add just a touch of algorithmic reverb to refine the overall sound.​

Vienna Synchron Piano Player 提供多种选项,
11 Microphone Positions
With over 4,000 samples per key and almost 20,000 samples per microphone position,
the Bösendorfer Imperial boasts breathtaking authenticity.
In order to capture this marvelous instrument in one of the best acoustic environments on the planet,
our recording engineers used multiple high-end microphone arrays,
affording an abundance of options for creating your individual sound.​

11 个麦克风位置
每个音键采样超过 4000 次,每个麦克风位置采样近 20000 次,
Bösendorfer Imperial 拥有令人惊叹的真实性。
1. Room Mic (Mix)
2. Condenser - Close 1 (Sennheiser MKH 8040)
3. Ribbon - Close 2 (Royer SF-24)(Full)
4. Tube - Close 3 (Neumann M149)(Full)
5. Mid 1 (Sennheiser MKH 800)
6. Mid 2 (Sennheiser MKH 8040) (Full)
7. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
8. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
9. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R) (Full)
10. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(Full)
11. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(Full)​

1. Room Mic (Mix)
2. Condenser - Close 1 (Sennheiser MKH 8040)
3. Ribbon - Close 2 (Royer SF-24)(完整版)
4. Tube - Close 3 (Neumann M149)(完整版)
5. Mid 1 (Sennheiser MKH 800)
6. Mid 2 (Sennheiser MKH 8040) (完整版)
7. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
8. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
9. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
10. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
11. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
NKS Integration
The Synchron Bösendorfer Imperial supports Native Instruments’ NKS format
and is compatible with Komplete Kontrol keyboards and Maschine.
Use the Light Guide to quickly identify key switches and play ranges of your instruments,
browse and preview sounds, and quickly adapt them using pre-configured control knobs.
Download the NKS installers from MyVSL.​

NKS 集成
Synchron Bösendorfer Imperial 支持 Native Instruments 的 NKS 格式,
与 Komplete Kontrol 键盘和 Maschine 兼容。
使用 Light Guide 快速识别琴键开关和乐器的演奏范围,
从 MyVSL 下载 NKS 安装程序。​


Vienna Symphonic Library
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