Concert D-274 Full

Concert D-274 Full
VSL - Concert D-274 Full | 维也纳同步施坦威钢琴音源

The Steinway & Sons D-274 is the flagship model of world-renowned piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons.
施坦威 D-274 是世界著名钢琴制造商施坦威的旗舰钢琴。

Recorded in the natural ambience of one of the best recording halls in the world, Synchron Stage Vienna.
在世界上最好的录音大厅之一——维也纳 Synchron Stage 的自然环境中录制。

积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣:
积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:

概述信息 技术规格 附加信息

Product Introduction 产品介绍​

The Keys to Piano Perfection
Steinway & Sons D-274, Hamburg Model
Over 4,000 samples per key for maximum authenticity, liveliness, and feel.
Recorded in the natural ambience of one of the best recording halls in the world,
Synchron Stage Vienna
Hyper-realistic playing feel
Multiple microphone positions – for a multitude of timbral variations
Intuitive, customized Synchron Pianos software with high-performance playback engine
Six pre-configured presets: “Concert”, “Intimate”, “Player”, “Pop”, “Ambience”, “Mighty”
Soft (una corda), sostenuto, sustain pedals
Half-pedalling and re-pedalling
Sympathetic resonance
Body resonance
Dedicated release samples, depending on played release velocity
Detailed pedal sounds for soft and sustain pedals, depending on pedal speed​

Steinway D-274,汉堡型号
每个音键采样超过 4000 次,最大限度地还原真实、生动和触感
在世界上最好的录音大厅之一的自然环境 Vienna Synchron Stage 中录制
直观的定制 Synchron Pianos 软件,配备高性能重放引擎
轻音(one corda)、慢板、延音踏板
The Steinway & Sons D-274 is the flagship model of world-renowned piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons.
This beautifully hand-crafted instrument with its laminated wooden housing
and its poured iron frame has not changed much
since it was first developed at the end of the 19th century.
With a length of 274 cm (almost 9 ft.) and a weight of almost 500 kg (1,100 lb.),
the Steinway D-274 continues to play a significant role in the global music industry.
An estimated 90% of all concert grands on the world’s stages are Steinway D-274 models,
delighting its players and audiences alike.​

Steinway D-274 是世界著名钢琴制造商施坦威的旗舰型号。
自 19 世纪末问世以来,一直没有太大变化。
D-274 钢琴长 274 厘米(近 9 英尺),重近 500 千克(1100 磅),
D-274 仍然在全球音乐产业中发挥着重要作用。
据估计,全球舞台上 90% 的钢琴演奏会都使用 D-274 钢琴,
The reasons are obvious: Especially when competing with orchestras,
the D-274 impresses with its tremendous assertive sonic volume and power –
which is not surprising considering its soundboard of almost two square meters (21.5 sq.ft.)!​

D-274 以其巨大的音量和力量给人留下了深刻的印象——
考虑到其音板面积将近两平方米(21.5 平方英尺),这也就不足为奇了!
Leading artists of all eras have appreciated playing a Steinway D,
from Sergei Rachmaninoff, Vladimir Horowitz, Arthur Rubinstein, and Glenn Gould,
to today’s top-notch pianists, such as Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Emanuel Ax,
Hélène Grimaud, and Lang Lang, just to name a few.​

各个时代的著名艺术家都非常喜欢演奏 Steinway D. 钢琴,
到今天的顶级钢琴家,如 Pierre-Laurent Aimard、Emanuel Ax,
Hélène Grimaud 和郎朗等等。
Assertive, Ambient Sound
Our very own Steinway & Sons D-274 is a “Hamburg Model”
and was hand picked from eight Steinway D models by Stefan Mendl,
founding member and pianist of the Vienna Piano Trio.
In a city rich with glorious instruments,
it is ranked among the best sounding grand pianos in Vienna,
and has been endorsed by all artists who have had the opportunity to play it.
The instrument enjoys permanent, climate-controlled residency at Synchron Stage Vienna,
which is characterized by its particularly warm, intense, and natural ambience.
The hall has lent its acoustic signature to numerous international productions,
from classical chamber music to international, large-scale orchestral film scores.​

Vienna 的 D-274 是汉堡型号,
是维也纳钢琴三重奏的创始成员和钢琴家 Stefan Mendl,
从八款 Steinway D 型钢琴中精心挑选出来的。
这架钢琴长期驻留在 Synchron Stage Vienna,
Sample Precision
To capture the Steinway D with all its subtleties,
our engineers developed a highly precise motion-control system based on a solenoid
that controls a noise-free “robot finger”.
The micro-controller moves the finger with super-human precision,
providing flexible curvatures for down-strokes and release movements.
The MIDI controlled system delivers more than 100 velocities and various release samples,
depending on the preceding note length and various release speeds.​

为了捕捉 Steinway D 的所有微妙之处,
MIDI 控制系统可提供 100 多种力度和各种释放采样,
Piano Robot
This innovation represents the pinnacle of our long-term sampling robotics development.
An earlier version of the robot finger was used for sampling
the Celeste found in our Synchron Percussion I Collection.​

这项创新代表了 Vienna 长期采样机器人技术发展的顶峰。
旨在录制 Synchron Percussion I 系列中的 Celeste 钢琴。
11 Microphone Positions
With over 4,000 samples per key and almost 20,000 samples per microphone position,
the Synchron Concert D boasts breathtaking authenticity.
In order to capture this marvelous instrument in one of the best acoustic environments on the planet,
our recording engineers used multiple high-end microphone arrays,
affording an abundance of options for creating your individual sound.​

11 个麦克风位置
每个按键采样超过 4000 次,每个麦克风位置采样近 20000 次,
Synchron Concert D 拥有令人惊叹的真实性。
1. Room Mic (Mix)
2. Condenser - Close 1 (Schoeps MK4)
3. Ribbon - Close 2 (Royer SF-24)(Full)
4. Tube - Close 3 (Neumann M149)(Full)
5. Mid 1 (Sennheiser MKH 800)
6. Mid 2 (Sennheiser MKH 8040)(Full)
7. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
8. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
9. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R) (Full)
10. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(Full)
11. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(Full)​

1. Room Mic (Mix)
2. Condenser - Close 1 (Schoeps MK4)
3. Ribbon - Close 2 (Royer SF-24)(完整版)
4. Tube - Close 3 (Neumann M149)(完整版)
5. Mid 1 (Sennheiser MKH 800)
6. Mid 2 (Sennheiser MKH 8040)(完整版)
7. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
8. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
9. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
10. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
11. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)(完整版)
Customize Your Personal Sound
In addition to the multitude of options from mixing various microphone signals,
the Synchron Concert D comes with our free Vienna Synchron Pianos Software
that offers multiple options for shaping your sound and the playing experience.
Hosting a high-performance playback engine,
the software provides a musician-friendly user interface
that allows for quick and easy timbral control.
Create your sound intuitively by filtering particular key ranges or even single keys,
adjust the body resonance of the instrument
or add just a pinch of algorithmic reverb to refine the overall sound.​

Synchron Concert D 还附带免费的维也纳同步钢琴软件,
提供了音乐家友好的用户界面 ,
NKS Integration
The Synchron Concert D-274 supports Native Instruments’ NKS format and
is compatible with Komplete Kontrol keyboards and Maschine.
Use the Light Guide to quickly identify key switches and play ranges of your instruments,
browse and preview sounds, and quickly adapt them using pre-configured control knobs.
Download the NKS installers from MyVSL.​

集成 NKS
Synchron Concert D-274 支持 Native Instruments 的 NKS 格式,
与 Komplete Kontrol 键盘和 Maschine 兼容。
使用 Light Guide 快速识别按键开关和乐器的播放范围,
从 MyVSL 下载 NKS 安装程序。​


Vienna Symphonic Library
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