
  1. Leapwing Audio

    Joe Chiccarelli

    Leapwing Audio - Joe Chiccarelli | 大师音色 - 大师签名款一键式预置处理器Joe Chiccarelli: Capturing the signature sound of multi-award-winning engineer and producer Joe Chiccarelli. Joe Chiccarelli:提供屡获殊荣的工程师和制作人 Joe Chiccarelli 的标志性声音。Joe Chiccarelli 11 unique profiles,each individually tuned with their...
  2. Leapwing Audio


    Leapwing Audio - UltraVox | 人声插件 - 人声专用强化处理插件UltraVox: An intuitive and great-sounding vocal processor for recording, production, and mixing UltraVox:用于录音、制作和混音的直观又音质出色的人声处理器UltraVox comes with 4 unique algorithms, each optimized to work for any type of vocal UltraVox 它配备了 4...
  3. Leapwing Audio

    Al Schmitt

    Leapwing Audio - Al Schmitt | 大师音色 - 大师签名款一键式预置处理器Al Schmitt: Capturing the signature sound of multi-award-winning engineer and producer Joe Chiccarelli. Al Schmitt:提供屡获殊荣的工程师和制作人Al Schmitt 的标志性声音。A signature sound that inspires creativity 激发创造力的标志性声音积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣: 积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励: | 授予...
  4. Leapwing Audio


    Leapwing Audio - CenterOne | 中心调整 - 母带M/S控制处理器CenterOne: Capturing the signature sound of multi-award-winning engineer and producer Joe Chiccarelli. CenterOne:在不改变全景或光谱特征的情况下调整幻像中心信号Fine tune the perfect stereo balance without affecting the integrity of your sound 微调完美的立体声平衡,而不影响声音的完整性...
  5. Leapwing Audio


    Leapwing Audio - RootOne | 母带处理 - 母带低频增强处理音频混音效果器插件RootOne: Add artefact free, phase-aligned bass subharmonics thanks to intelligent analysis RootOne:通过智能分析添加无伪影、相位对齐的低音次谐波A unique multi-band subharmonics generator and shaper that gives punch to your low-end 独特的多频段次谐波发生器和整形器,为您的低端提供冲击力...
  6. Leapwing Audio


    Leapwing Audio - StageOne | 声场拓宽 - 母带宽度深度加强处理器StageOne: Enhance the soundstage of your stereo mix, and even bring mono recordings to life StageOne:增强立体声混音的声场,甚至使单声道录音栩栩如生StageOne gives you unparalleled control over aspects of your stereo field StageOne 提供对立体声场各方面的无与伦比的控制积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣:...
  7. Leapwing Audio

    Multi Band DynOne 3

    Leapwing Audio - DynOne 3 | 多频处理 - 母带多段动态处理器DynOne 3: The ultimate smart parallel multi-band dynamics processor DynOne 3:终极智能并行多频段动态处理器DynOne 3 Comprehensive options, clear metering, and intuitive controls will get you where you want to be DynOne 3 全面的选项、清晰的测量显示和直观的控制将使你做到你想要的效果积分抵扣规则 -...