✓ 信息推广,包括报道行业最前沿的技术信息和产品资讯。
✓ 教育资源,为从业人员和爱好者提供正确的教程和资料。
✓ 交流平台,汇集行业内的从业人士以多种方式进行互动。
✓ 软件销售,以降低正版软件价格来鼓励人人都使用正版。
在 2002-2004 年,随着国际上的 DAW 软件开始逐渐丰富,VST 协议的大量应用,越来越多的信息传入国内,使得这些行业工具变得越来越趋向于一种新的技术和学科。飞来音在吃尽「工具和技术约束人的想法实现」的苦头后,经常很乐意将这些电脑音乐应用和数字音频技术的信息广泛的与网友进行分享和讨论,这也让他逐渐在当年结交了很多业内人士。
2005 年,飞来音来到北京,参与了国际MIDI检定考试,以满分第一的成绩拿下国际 MIDI 检定证书,该证书由中国音乐家协会数字化音乐教育学会颁发,这是他从业以来拿到的第一份资历证书。同年,他向当时的《MIDI 音乐制作》杂志投稿技术文章,并在该杂志上发表教程多篇。
2006 年,在 MIDIFAN 的网站论坛,飞来音以会员 ID「飞来音」为名,在论坛上踊跃的分享技术信息和热心的帮助网友解答技术问题而被 MIDIFAN 站长授予「论坛总版主」职务,从此管理 MIDIFAN 论坛一直到论坛关闭。
2007-2012 年之间,以MIDIFAN总版主「飞来音」之名,在 MIDIFAN 论坛发布教程数百篇,为网友解答问题将近 5 万贴次,受到网友的一致好评,曾被网友授为「无问不答」称号。同时,飞来音也受邀参与多个网站论坛的版主职务,其中包括吉他中国等大型知名网站论坛。
在此期间,飞来音创作了大量的经典教程,除开论坛中的技术分享帖以外,在《MIDIFAN 月刊》和《乐器 Musical》等一些国家正式期刊上发布的高品质教程和技术文章多达上百篇,其中甚至还有专门的连载专栏主题,为行业的技术推广做出了卓越贡献。
在此期间,飞来音还出版了数本专业著作,被音乐艺术院校作为指定教材使用,其中包括《软件合成器技术实战手册——音色制作与模块编程》(清华大学出版社)、《电脑音乐工作站 Cubase / Nuendo 软件速成教程》(清华大学出版社)等书籍,以及以枪手名义为一些业内知名人士撰写了一些书籍章节均已出版。
2009 年,飞来音由于长期普及和推动了 Cubase / Nuendo 的应用技术,「YAMAHA 中国」以编外技术专家名义聘请飞来音为 Steinberg 软件为技术推广支持人员,这是飞来音第一次与行业制造商合作。
2010年,由于客户的需求,飞来音创建淘宝网店,并开始销售正版 Cubase 5 软件,这是飞来音首次销售专业音频软件。不久后,Pro Tools 9 也在飞来音淘宝电脑开始销售。由于术业有专攻,飞来音能够为用户解决「一些普通商家」无法为客户解决的专业问题,而受到业内人士的欢迎,产品线于未来几年逐渐扩充。
2011-2020 年,飞来音正式成为团队,并正式使用「飞来音电脑音乐技术」为团队名,继续从音乐制作信息推广、教育和技术解决方案以及合法产品销售等多种方式为业内人士提供便利。
这期间,飞来音电脑音乐技术与国际上多个品牌和制造商合作,在北京乐展、上海乐展、北京广电展上参与产品展出与技术信息推广而逐渐被国际制造商认识。2019 年,飞来音团队受邀合作伙伴以参展商名义参与 NAMM SHOW 展会,这意味着飞来音电脑音乐技术与全球行业参与者进行更加深入合作。
「 对音乐和技术不可磨灭的热情,正是我坚持到现在并将为飞来音数字音频信息平台全力以赴的终极信念。」
—— 飞来音
About Us
Situated in Beijing, Flying-DAW (formerly "Flying Computer Music Technology",
shortened as "Team Flying") is well-known for its potential influence on the area of professional
audio and music production industry in Mainland China since entering the area in 2000. Our fame is built up with
years of constant supply & promotion of the latest technical information to the industry in this market.
Our platform (FLYING-DAW.com) features:
✓ Information Promotion: Reporting the latest
technological news and product information in this industry.
✓ Educational Resources: Supplying
correct tutorials and referential materials to workers and amateurs in this industry.
Communication Platform: Let those professionals in this industry converge together to interact with each other in
numerous ways.
✓ Software Reselling: Providing prices affordable by customers in this market to
encourage people to use genuine software in lieu of piracy.
Those information and contents promoted by us will be beneficial to all computer musicians and audio
works in this industry here. This is our potential goal since 20 years ago.
"Flying", the team founder, created a band during his high school years (as the team leader and a
guitarist). They disbanded after their members' graduation. In 2000, as a single man, Flying found his necessities
to start dealing with computer music production to fulfill his passion for music. He has to face the difficulties
that there are limited internet information resources available in Mainland China, and there are really less of them
are localized in Simplified Chinese. During those years, he was suffering from dealing with how to learn notation
softwares and digital audio workstation softwares (together with the language barrier), devoting large amount of
time on dealing with technical obstacles and realizing his own musical ideas.
During 2002-2004: There were more and more choices of digital audio workstation softwares with the
application of Steinberg VST technology. More and more information of them were spread to Mainland China, and these
industrial tools are becoming important enough to be regarded as a technological learning subject. After having
suffered enough with "letting the realization of one's own idea be limited by tools and technologies", Flying
started actively sharing ideas and information of computer music applications and digital audio technologies with
others through online communities. This helped him building up his first social network in this industry.
In 2005, Flying went to Beijing and passed the International MIDI Qualification Exam (held by the Society
of Digitalized Music Education, a department of CMA -- the Chinese Musicians' Association) with full marks. This is
the first certificate he retrieved. In the same year, Flying started writing articles to "MIDI Music Production"
journal together with his multiple tutorials.
Talking about Flying's contributions during 2007-2012, promoting technologies to the whole industry in
this market:
- In 2006, Flying was promoted as the chief moderator of MIDIFan Community after his years of efforts in helping
local newbies solve their own technical problems. Since then, Flying was doing this voluntary work until MIDIFan
Community gets shut down. During these years, as the chief moderator of MIDIFan Community, Flying posted
hundreds of tutorials, helping answering nearly 50 thousands of other members' technical questions, and being
regarded as "the Answering Master". Meanwhile, Flying was invited to other similar online communities as honored
moderator, including the biggest guitar forum "Guitar China".
- Despite those tutorials posted to MIDIFan Community, Flying also provided hundreds of tutorials to magazines
like "MIDIFan Magazine" and other national journals like "Instrument Musical", including those posted as
instalments to special columns.
- During these years, Flying published several books using his passport name "Xiong Ying", and some of them are
specified as student textbooks among several conservatories (incl. ISBN#9787302178866 and ISBN#9787302220619).
Flying also contributed certain contents for other people's publications of this criteria.
In 2009: Considering Flying's yearly efforts of promoting Cubase & Nuendo technologies, YAMAHA China
Flying as non-staff technical expert to provide technical support for their products. This is Flying's first time
cooperating with a vendor in this industry.
In 2010: As Flying's response to his customers' requests, Flying started his reselling business on Taobao
(similar to eBay), reselling genuine Cubase 5. This is Flying's first time selling professional audio softwares.
Later, he started reselling AVID Pro Tools 9. Flying has better knowledges of what he is reselling, comparing to his
business competitors. This brings him advantages in providing better technical support to his customers. The entire
product line of his reselling business grew up in later years.
Flying founded the team "Flying Computer Music Technologies" (shortened as "Team Flying") in 2011,
continuing promoting information of music production technologies (including educational information, technical
solutions, and legal distributions) to benefit the people in the industry. Since then, Team Flying cooperated with
multiple brands and vendors in the same industry across the entire world. They attended Pro-Audio expositions multiple
times in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai (and even NAMN SHOW in 2019), making deeper cooperations with global
software vendors in this industry.
As always, Team Flying, with their management idea of doing pro-audio education and product
redistribution together, is making years of constant efforts in both reselling businesses and educational markets.
In this recent decade, Flying was invited as a special guest lecturer by Central Conservatory, Wuhan Conservatory of
Music, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Guangxi Arts Institute, Beijing Union University, Tangshan Normal University,
Hunan University of Technology, etc. to give technological lectures in the criteria of computer music production.
Flying was even occupied by Beijing Contemporary Music Academy in 2016, teaching music production technologies (at
the Faculty of Music Technologies).
The well-known fame of both Team Flying and Flying himself was built onto yearly accumulated efforts of
promoting computer music technologies online and offline, academically and professionally.
A New Starting Point
Now, the FLYING-DAW with Flying will completely illustrate their 20
years of idea of development, knowledge-seeking, and idea-sharing. This platform helps Chinese people in this
industry to communicate with each other in their own language, lifting the language barrier of English. In this
community, people are welcomed to share music talks, ideas and professional knowledges to each other; people can buy
genuine music software products with prices affordable by themselves; people can even directly interact with our
cooperated international software vendors.
"It is my imperishable passion to the music and technologies that supported me from the past to the
present, and it will finally become my ultimate conviction to do my all efforts to the Flying-DAW."
—— Flying