Vienna Symphonic Library的最近内容

  1. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Double Bass Full

  2. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Double Bass Standard

  3. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Cello Full

  4. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Cello Standard

  5. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Viola Full

  6. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Viola Standard

  7. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Violin Full

  8. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Synchron Solo Violin Standard

  9. Vienna Symphonic Library

    German Upright 1904 Full

    VSL - German Upright 1904 Full | 维也纳同步德国立式钢琴C. Bechstein upright piano built in 1904 1904 年制造 C. Bechstein 立式钢琴The upright’s very smooth action allows the finest gradations from pianissimo to fortissimo. 这架立式钢琴的声音非常流畅,能做到从很弱到很强的细微渐变。积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣: 积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:
  10. Vienna Symphonic Library

    German Upright 1904 Standard

    VSL - German Upright 1904 Standard | 维也纳同步贝森朵夫立式钢琴C. Bechstein upright piano built in 1904 1904 年制造 C. Bechstein 立式钢琴The upright’s very smooth action allows the finest gradations from pianissimo to fortissimo. 这架立式钢琴的声音非常流畅,能做到从很弱到很强的细微渐变。积分抵扣规则 - 最大抵扣: 积分奖励规则 - 兑换奖励:
  11. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Bosendorfer Upright Full

    VSL - Bosendorfer Upright Standard | 维也纳同步贝森朵夫立式钢琴Wide dynamic range, rich tone with a powerful bass 动态范围广,音色丰富,低音强劲有力The legendary pure and rich Bösendorfer sound is based on the Viennese tradition of piano making with its complex construction. Bosendorfer...
  12. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Bosendorfer Upright Standard

    VSL - Bosendorfer Upright Standard | 维也纳同步贝森朵夫立式钢琴Wide dynamic range, rich tone with a powerful bass 动态范围广,音色丰富,低音强劲有力The legendary pure and rich Bösendorfer sound is based on the Viennese tradition of piano making with its complex construction. Bosendorfer...
  13. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Bluthner 1895 Full

    VSL - Bluthner 1895 Full | 维也纳同步三角钢琴Glorious example of Blüthner’s legendary “golden tone” Blüthner 传奇 "黄金音色" 的杰出代表This exceptional grand piano was built in 1895 by the famous Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik of Leipzig. 这架卓越的三角钢琴由著名的 Leipzig Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik 于 1895 年制造。...
  14. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Bluthner 1895 Standard

    VSL - Bluthner 1895 Standard | 维也纳同步三角钢琴Glorious example of Blüthner’s legendary “golden tone” Blüthner 传奇 "黄金音色" 的杰出代表This exceptional grand piano was built in 1895 by the famous Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik of Leipzig. 这架卓越的三角钢琴由著名的 Leipzig Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik 于 1895 年制造。...
  15. Vienna Symphonic Library

    Fazioli F212 Full

    VSL - Fazioli F212 Full | 维也纳同步经典中型钢琴Huge sound, beautifully rounded tones 声音宏大,音色圆润优美Prepare to be mesmerized by the marvelous sound of the Synchron Fazioli F212, meticulously sampled at our Synchron Stage Vienna. 准备好被 Synchron Fazioli F212 的美妙声音迷住吧,它是在 Synchron Stage Vienna 精心采样的。积分抵扣规则...