
  1. Soundtheory


    Soundtheory - Kraftur | 声音理论 - "宽佛塔"Kraftur has been carefully engineered to enrich your mix, allowing you to increase power while preserving the original integrity of its dynamics. Kraftur 经过精心设计,可丰富你的混音,让你在增加响度的同时保留其动态的原始完整性。Kraftur can also add clarity, punch or pleasant warmth to almost...
  2. Soundtheory


    Soundtheory - Gullfoss | 声音理论 - "古佛寺"Gullfoss is an intelligent equalizer that listens to a signal and decides how to prepare the audio so that your brain can get the most information out of it. Gullfoss 是一个智能均衡器,它会听取信号并决定如何改善音频,以让您的大脑从中获取更多的信息。Gullfoss allows for quick and precise fixes...